"Tone Matching" Preview

So, I have friend who can't quite get his head around the technology and buying/using an AxeFXII, though he does admit it sounds awesome. He does however own a few really nice tube amps and there is a never ending rotation of boutique overdrive pedals. So from now on, our conversations will go like this.

Friend - "Hey, I just bought a new {super duper handwired overdrive of the month} and it sounds killer with my {really nice tube amp currently in favor}"
Me - "Oh wow, that is so cool. Mind if swing by later with my Axe2 and grab a copy of them?"
Friend - "Huh?... yeah... sure..."
Me impersonating C. Montgomery Burns - "Excellent"

So, the countless hours I spent matching tones by ear with the Ultra can now be done in a minute (with an isolated track) with the II.

Honestly, eq matching will be more useful for me than amp matching. This is a major new feature. Much easier than using an external program to create a custom IR. I was still on the fence about upgrading after seeing how much work is involved recreating all of my Ultra presets, but this is a serious push that I think has made me lose my balance.

Yeah, since you already know the parts and have the presets programmed in your Ultra, you can just connect the boxes and clone tone in no time flat. You will probably benefit from this even more than the rest of us. It's (another) good day to be Axe-Fx owner.
bobby_g said:
damn! I just spend $200 on Ozone just for the match feature last month! I'm so stoked at having made the decision to take the plunge and, 1- buy an Ultra, 2- upgrade to the II. The geek in me speaks: gotta love creative software ideas when you have capable hardware.

Ozone's a great program for all kinds of things.

I go away for one day and the Axe world flips again. Amazing. Thanks Cliff (and to Cliff's parents and whatever teachers or mentors inspired the dedication to continual improvement at this level and pace). I've never seen it in anything I've owned.
The only drawback to the profiling/tone matching thing is not knowing HOW the tones were actually constructed. I mean it may end up being a moot point, but I'm learning quite a lot about stuff I only kind of knew making tones with the AxeFx II/Ultra. This can kind of send up spiraling down the stupid path of "sampling" tones.
Okay, thank you.

To extrapolate from this...
We *should* be able to mic a cab, send a signal through an amplifier (as set by the user), and a "new amp/cab combo" would be produced? Or is this (simply) *manipulating* the settings of an existing amp model to (attempt to) match the sonic characteristics of said amp/cab? End result for the process ("Amp Matching"?) being a new Block? Or a "saved block set" utilizing the Amp and Cab Blocks?

I am very curious, as my primary source of failure thus far has been in replicating the "cab" portion of my rig. I have been investigating other options (as full fledged replacement scenarios, or appending gear I have), but this now provides pause. I have no interest in EQ matching type solutions, but if something can "match" my cab... and my favorite amp... I would be quite overjoyed :D
Bump to not get lost in the roses please.
Then you'd tone match Youtube and whatnot :geek That sounded nothing like the original.

a) I am sure we will all be surprised how weird isolated tracks sound out of the mix
b) dont be party pooooooper
c) who said anything about profiling youtube, someone got these somewhere.
d) go home and get yer shinebox :)
The other device is the Axe-Fx II after having the amp block "tone matched" to the other device using the new "Tone Matching" technology.
Interesting, the second seems a bit brighter. but extremely similar.

Very cool!

Funny, I was gonna post that the second sounded a tad more muffled. I am listening through crappy earbuds on my laptop and I know your ears are light years better than mine. . ..so nevermind!
There is a very small tonal difference but WOW... that sounded freakin' great! I really can't wait to pull up the preset labeled Metallic Black, then pop on over to Sepultura Roots, then pop on over to just about any other great recorded guitar tone! The future looks great for us Axe-fxers... Thank a billion Cliff and the reset of the FAS group!
Sounds handy - the axe fx II just gets more mind blowing all the time and is a reminder of why we pay £2k for these units when your best mate is happy with his rooted in time line 6 pod hd.

I have an Ultra and a II. I also have a HD500 and HD Pro. While you are correct that the HD will likely never do profiling or match eq, there is a new update that will let me store alt tunings for my guitar on a patch by patch basis as well as use my tone knob as expression pedals. I am not sure which one I will use more, but I don't see that as being "rooted in time". Posts like yours in a thread that has nothing to do with POD, is what makes some people crazy about "typical" Axe fanboys. . . . .
^ He's just proving that Cliff said he used the Axe2 to do the tone match. Someone had said Cliff might be releasing a new Axe to do these new features.

Move along, nothing to see here...........
not how I necessarily envisioned this unfolding as it pertains to bass guitar tones, but the new amp match/tone match features will go a long way to broadening the scope for bass guitar. Any inherent limitations when applying amp matching for bass amps?

can't wait to hear this in action. one word: WOW!
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