Red Dog Music (UK)


Just ordered an XL from these guys (who are selling it for £2700 ish), got them to price match to G66 £2080. The reason I mention this is that Red Dog offer finance options etc for those of you that would like an Axe FX and might not be able to afford the up front whack!
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Just ordered an XL from these guys (who are selling it for £2700 ish), got them to price match to G66 £2080. The reason I mention this is that Red Dog offer finance options etc for those of you that would like an Axe FX and might not be able to afford the up front whack!

I know that you don't want to hear this, but if you have to finance gear, you can't afford it.
G66 is European. At least two years warranty IIRC. I wonder where red dog is getting theirs. There is not supposed to be anyone else than G66 offering new AxeFx's. AFAIK.

G66 is awesome. I'm sure I have a post somewhere in that previously mentioned thread.
Just saw that fractal offer a one year warranty, so do red dog, so nothing lost here to my knowledge?

I think g66 offer 3 year warranty though?

I guess I'd just like to make sure nothing dodgy is going on here with my order... It's £2000 of my cash, I can't just find that again if it goes to shit after a year.

Anyone know what the failure rates are for non touring axes?
Anyone know what the average cost for repair is?

Cheers guys, just pretty concerned now...

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Yep, I checked. Three years with first year European pickup and return on their dime.

I had a thing with my Ultra after over two years, all I had to pay was shipping one way.
Don't look at Fractal themselves, they don't sell in Europe. G66 is sole distributor in EU for all I know. Maybe they cut a deal with red dog, but it can't imagine why G66 would do that. Possibly they're legit. I'm sure G66 keeps tabs on this, and I'm sure fractal won't undercut G66...
So I'm not sure what to do now, I think I'll contact the new company and request a 3 year warranty or I'll cancel my order as g66 is offering far more. What's the failure rate of axe fx's?
Definitely go with G66 if possible - their customer service is excellent. I don't know what the overall failure rate is for the Axe, but I wouldn't want to discover I had no back up if mine did fail (my original Axe FX did twice - problem with the controller and a screen failure - both repaired under warranty by G66 with no quibbles or problems at all - back from Germany in under a week).
As I mentioned, I don't know about red dog. They may be legit. Probably, because this is not a product that stays under the radar.

I'm pretty sure G66 does not do warranty for US bought axes. i even seem to remember reading of a case where G66 would not repair one either. Also read that they did, but I wouldn't risk it. Not saying this would happen with red dog, but I would want to make sure how warranty works with them.
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I can afford it outright, it's just these guys have ordered one in from Europe specifically for me so I feel like a dick cancelling on them with them being a local shop etc. wouldn't surprise me if they bought it from g66 and marked it up in price...
I would contact G66 and ask them if buying from Red Dog is legit, wich I doubt. Jacques is an awesome and honest guy, I wouldn't take the risk to buy from someone who's not officially a Fractal Dealer. G66 has books full of credit from happy customers. I have never read something negative about them.
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