Red Dog Music (UK)

Alright, problem is I imagine they'll get it in tomorrow and red dog have really high reviews from independent review sites etc.. My main concern is just if it dies after a year I'm kinda fucked.

My gut is telling me to cancel and go the g66 route. Means waiting another week for refund etc though before I can afford the axe again. Patience...

I just can't understand how these guys are getting hold of them if they aren't an official distributor?

Is it possible that they are literally just buying them and pricing them up to sell on? That would tie in as to why they couldn't beat g66 price.

So all I'm really faced with is "what are the benefits of being an official fractal distributor?" G66 offer three year warranty. If I can get a three year warranty from RDM is there actually a real world difference other than the back catalogs of praise etc?

Obviously that praise is justified, but if the axe is covered either way for 3 years, does it make a difference? If it's an EU Axe, I could still send it to G66 for repair etc right?

They have two retail stores and reviews here:
it's your money…
no one can make you do anything with it..
you don't owe anyone anything..
do what feels right to you
it's your money…
no one can make you do anything with it..
you don't owe anyone anything..
do what feels right to you

Well all I want to know is if G66 will repair it should anything go wrong with it.. If they will then I'm happy to stay with Red Dog Music and have faith that the Axe will last longer than 3 years in my bedroom. It's a cool environment here.
My logic is this... RDM stated that they have ordered the Axe FX from Europe... The ONLY place in Europe you can get an Axe FX from is G66 right? And the fact they wouldn't drop lower than G66's price is a STRONG indicator that they bought it from G66... This then leads me to believe that G66's warranty follows the unit not the owner and would therefore be covered for the 3 years... If I'm right, I'm basically buying it indirectly from G66.
This is just my opinion so take or leave it as you wish.

Another way to look at this... Why WOULDN'T you cancel the order with RDM, and buy from G66 who you absolutely KNOW will honor the three year warranty they offer since you are the original purchaser? It's obviously the better route unless you have some special reason to buy from RDM.
Yeah that's true, it's literally just the feeling like a dick aspect, after getting them to skip one in etc then the day it arrives saying, sorry I wish to cancel my order.
Right case closed, I've decided to cancel my order with RDM and go the G66 route, thank you for updating me on this information guys, you're the best! Really special shout out for letting me know about the warranty and the folks at G66. I'll let you know if there are any issues with the cancellation etc, Cheers!!!
Right case closed, I've decided to cancel my order with RDM and go the G66 route, thank you for updating me on this information guys, you're the best! Really special shout out for letting me know about the warranty and the folks at G66. I'll let you know if there are any issues with the cancellation etc, Cheers!!!

You will be in good hands. Enjoy the chocolate ;)
You will be in good hands. Enjoy the chocolate ;)

This has been such a ballache for me man. I'm not sure I can pay G66 by card? If that's the case I'll have to wait until my deposit comes back (risking the Axe FX going out of stock) and I'm recording an album right now, it's just been so stressful and frustrating. I'm certain the Axe will be worth it, and I'm sure the service from G66 will be incredible, it's just even more frustrating when you know that your own negligence has caused the mess your in. If only I'd have known that stuff about the warranty etc. All I had to do was think to ask.

Anyway, thanks guys, crossing my fingers here that it all works out.

This has been such a ballache for me man. I'm not sure I can pay G66 by card? If that's the case I'll have to wait until my deposit comes back (risking the Axe FX going out of stock) and I'm recording an album right now, it's just been so stressful and frustrating. I'm certain the Axe will be worth it, and I'm sure the service from G66 will be incredible, it's just even more frustrating when you know that your own negligence has caused the mess your in. If only I'd have known that stuff about the warranty etc. All I had to do was think to ask.

Anyway, thanks guys, crossing my fingers here that it all works out.


I'm pretty sure you can use a card...

Scent from my ismell
That's great! That's means I could cover it while I wait for the deposit to come back. They just don't state that you can use a card on the site. PayPal or bank transfer are the only ones on there, but they don't state that they so NOT accept cards. So I hold faith :D
This has been such a ballache for me man. I'm not sure I can pay G66 by card? If that's the case I'll have to wait until my deposit comes back (risking the Axe FX going out of stock) and I'm recording an album right now, it's just been so stressful and frustrating. I'm certain the Axe will be worth it, and I'm sure the service from G66 will be incredible, it's just even more frustrating when you know that your own negligence has caused the mess your in. If only I'd have known that stuff about the warranty etc. All I had to do was think to ask.

Anyway, thanks guys, crossing my fingers here that it all works out.


G66 will take your card details over the phone, no problem. And your VAT goes in the EU pot either way. So it ain't going to be cheaper anywhere else.
Fantastic! Other than the fee for calling Germany hahaha :D this is great news, just waiting for the other company to open in an hour. Feel awkward, but it's my right to cancel and I'm pissed off that they didn't mention that Fractal wouldn't condone / honour the warranty.

Plus I run the risk that g66 may not fix it, and I lose 2 years warranty... The list is pretty long of downsides. Was just hard to tear away from the feeling of bing an asshole to Red Dog.
morning everyone,

I'm Mike the manager of Red Dog Music's London stores. Let me reassure everyone that we don't import Fractal from outside of Europe, we buy direct from G66. Nobody here in
the UK tends to keep stock of this wicked unit, so we took the decision to try and hold stock of both Fractal and the "other" well known brand ;). I've managed most of the famous guitar stores in the UK for the past 10 years and with Red Dog, we try and have stuff that's interesting, I have the only dealership for Diezel in the south for example. Innovative gear is our passion, so having Fractal is a no brainer in my book!

G66 is the European distributor for Fractal, normally in the MI industry, a distributor sells to stores, who then sell the gear to end users, G66 also sell direct to end users (which is totally cool btw), we therefore offer the same warranty as G66 as it comes from them, our thing was, why not offer the chance to play it, before buying?

Our web pricing is off at the moment as we're revamping the site, so most of our units are at the distributors suggested selling price, hence you can buy it cheaper from G66, once it goes live again it'll be the same, we have to do a complicated euro to pound conversion to make sure it's matched correctly!

Joe, give us a shout today once you have made your mind up, it's cool either way buddy!

I hope this clears everything up guys, please if you have any questions just ask! Our mission statement is to be the friendly music company, a very different approach from the standard UK music retailer.


morning everyone,

I'm Mike the manager of Red Dog Music's London stores. Let me reassure everyone that we don't import Fractal from outside of Europe, we buy direct from G66. Nobody here in
the UK tends to keep stock of this wicked unit, so we took the decision to try and hold stock of both Fractal and the "other" well known brand ;). I've managed most of the famous guitar stores in the UK for the past 10 years and with Red Dog, we try and have stuff that's interesting, I have the only dealership for Diezel in the south for example. Innovative gear is our passion, so having Fractal is a no brainer in my book!

G66 is the European distributor for Fractal, normally in the MI industry, a distributor sells to stores, who then sell the gear to end users, G66 also sell direct to end users (which is totally cool btw), we therefore offer the same warranty as G66 as it comes from them, our thing was, why not offer the chance to play it, before buying?

Our web pricing is off at the moment as we're revamping the site, so most of our units are at the distributors suggested selling price, hence you can buy it cheaper from G66, once it goes live again it'll be the same, we have to do a complicated euro to pound conversion to make sure it's matched correctly!

Joe, give us a shout today once you have made your mind up, it's cool either way buddy!

I hope this clears everything up guys, please if you have any questions just ask! Our mission statement is to be the friendly music company, a very different approach from the standard UK music retailer.



Thanks for cleaning this up for me Mike.
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