Red Dog Music (UK)

So red dog are basically offering the same three year warranty? I'm interested to know whether they have any axe fx 2's in stock at the moment as g66 don't have any in until the end of September.

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So red dog are basically offering the same three year warranty? I'm interested to know whether they have any axe fx 2's in stock at the moment as g66 don't have any in until the end of September.

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They don't, but they have the XL in stock. Which is £150 more I think.
After this web update if they can match g66's XL price and the same three year warranty then I'm interested...

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After this web update if they can match g66's XL price and the same three year warranty then I'm interested...

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They do match it, I spoke with Mike. It's exactly the same as buying it from g66. Same price, same warranty etc.
Something smells a little fishy to me. I wonder if Cliff or Sussi can chime in on this. How are RDM even turning a profit if they're selling the unit at the same price as G66? G66 only offer concessions to established artists who will advertise the unit and thus increase sales. RDM are a retailer and are out to make money, nothing more. I wouldn't touch this with a barge pole.
Well g66 warranty follows the unit not the owner from what I've read. And warranty was my concern. I'm definitely interested in how they make a profit from it, but surely g66 just sell them cheaper to them... ?
Hi guys,

We simply love the unit, we make nothing on them really, we supply to a lot of broadcast and Post houses in London, and the are always asking for them and Kemper. I has said before we buy from G66, I'm sure they'll be along to confirm we're legit and above board.
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Just want to jump in and assure you all that Red Dog Music are completely legit, I live about a 20 minute walk away from their Edinburgh store. I study music at Napier Uni and last year my entire class was given free discount cards for use in their store - which is great by the way!

Have to say I am very happy that they have decided to buy from g66 as I just went on their website and saw that the shipping date has again been pushed back to late September! Plus this means I can walk into town and try it out first before buying, delighted! :D
I have no doubt they are a legit store. I'm just not so certain that G66 would honour a warranty claim for a purchase not made through them. Either way, given G66 operate as sole EU retailer rather than distributor and the price is the same, I feel safer with Sussi.

Mine arrived today. It's at home waiting for me. No doubt with a box of chocolates. Shame I'm 450 miles away.
G66 are a distributor first and foremost. They just sell the products too, which is pretty unorthodox, but works great.
I realise that. It's just that they don't officially distribute to any shops. Hence they act more like sole retailer than distributor. Unlike someone like Head music or whatever they were called that distribute PRS guitars to every UK dealer.
I realise that. It's just that they don't officially distribute to any shops. Hence they act more like sole retailer than distributor. Unlike someone like Head music or whatever they were called that distribute PRS guitars to every UK dealer.

I understand what you're saying, but I've seen it written that g66 will honour any unit that is bought from them, they check the serial number and if it's from them they will honour the warranty. Just search the forum for 2nd hand axe fx g66 etc
G66 told me that they don't service or support units they haven't sold in Europe, so I'd imagine on that basis that purchases from Red Dog are fine. They just can't provide support for units that have been illegally imported into Europe.
Currently, as far as Fractal is concerned, G66 is a an importer and directly sells to European end-users. To me it seems like they are an internet retail business. Up til now I never heard of any other EU source for AxeFx's on the net. I know Fractal has 'deals' with Tone Merchants and Tour Support, but hadn't heard of G66 doing this.
I can imagine the advantage of having 'showrooms' in select locations.

Why Red Dog would stock these without margin while it directly competes with stuff they do make a margin on, defies logic. But apparently it works for them. If they are, as they say, simply a relay station for G66, and G66 honors the warranty, I guess all is well...
Then, more than likely a PARTIAL number of the people on this forum should not be living in their house, if you go around with that mentality...that might include yourself ;-)

I know that you don't want to hear this, but if you have to finance gear, you can't afford it.
Then, more than likely a PARTIAL number of the people on this forum should not be living in their house, if you go around with that mentality...that might include yourself ;-)
I venture to say that there is a substantial difference between a, usually pretty solid value, house and a, usually fleeting value, appliance.

By that analogy I presume hardly anyone would 'own' their own house. That's not something you save up for until you have enough, because that would take most people most of their lives. Anything other than a house, however, anyone should save up and buy it when they can afford it. Loads of people get into trouble because they get into debt for stuff that is worthless after walking out the shop door. That includes cars. Can't imagine why anyone buys them new. Any car you buy is essentially worth a fraction of new price in ten years time especially in Europe. Do the math.
I venture to say that there is a substantial difference between a, usually pretty solid value, house and a, usually fleeting value, appliance.

By that analogy I presume hardly anyone would 'own' their own house. That's not something you save up for until you have enough, because that would take most people most of their lives. Anything other than a house, however, anyone should save up and buy it when they can afford it. Loads of people get into trouble because they get into debt for stuff that is worthless after walking out the shop door. That includes cars. Can't imagine why anyone buys them new. Any car you buy is essentially worth a fraction of new price in ten years time especially in Europe. Do the math.

I paid CASH for my house, I also paid CASH for my Fractal equipment. How? I saved and didn't buy garbage such as cigarettes, booze, junk food, etc. You are very wrong about people getting into 'trouble' over 'worthless' things...I think more people are in debt because of their house and vehicle than anything else...just look at the housing crisis that is STILL going on. Even though you buy a house, you still have to pay taxes, maintenance, etc. Even beyond that is the fact that everything costs way more nowadays...maybe you in the netherlands don't have to worry about that (which I doubt, being that my family is FROM the netherlands and I talk to them quite a bit). Sometimes, getting something on credit (such as the Fractal equipment) is just the thing that someone needs to build who are you guys to state these so called facts, and judge others? Other times, you're right, someone cannot afford it OUTRIGHT, but they ARE fiscally responsible, and are able to make all payments, and don't mind paying a few extra bucks on each their own. As usual, we are SO quick to judge others on this forum!

Btw, I think it REALLY sucks that you cannot get the warranty covered if you don't buy from a 'verified reseller'. That's one plus with Mesa...they have a FIVE year warranty, and it is TRANSFERABLE...for the same price as the AXE FX...
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