Red Dog Music (UK)

morning everyone,

I'm Mike the manager of Red Dog Music's London stores. Let me reassure everyone that we don't import Fractal from outside of Europe, we buy direct from G66. Nobody here in
the UK tends to keep stock of this wicked unit, so we took the decision to try and hold stock of both Fractal and the "other" well known brand ;). I've managed most of the famous guitar stores in the UK for the past 10 years and with Red Dog, we try and have stuff that's interesting, I have the only dealership for Diezel in the south for example. Innovative gear is our passion, so having Fractal is a no brainer in my book!

G66 is the European distributor for Fractal, normally in the MI industry, a distributor sells to stores, who then sell the gear to end users, G66 also sell direct to end users (which is totally cool btw), we therefore offer the same warranty as G66 as it comes from them, our thing was, why not offer the chance to play it, before buying?

Our web pricing is off at the moment as we're revamping the site, so most of our units are at the distributors suggested selling price, hence you can buy it cheaper from G66, once it goes live again it'll be the same, we have to do a complicated euro to pound conversion to make sure it's matched correctly!

Joe, give us a shout today once you have made your mind up, it's cool either way buddy!

I hope this clears everything up guys, please if you have any questions just ask! Our mission statement is to be the friendly music company, a very different approach from the standard UK music retailer.



Hi Mike,

I live up in Edinburgh where you also have a store. Don't want to offend you but it's a shame that the Edinburgh store doesn't match the quality of the London store. The Edinburgh store seems to sell the low end stuff these days.

I bought an Axefx ii and MFC 101 this year. If you had sold it in Edinburgh I would have bought from you guys but had to buy elsewhere.

Just a friendly poke to say stop hoarding all the good stuff down South ;)

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I think it is worth stating officially that Fractal had nothing to do with Red Dog. If they're like other gray market sellers, they would have travelled to the US, bought an Axe-Fx, carried it home as used to avoid VAT, duties, etc. in order to sell it at below local dealer cost.

Not sure if you're in their favor, that they are legit, or against them?
Right. I just called G66 directly FROM THE UK hahahaha and asked them directly what was happening etc. Sussi (has the best voice I've ever heard) said that Red Dog DO get their stock directly from them and that they (G66) are handling all the support and warranty as if it was their own unit (because it is). There you have it. No foul play here. Sorted.
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