MFC 101 update ?

Very sweet. this will certainly be replacing my Liquid foot. The LF is a great controller but I really need the confidence that I can get it fixed or replaced quickly.
It will also give me some more room on my pedal board. That will allow me to put a couple of switches on board to make up for the reduction in IA switches.
stilwel said:
Thierry said:
A little more info can be found on the Australian distributor's website :

Two pictures are posted, one of two MFC-101 sitting close, and one of the connectors on the back of the MFC.

Hmmm.....those are MY pictures that I took at the LA Amp show last October.


The MFC looks pretty badass Cliff.

Here's the original of the MFC rear shot.


You see the one from this year its slightly different its got this frame around the display and i think that it looks even cooler!

I don't know if you have watched the videos recently, but I watched them this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that the reveal button toggles the Preset switches to IA' with 1 push of a button it is easy to surpass the number of IA switches on the LFP.
gittarzann said:

I don't know if you have watched the videos recently, but I watched them this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that the reveal button toggles the Preset switches to IA' with 1 push of a button it is easy to surpass the number of IA switches on the LFP.

That is a great feature
javajunkie said:
Very sweet. this will certainly be replacing my Liquid foot. The LF is a great controller but I really need the confidence that I can get it fixed or replaced quickly.
It will also give me some more room on my pedal board. That will allow me to put a couple of switches on board to make up for the reduction in IA switches.
+1 Sold my LF a few weeks ago. I am sweating blood to get the new MFC!!
GuitarDojo said:
javajunkie said:
Very sweet. this will certainly be replacing my Liquid foot. The LF is a great controller but I really need the confidence that I can get it fixed or replaced quickly.
It will also give me some more room on my pedal board. That will allow me to put a couple of switches on board to make up for the reduction in IA switches.
+1 Sold my LF a few weeks ago. I am sweating blood to get the new MFC!!

Me too !
burner said:
Nice, really want one.. probably need to save some xtra, round 800-850 Euro G66 says..

Wow... that's really quite a steep price difference for the Europeans. 850 euros = $1100 versus the $750 - $100 = $650. I understand having to pay import taxes and such but a $450 difference seems a lot to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still get one, and it's still cheaper than a new Rocktron All Access over here but man, this stuff is expensive.... :(
Arjan said:
burner said:
Nice, really want one.. probably need to save some xtra, round 800-850 Euro G66 says..

Wow... that's really quite a steep price difference for the Europeans. 850 euros = $1100 versus the $750 - $100 = $650. I understand having to pay import taxes and such but a $450 difference seems a lot to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still get one, and it's still cheaper than a new Rocktron All Access over here but man, this stuff is expensive.... :(
On the flip side I think Europeans get a better deal on the Little Giant ;)
I think most of us are really excited for this controller and can't wait to see what it can do. Since I had a LF Jr. at one point, I became really dependent on many of the advanced features (step-thru, IA linking, auto-load, etc.) and when I had to use a Ground Control Pro, it was really a step back. I hope/expect Fractal was able to incorporate some advanced features into this device.

However, I can already see an issue for some players (not me): the narrow button spacing. The footprint of the MFC is about 160 sq in with 21 buttons, therefore having 1 button for every 7.6 sq in. In contrast, the GCP has 15 buttons spread over 12.4 sq in, which is 1 button for every 12.4 sq in - nearly half as dense. The LF Pro is in between with 1 button for every 9.9 sq in, but the LFJr is the champ for footprint efficiency, coming in at 1 button for every 6.6 sq in. Granted the GCP does not have the most efficient use of its footprint, and I fully welcome all of the extra buttons in only 160 sq in., and the LF devices place their outer button very close to the edge of the housing, but bet your bottom dollar, there will be complaints from the big-footed players.

I have used the LFJr. without problems, and can't wait to try out the MFC. Thanks Cliff!

BTW, does anyone know the button spacing of the MFC? The narrowest I have seen is on the LFJr.: 2.6in.
You know what they say about men with big feet...

"No MFC for you"!!!

For this reason, every MFC comes with a scalpel.
Button spacing is 2.75". The controller was designed to fit into a 19" rack drawer, hence the dimensions and spacings. The stepped design allows the switches to be closer together than the typical slanted designs.
FractalAudio said:
Button spacing is 2.75". The controller was designed to fit into a 19" rack drawer, hence the dimensions and spacings. The stepped design allows the switches to be closer together than the typical slanted designs.
That's great to hear Cliff - more space than the LF Jr. The stepped design will also be very helpful. Once again, thank you for your hard work.

Can you tell us if the Preset buttons will have a "step-thru" feature? How about IA grouping? Just curious.
Arjan said:
burner said:
Nice, really want one.. probably need to save some xtra, round 800-850 Euro G66 says..

Wow... that's really quite a steep price difference for the Europeans. 850 euros = $1100 versus the $750 - $100 = $650. I understand having to pay import taxes and such but a $450 difference seems a lot to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still get one, and it's still cheaper than a new Rocktron All Access over here but man, this stuff is expensive.... :(

Well let's say we are used to it..
Now Fractal is a "small" company so private import wont happen until it's up on like Ebay..
Thankful that G66 is inside the EC, otherwise I would have had to pay another 25% VAT in Sweden on Import.. suck on that! :mrgreen:

But the math is easy(hypothetical), G66 buys them from Fractal for let's say 600$.
G66 has to pay Duty fairs(in Sweden that's 5%), depending on the VAT's(could be different between country's) another 25%(Sweden) lays on the customer.
And.. G66 has to make money so they probably ad some to the price to.

When I import guitars and bought a "few" from US(BoogieStreet Guitars)...
I have to add 29% to the Ebay price(shipping incl) to get my final price..
I have small feet... I'm excited to fit so many buttons in such a small space...

Going off the measurements, one should be able to just barely fit a MFC-101 with 2 expression pedals on a pedaltrain 2....
Although with many pedal and switch options..... Maybe should just upgrade to a PT-pro; that way there's room for the future expansion too :mrgreen:
FractalAudio said:
Button spacing is 2.75". The controller was designed to fit into a 19" rack drawer, hence the dimensions and spacings. The stepped design allows the switches to be closer together than the typical slanted designs.

Same as MidiMate spacing, which is no prob with my size 13 4E clodhoppers.
Does any one know if there will be editing soft ware for the Mfc-101.
That will allow you to assign specific funtions to the switches.
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