MFC 101 update ?

Probably this way:


I believe you need 2 extra items for your new MFC: an AC adaptor plugged into the small input on the back of your Axe and a 7-pin midi cable. It'd be cool if these items came shipped with the MFC, or at least were made available to purchase at the FAS online store. I can scrounge a wallwart but I don't have any 7-pin cables, just lots of 5-pinners.
Ok wait a second, about the "Reveal" button, does that turn all the switches on the board to IA switches? So if I'm using the MFC101 in the "10 preset buttons and 8 IA buttons" mode, will pressing the Reveal button turn the whole board into "18 IA switches" mode?
kruzty said:
I'm curious as to what kind we'll need? I've seen direct 7 to 7 cables and I've see those with a power plug on one end.

Either should work. Either way you have to connect the FC's power supply to something. With 7 to 7 it's the Axe-FX; with 5 to 7 it's the extra cable at the 5-pin (Axe-FX) Y end.
GreatGreen said:
Ok wait a second, about the "Reveal" button, does that turn all the switches on the board to IA switches? So if I'm using the MFC101 in the "10 preset buttons and 8 IA buttons" mode, will pressing the Reveal button turn the whole board into "18 IA switches" mode?

I am not sure about that.

I commented a couple pages regarding the "REVEAL" button, but I was just going off the info from the old videos Cliff had floating around.

The MFC101 was in 5 preset mode, so that is the only one I am aware of.
i read some where that the rocktron 7 pin midi cable would work with the mfc-101
The cable also has a pig tail on it for the power supply
Any one remember the Digitech 2101 ?
The foot controller showed the patch names and a tuner . The controller used 1 7 pin cable or may be a 9 pin
wnlively said:
Any one remember the Digitech 2101 ?
The foot controller showed the patch names and a tuner . The controller used 1 7 pin cable or may be a 9 pin

It used a 5 pin (I just replaced one for a friend and I used to own one). I didn't use the MIDI protocol but a proprietary one.
It might be way too early to ask, but the expansion jack on the back of the MFC 101 has me thinking about, well, the expandibility of the foot controller. Has Fractal Audio given any information at all about what a possible expansion module might look like or is it pretty much just a future-proofing thing at the moment?

The reason I ask is that pretty much the one single argument for the Liquid Foot over the MFC101, for me, at the moment is that Liquid Foot = more buttons. I'm a big fan of more buttons. After all, more buttons = more options, and more options is probably a big reason a lot of people bought the Axe-Fx in the first place. They like options. :) An expansion for the MFC 101 would probably negate that argument and throw any considerations a lot of people might have for the Liquid Foot over the MFC101 out the window.
GreatGreen said:
It might be way too early to ask, but the expansion jack on the back of the MFC 101 has me thinking about, well, the expandibility of the foot controller. Has Fractal Audio given any information at all about what a possible expansion module might look like or is it pretty much just a future-proofing thing at the moment?

+1 !!!
So far all I can use on a foot controller is an on/off switch, but I know that a time will come where I'll need more of anything I have ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
solo-act said:
I currently have instant random access to any bank in the little giant. Does the MFC do that, or do is it a step-through-banks type of layout?

I think Cliff said a word or few on that topic but I cannot remember what was it in the end.
Instant access is great tho, Rocktron Midimate has it as well.
kruzty said:
I'm curious as to what kind we'll need? I've seen direct 7 to 7 cables and I've see those with a power plug on one end.

Those with 7 pin and 5 pin plus power plug at the other end are for units without regular phantom
but you still get the same results, less cables on stage as power adapter is at the back with rack gear, amp etc.
javajunkie said:
wnlively said:
Any one remember the Digitech 2101 ?
The foot controller showed the patch names and a tuner . The controller used 1 7 pin cable or may be a 9 pin

It used a 5 pin (I just replaced one for a friend and I used to own one). I didn't use the MIDI protocol but a proprietary one.

A friend of mine has it and he's always talking about how good and simple
Digitech is midi wise, tuner on display, preset names etc,
pure guy obviously hasn't realized it ain't midi. :D
wnlively said:
Any one remember the Digitech 2101 ?
The foot controller showed the patch names and a tuner . The controller used 1 7 pin cable or may be a 9 pin
Remember? I have one in the closet. Want to buy it?
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