MFC 101 update ?

gittarzann said:
I am a firm believer in delivering more than you promise...
I'm right with ya there!! Unfortunately when developing a new product from scratch it's not always possible to be that accurate with predicted dates. I have used this phrase with the VP at our company, "Poor planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on my part that requires 80 hour weeks!" He's finally learned that when he's at trade shows not to open his mouth to change socks. LOL!!

I'm pretty sure that since the MFC-101 is being beta testing right now by real users, the product will be available pretty darn soon. Damn hard to be patient sometimes, but it is what it is.
kfliegner said:
The irony is that if Fractal had simply presented the MFC-101 as a fait d'accompli one day on its website, fully developed and for sale, (some) people would have complained that they weren't notified of its imminent arrival, and had they known, they wouldn't have bought something else.

And this behavior is likely to continue, as long as complaining is free. :lol:
kfliegner said:
Scott Peterson said:
wnlively said:
No doubt that Fractal doesnt like my Post. ( yes that inludes you guys as well)

Hey!!!!!!! its the 3rd week in August. So where are is the Mfc 101 ? Yes I know its being Beta Tested.
Have we hit a snag ?

Yes it would be nice to have a weekly update.

Do you think it would be possible to post the manual online or are we beta testing it as well?

Your post highlights why companies should never disclose anything to the masses; it creates attitudes like yours.

No slam on you, but your post is totally indicative of how customers/prospective customers hold companies feet to the fire whenever any date is floated. I see it with the Android Froyo 2.2 update for my phone and I see it here.

Just an observation.

The irony is that if Fractal had simply presented the MFC-101 as a fait d'accompli one day on its website, fully developed and for sale, (some) people would have complained that they weren't notified of its imminent arrival, and had they known, they wouldn't have bought something else.

+1 to the 45th power
wnlively said:
No doubt that Fractal doesnt like my Post. ( yes that inludes you guys as well)

Hey!!!!!!! its the 3rd week in August. So where are is the Mfc 101 ? Yes I know its being Beta Tested.
Have we hit a snag ?

Yes it would be nice to have a weekly update.

Do you think it would be possible to post the manual online or are we beta testing it as well?

This is a serious question and please don't take offense but are you purposely trying to be......

let's see how shall I say this politely.....

a pompous a**hole???

I hope Fractal refuses to sell you one.
"Hey!!!!!!! its the 3rd week in August."

Like someone else posted...August 11th is the third week????!!!

Obviously math ranks right up there with "civility" and "class" for this guy.
Sorry its not the 3rd week in august. I was looking at the meetings I have to attend next week.

I feel that most of us have been spoiled by the larger companies like Roland, Lexicon, TC Elect....

It has been pro gramed into us not to have to wait for any thing.

It will be here when its here.
But I would like to see the manual
That darn "instant gratification" thing keeps creeping in to our lives in so many ways, ROFL!!! I remember my parents and grandparents saying "Long suffering develops character" now that phrase will probably be lost for generations to come.
wezx said:
wnlively said:
No doubt that Fractal doesnt like my Post. ( yes that inludes you guys as well)

Hey!!!!!!! its the 3rd week in August. So where are is the Mfc 101 ? Yes I know its being Beta Tested.
Have we hit a snag ?

Yes it would be nice to have a weekly update.

Do you think it would be possible to post the manual online or are we beta testing it as well?

This is a serious question and please don't take offense but are you purposely trying to be......

let's see how shall I say this politely.....

a pompous a**hole???

I hope Fractal refuses to sell you one.

Funny, I was thinking the same thing...
wnlively, before I stop looking at this thread ever again...

Try reading this manual first:
You even asked for this thread to be closed a couple of times, but continue to arm people with more stones than the Roman's must be a real glutton for punnishment!?!?!

As to "us" being spoilt by larger companies...what the #### are you talking about? Most of the larger companies actually treat there customers like utter dog's mess at worst, bare minimum at best. My Roland VG-99 has a number of bugs and shortcomings that probably will never be fixed. My old Vetta was left with a firmware version with annoying and never to be fixed bugs in it...the list goes on. Fractal is the only company I can think of that provides amazing and quite frequent updates for FREE. Christ, some bugs have been found,fixed and deployed in a few hours by Cliff.

You only think you don't have to wait, BECAUSE companies choose not to tell you anything at all until some big music messe launch...mainly due to they type of attitude displayed by people such as yourself. It is not like you cannot use the AxeFX witout the MFC is it?

I personally was glad to know the MFC-101 was going to come one day, but it would seem that some people just cannot handle the information that they are blessed with. :roll:


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"I feel that most of us have been spoiled by the larger companies like Roland, Lexicon, TC Elect...."

As someone that has a large number of corporate gear endorsements I also wonder what on earth you're talking about???!!! I obviously won't call any specific company out here, but let me just tell you, some of these "larger companies" you speak of are WAY less responsive (even with an endorsement relationship) than Fractal. Cliff, Tom, and the other moderators are CONSTANTLY posting on this forum and from the posts I've read (and that's a lot) people's tech support requests are handling quickly and fairly. Just because they're not posting about the topic YOU want doesn't mean a hill of beans in regard to their overall business model or level of customer service commitment.

I'll mention 2 examples of "larger companies" that I don't have relationships with:

I have called Presonus tech support a number of times for pre-purchase information on 2 different products. On all but one occasion I was given such flat our WRONG info that when I received the products I had to send them back because they didn't function the way they had claimed. And we're not talking about minor issues...I'm referring to a fundamental lack of knowledge ABOUT THEIR OWN PRODUCTS!

The other is Apple...have you ever called Apple tech support on 2 different days and gotten COMPLETELY CONTRADICTORY information in the 2 calls? I have...numerous times. That's all I have to say about that.
wnlively said:
I feel that most of us have been spoiled by the larger companies like Roland, Lexicon, TC Elect....

Well, I've been a lot of things by those larger companies, but spoiled ? No...
Sorry for my poor english, I cant find the exact word they did to me, but it did hurt more than once !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
This thread has taken so many different twists and turns to end up where it is today and 68 pages long!!! I think it's time we let this one go, lock it up, and let everyone just sit back, relax, make some music, and wait until the MFC-101 is released. After it is released, we can start a new thread about all the wonderful things the MFC-101 can do and how it was well worth the wait!

See ya all in another thread, I'm outta this one.
This thread has taken so many different twists and turns to end up where it is today and 68 pages long!!! I think it's time we let this one go, lock it up, and let everyone just sit back, relax, make some music, and wait until the MFC-101 is released. After it is released, we can start a new thread about all the wonderful things the MFC-101 can do and how it was well worth the wait!

See ya all in another thread, I'm outta this one.
I´ll meet you there ;)
Did i say a thing about tech support ?
Or do you just want to flame me because you think thats the right thing for you to do
I bought my Axe-Fx in June, 2008. Supposedly, I was put on the list for one then. Axe-Fx is a great product and has the finest support for any product I have ever seen or been associated with. But, I have to give them a thumbs down the way they have handled this. :?

Wow this stupid thread keeps on going and the insults keep on going (guess i'm not helping writing this)

Seriously would it not be better this thread just being deleted and everyone start on a level playing field will be ready when its ready and nothing we say, feel, vent will change that..there is no point
saying..i love fractal audio..cliff..yada yada..then comes the but...!! If we have a problem email fractal..if
you get a response, good for you, but if not..stuck it up!!

Continuing with threads like this wont make anything happen any quicker, all you do is undermine fractal and
the hard work that has been done building a genuine respect for them..there are enough haters out there who
want to see this fail..

Take Care Guys!
Just for the record ..I LOVE FRACTAL AUDIO.

I am going crazy waiting for the MFC, but I will survive !

Best $2000.00 + I have spent (guitar oriented)
Regardless of what Fractal may have done right or wrong in this instance, if I were in Cliff's shoes, I would be cured of ever again announcing a product before it was ready to ship. If we're lucky, he has a thicker skin than that.
I think a lot of us are so passionate and eager about the MFC just because we really want it! But, I think we also have to remember that the reason we can't get our hands on the MFC yet is because Cliff wants to make sure that we get a fully functional, working, product up to Fractal's standards. I for one am thankful that he is not just releasing it now bugs and all because there is a market. Like we said, the longer we wait, the more chance of someone going to another brand of foot controller. I'm glad Cliff is spending the time to release a superior product even though there's a risk of some folks jumping ship to get something else out of desperation or further thought. The wait is killing me....but I'll wait knowing that when I get the email, I know the MFC will be ready to go (and will surely not disappoint! ). :mrgreen:
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