MFC 101 update ?

Cliff, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the update, I look forward to purchasing another excellent product from FAS and appreciate your dedication to quality, stability, and professionalism.
wnlively said:
Does any one know if there will be editing soft ware for the Mfc-101.
That will allow you to assign specific funtions to the switches.

There might be a software for MFC but even without it you should be able
to program it anyway you want, just like with pretty much any other controller.
Muris_Varajic said:
wnlively said:
Does any one know if there will be editing soft ware for the Mfc-101.
That will allow you to assign specific funtions to the switches.

There might be a software for MFC but even without it you should be able
to program it anyway you want, just like with pretty much any other controller.

I made a comment some time ago re: Axe-Edit should include functionality to program the MFC too, in future. The response was something like "the MFC doesn't require programming", which was referring to the 'Axe-Fx mode' where everything is automatic. I CAN'T WAIT to see that in action but still wondering what the programming alternatives are in case that doesn't work for me.
While we had this absurd VAT in Europe, we could not ever compete against Americans or Japanese in terms of market prices. A product made outside Europe becomes so expensive when you import it. But if you are in Europe, and plan to sell your products outside, you get expensive too because you had to pay the VAT of your raw materials..... So, at the end, living in Europe = expensive, trying to export your products worldwide = you are out of market because you are pretty expensive too ! When will our Central European Bank realize that ?

Anyway, looked at the pic, of course it can control your AxeFx ( +1 to custom Fractal shoes) and all the stuff, but men, it's me or it's the most beautiful pedalboard on Earth ????
PEEWEE said:
Its a pity that you have to use your feed to control it and the audience is throwing beer over it.

But to solve that last problem Fractal is working on a solution. Looks promising:
OT: based on your setup, I think I know you ;)
javajunkie said:
Very sweet. this will certainly be replacing my Liquid foot. The LF is a great controller but I really need the confidence that I can get it fixed or replaced quickly.
It will also give me some more room on my pedal board. That will allow me to put a couple of switches on board to make up for the reduction in IA switches.

Same here Sean. Waiting for that coupon. Found the confirmation letter dated 4/16/09.
GuitarDojo said:
FractalAudio said:
No more arguing please. Let's keep it civil and on-topic. The MFC-101 is now up at the online store along with a small picture.

Here's a bigger one:


BEAUTIFUL!!! I am in love!
Cant wait!

So, I see Incr and Decr over on the right side. Please tell me this is for the Increase/Decrease function in the AXE. That would be great as I wouldn't have to use IAs for them (as I do now on the LF).
I currently have instant random access to any bank in the little giant. Does the MFC do that, or do is it a step-through-banks type of layout?
Arjan said:
burner said:
Nice, really want one.. probably need to save some xtra, round 800-850 Euro G66 says..

Wow... that's really quite a steep price difference for the Europeans. 850 euros = $1100 versus the $750 - $100 = $650. I understand having to pay import taxes and such but a $450 difference seems a lot to me. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still get one, and it's still cheaper than a new Rocktron All Access over here but man, this stuff is expensive.... :(

Dot know where you got that from. Just EMailed Sussi for an update. She said they have no idea how the 800-850 euros made it onto the board - there not expecting it to be that high. There expecting an exact price in the next day or 2, and will receive their first shipment soon. People on the list will be EMailed when that happens. she didnt say how many units there getting, how big the list is , or whether EVERYONE on the list will get the EMail (or just when your name reaches the top).
Hey Cliff.... 'ole buddy...'ole pal.... 'ole Master of algorithmic computation... is there any chance we can get a pic of the tuner display on the MFC ? not to make us decide if we want one ( that part is taken care of.. ) but to satisfy the gear lust factor...

Thanks in advance !!
I think the tuner was shown in one of the videos where Tom(I think) was showing the features of the MFC.ts pretty much the same as the dispay on axefx when in tuner mode.
Im presuming this will phantom power on a 7 pin midi cable? Also that it will only need one cable?

Not sure how but im thinking how does it get tuner/patch info with just a Midi send. 2 cables would be a bit of a pain (though not unsurmountable). Can you get 2 way comms and power down a 7 pin cable?
MIDI only uses 3 out of the standard 5 pins, so it is possible (although not standardized) to use the remaining two pins for the other direction. I believe some other MIDI pedals support this. So, yes, bidirectional MIDI plus power is possible with 7 pin midi.
I believe I saw it mentioned before that you only need one. Also, the store info page makes it sound like it (

When used with a 7-pin MIDI cable, the MFC-101 will communicate and receive power from the Axe-Fx making setup lightning fast.

I'm curious as to what kind we'll need? I've seen direct 7 to 7 cables and I've see those with a power plug on one end.
kruzty said:
I believe I saw it mentioned before that you only need one. Also, the store info page makes it sound like it (

When used with a 7-pin MIDI cable, the MFC-101 will communicate and receive power from the Axe-Fx making setup lightning fast.

I'm curious as to what kind we'll need? I've seen direct 7 to 7 cables and I've see those with a power plug on one end.

I would imagine std 7 to 7 as the AXE has the power in on its back panel
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