MFC 101 update ?

so just a quick question. If you are on the waiting list you should wait for the email with the code and then attempt to purchase?
JohnBee said:
so just a quick question. If you are on the waiting list you should wait for the email with the code and then attempt to purchase?

That is how it worked back when I bought my Axe-FX in 2007.
A little more info can be found on the Australian distributor's website :

Two pictures are posted, one of two MFC-101 sitting close, and one of the connectors on the back of the MFC.
That picture is not clear (quite small) but from what I can see, connectors are, from left to right :
- Power
- Midi out
- midi in
- expansion (looks like a special type connector)
- 4 expression pedals
- 2 switches.

The description text is :
* 21 rugged stomp-style switches configurable as 10 preset and 8 IA or 5 preset and 13 IA. The other three switches are bank up, down and shift.
* Huge 20 character transflective LCD can even be read in direct sunlight.
* Six external inputs. Inputs can be configured as expression pedals or footswitches.
* 7-pin MIDI Out compatible with Axe-Fx phantom powering.
* Remote tuner capability.
* Axe-Fx mode reads preset name directly from Axe-Fx. No need to program preset name.
* Expected to mid to late August 2010 - price to be announced..

Oh, and best of all, the online price : $0.00 :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course, I did try to order, but it appears as "sold out". And it probably is...., the european distributor, has not yet put the info on their website (and they did put an update yesterday about Atomic products)

Now I cant wait !!!!
(but I'll wait, I know !!!!) :twisted:
FractalAudio said:
No more arguing please. Let's keep it civil and on-topic. The MFC-101 is now up at the online store along with a small picture.

Here's a bigger one:


BEAUTIFUL!!! I am in love!
Cant wait!
Wow, wonder how many of these will be sold in the next couple of months?
I look forward to the "select few" to post their experiences.
Hopefully all runs smooth.
Looks awesome.
:D :D :D :D :D

I had to check for my confirmation email, . . . wuhoo - I'm among the first 20 as per the completely unofficial list from the forum. I'm certainly not one of "the select few", nor should I be, but I am really looking forward to my new MFC-101 to show up (at any price) within a few months. I've been on the list since June of 08. I can't really believe it's been that long but I do remember that nothing had even been developed when the waiting list started up. I didn't have to wait for my Ultra, so I guess it's only appropriate that I had to wait a little while for my MFC. . . at any rate, I'm looking forward to changing my avatar location.

cheers, I did get on the list. I'm not sure if I should go ahead and order (online) or wait for the notification (from FAS). Do I assume that FAS will honor those on the wait list before new orders?
prevent people from "cutting in line"
So... did I get it right.. lame ass swede here :mrgreen:

If I wait and the first storm of MFC buyers has settle down.
I should be able to buy one for 649$(if I lived in US) or?
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