Software FracPad III - iOS/Android/Mac/Win Editor for the Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+, AX8/FX8, Axe-Fx III and FM3/FM9

Third party software for Fractal Audio products.
Yep, it's the mini 1 here that is the problem. I have only tried it in Bluetooth connection so it is possible that a wired connection works on the mini 1.

Looks like some great new features. Scene names and defualt value ticks are awesome! The scene names might make it worth trying to figure out a clever way to mount an iPhone on the pedal board next to the mfc.
Hi all,

It seems some of you felt there was a need for a mobile AxeEdit-like...


The good news :
- It's here !
- It's Android/iOS compatible (iOS 6+ / Android 4.4+)
- It's compatible with AxeFx II/XL/XL+ and AX8 (see connecting options depending on your OS and fasDevice)
- On Android it allows both USB or 3rd party MIDI interface connection (AX8 is USB only)
- On iOS it allows USB connection only for AX8 and 3rd party MIDI interface connection for AxeFx (Apple limitation, i couldn't add the same driver used on Android for the AxeFx's USB port)...

The bad news (for you ^^) :
- It's not free. It took me a lot of time to develop, and also money for Apple Developer account etc...
- The price is not the same on Android and iOS. Apple forces developpers to use their AppStore and charges a 30% fee on every sale. While the Android version is directly available from the store.
- Maybe some of you will feel the price is high : €39.99 on iOS / €29.99 on Android. I'm not gonna discuss it here but to synthetize, i've considered the price of some FAS software and the time i used to create it and it seems a good deal for all of us...

The not so bad news ^^ :
- For a direct USB connection (Android AxeFx/AX8 or iOS AX8 only) you'll need an USB adapter. It's called USB OTG adapter on Android devices and "USB camera adapter" for Apple.
- For a 3rd party MIDI connection i've been successfully testing the iRig2 MIDI interface and also the Roland UM-One (in conjunction with camera USB adapter). Most USB MIDI interfaces should work in conjunction with the Apple USB Camera adapter, but i'm not responsible if one doesn't...

Examples of adapters :
- For Android : on Amazon
- For iOS and AX8 : on Amazon
- For iOS and AxeFx : Use the same adapter used for the AX8, plus this MIDI interface : on Amazon

READ THIS BEFORE ASKING ANYTHING : A full description of the available connecting options to FracPad have been made in the wiki :

Bluetooth MIDI information :
FracPad can access your AxeFx via Bluetooth when using a Yamaha MD-BT01 interface. For the AX8, use the Yamaha UD-BT01 and be sure to upgrade it to firmware 1.03 with the yamaha ud/md utility available on the US appstore.
Then use the iOS midimittr application.

Or this app on Android :

Bluetooth access on Android is not officially supported.

Hi, here is a video explaining bluetooth editing with FracPad :

Here is a video demo :


You can buy the Android version here :

NEW ! a Windows version is available here :

The iOS version is available on the Appstore :

Stay tuned on the facebook page :


- For Windows :
- For Android :
- For iOS :

A BIG THANKS to all of you helped me during the betatestings and a special thanks to @Admin M@ and strateux (Jean-Yves) for their icon sets

New in 1.01 :

- Fixes empty preset names edition
- Q6 compatibility
- Adds clear preset function
- Adds Save to function
- Recalls default parameter value on double clicks on sliders too
- Adds parameters informations : wiki direct link
- Displays (optionnally) the original value of each parameter, with ability to recall this original value
- Should work even if MFC ECHO TO MIDI OUT is set to ON (MIDI THRU on AxeFx not XL/XL+). Note even if it works it's totally unadvised to let it to ON, as it slows down everything a lot...
- Automatic Tuner function detection : if you engage the tuner from a foot switch or frontpanel, FracPad will display the tuner window
- EQ frequencies are correctly displayed

- a Cab Pack is at least $30 while it requires 3x less time in building and is 10x simpler to do
- a Preset Pack from some famous forum members is $49
- some sell 1 preset for $15 !!!
- the MFCEdit app is $25, and it's far lot simpler to do
- on the $39.99 Apple charges you, i only get $23 !!! What a steal ! Buy an Android, FracPad is cheaper on it and everything is...
- You buy Apple phones at $800 and say a very specific app made for a very specific need, probably not sold 1000 times at $40 bucks, is high priced... Think again
- I talked with CyberFerret who is the creator of former AxePad app and he said users complained when his AxePad app was $12... Want it for free ? Ask FAS to make one ;)

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! This is NOT a Fractal Audio Systems product. It is neither endorsed by nor supported by Fractal Audio Systems. Should you require support after loading presets created by this program, Fractal Audio Systems has asked us to warn you that they may require you to erase your presets and reset system settings before providing any type of official support.

This software is provided "as is" with no performance guarantees. Any damages incurred as a result of its use are the sole responsibility of the end user, i.e., YOU.

"Axe-Fx" and "AX8" are trademarks of Fractal Audio Systems, and are in no way associated or affiliated with FracPad.

Hello all, so in the video it shows the MD-BT01 connected to both of the AxeFX in/out midi ports. My AxeFX midi port in is connected to my midi controller. Will it work if I were to leave the MD-BT01 in connector disconnected?
Axe midi in to midi controller
Axe midi out to MD-BT01 to iPad2
Hello all, so in the video it shows the MD-BT01 connected to both of the AxeFX in/out midi ports. My AxeFX midi port in is connected to my midi controller. Will it work if I were to leave the MD-BT01 in connector disconnected?
Axe midi in to midi controller
Axe midi out to MD-BT01 to iPad2
No, you'll have to use a midi merger on the axefx's in port. FracPad needs to send midi to the axefx of course, how can it control it otherwise?
Yep, it's the mini 1 here that is the problem. I have only tried it in Bluetooth connection so it is possible that a wired connection works on the mini 1.

Looks like some great new features. Scene names and defualt value ticks are awesome! The scene names might make it worth trying to figure out a clever way to mount an iPhone on the pedal board next to the mfc.
Do you use a vpn or wifi connection on your ipad mini? If yes, can you disable wifi and vpn and see if you still have crashes?
Is there a way to type numbers into a field rather than moving the dial? I find that I'm not very accurate with dragging my finger on the dial knobs.
I was thinking, that which platform i should by this app. I have a Android phone and iPad. Well i went for the bigger screen... and now i have a problem with this app.

I have iPad Air, iOS 10 and this app crashes all the time. Any advice how to resolve this problem?
I was thinking, that which platform i should by this app. I have a Android phone and iPad. Well i went for the bigger screen... and now i have a problem with this app.

I have iPad Air, iOS 10 and this app crashes all the time. Any advice how to resolve this problem?
Working perfectly on ipad air 2 with ios 10.2.1...
So it must be a setting like wifi/vpn or accessibility option. Can you try resetting the iPad? It seems there can be a bug with the framework i use with some vpn/proxy settings, or maybe something else.
Anyway if i released the app it's of course because i experienced no problem on my test setup. Although i can't try it on any apple device, and ipad air or ipad mini 1 are pretty old...
Working perfectly on ipad air 2 with ios 10.2.1...
So it must be a setting like wifi/vpn or accessibility option. Can you try resetting the iPad? It seems there can be a bug with the framework i use with some vpn/proxy settings, or maybe something else.
Anyway if i released the app it's of course because i experienced no problem on my test setup. Although i can't try it on any apple device, and ipad air or ipad mini 1 are pretty old...

Is there any other way to find a fix, than resetting the iPad? Like trying airplane mode or something... Or is it a whole different thing?
Is there any other way to find a fix, than resetting the iPad? Like trying airplane mode or something... Or is it a whole different thing?
Yes try everything you can, as i really can't help because i can't reproduce the problem... Also what fasDevice do you use and what connection to it?
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