Countdown 0.5...

Sweet, they through us a bone.

Apparently the new product will be called Axe FX II

Wow, apparently I took this better then some.

I'm pumped about trying it. I felt if there was one issue I could complain about it was the bass flubbing out on some models when the master got pushed.

This is great!
I'm glad I'm 20 and naive. all you silly adults breaking over axe II and not a trouble here. I guess ignorance IS bliss :lol
Axe fx II? Coooooolll... Nuts! I... Just... Bought... This... Thing... But you know, it rocks completely and does everything that I bought it to do, so I'm still a happy camper...
yeah, for us existing owners, this doesnt appear particularly special (i.e. countdown worthy)... lets see what the end of the countdown brings!
hey new power amp sims is no chump change guys. And AXE FX 2 sign me the hell up lol. Viva la fractal christmas!!! Thanks cliff!
Wow, apparently I took this better then some.

I'm pumped about trying it. I felt if there was one issue I could complain about it was the bass flubbing out on some models when the master got pushed.

This is great!

I'm with you (still wish I had sold the Ultra 11 days ago so I could partake in the new goods) - but I have no complaints and welcome the new firmware! Poor Cliff can't win for trying :) Great job FAS and Cliff - I know what I will be saving for :)
well improved power amp emulation might not be countdown worthy for the present axe fx users.. and the ones who've saved up shit loads to buy one! but what the hell time to sell !
Thats all!! we get updated power amp emulation???

For the CURRENT Axe-FX there is a firmware upgrade, it looks like.

However, it looks like there will be a Gen 2 device called the Axe-FX II which will probably have a lot more in it than the current boxes. The 11.0 Firmware looks to be retroactively inserting SOME of the new device functionality on the Gen 1 devices.
well improved power amp emulation aint countdown worthy... especially for the present axe fx users.. the one's who've saved shitloads to pick it up! or just bought one a few days back...but improvements are bound to happen so cant really be too anal about it.. i was just hoping for a bigger firmware update with reworked amp models and probably nebula IR tech.. fuck it.. life aint perfect
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