Countdown 0.5...

As an Ultra Owner I am a bit annoyed that after a countdown all I get is a minor update. But I'd imagine there will be a few more to come. And I got to be honest I am a Les Paul into a Marsha Amp Sim Guy these days. I am very happy with what I have.
there IS more to come. and the first thing you have to sell your ultra in order to buy the ultra 2
G2 Amp modelling technology? Is that because they have got Vai and Petrucci and are yet to recruit Satriani into the fold???? Then we will see 'G3' technology... :)
I'm so tempted to start a new thread titled "Countdown 0" just to freak everyone out for half a second until they see it isn't from Cliff. :D
i'd find the cash somehow if there is a super beast, i want the super beast. I'm guess liquor story robberies might spike globally asap
It looks wonderful. The only thing he missed on is the digital sampling rate being set at 48K. VERY FEW people in pro recording circles record at 48K, most everything is done at either 44.1 (vast majority of pop/rock) or 96K.
48K has been a forgotten child for years now. Curious choice. But otherwise amazing. It looks like he took the best of the good ideas of Eleven Rack (USB, headphone connection, ability to record a dry signal for reamping) and combined it with the ability to do it with insanely great no holds barred technology. Gotta have it!
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