Countdown 0.5...

Interesting post by someone in the know back on April 30th. This was in response to someone stating the prices on the old ones would go down.
Hold your horses there, Lone Stranger. That ain't automatically so. It would depend on how much the new one costs. Back in the early 1970s, you could buy a new BMW 2002 in the US, drive it for two years, and sell it for what you paid for it. That's because the newer ones had gone up in price enough that used ones held their value.

I hope by tomorrow we know what the price on the new gear will be.

I'm sort of torn. I, being the imperfect human being that I am have that urge to have the latest and greatest, but at the same time the realize a standard would have been way more then enough for what I use Ultra for.

I have been jamming most of the night and absolutely love my tone. I have been wondering how could it really get "that" much better. I mean I am an amp->cab->slight reverb guy. I love old school rock. The ultra does so much more then I need.

Not saying my OCD won't get the better of me. But part of me is really hoping the new gear is so expensive that I don't even entertain the idea of selling my Ultra for it.

Either way, this has been fun!

Okay, so what I did before was mean... I'm sorry. :geek

I must... post... more... Clifford.
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All I know is that I'm glad I still have another 9 days on my trial period. If this is the AxeFX's successor, at least I don't have to deal with the flood of old units on eBay...
New in 11.0:

Updated power amp emulation. Uses some of the techniques from the Axe-Fx II. This produces tighter, more defined bass and also less flubiness when using high MV settings.
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