Axe-Fx III Firmware 26.00 Public Beta

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The test is simple if someone can do it. I m not home yet.

Be in 25.04, create a preset with 2 citrus dynacab in the amp block. Save .

Then do all the process, update axe edit, load beta firmware, load new dynacab files …

Then Check your preset . Still the citrus dyna in your preset ? Me it was Friedman.
Tuner: Bug or intended behavior?:

When I put the tuner on one button in a layout, I have to press this exact button again to exit the tuner mode.
Shouldn't pressing any other button exit the tuner mode?
Tuner: Bug or intended behavior?:

When I put the tuner on one button in a layout, I have to press this exact button again to exit the tuner mode.
Shouldn't pressing any other button exit the tuner mode?
Always been that way that I can remember. Was it different at some point?
This is the thing that I was itching to try out, because I love the Friedmans with the MV really high. Man, I'm feeling an awesome difference with the 2010 HBE, but my current favorite amp is the Smallbox, so I had to try it there too. I feel like I can really push the power amp and keep it heavy. Completely badass. Here's a very quick and dirty intro to a Tesla song with a Smallbox + Orange DynaCab 1973 + 57 preset. MV's at 7.98! You bet that Dirty Shirley's gonna get it next...

Thanks for the tip, just tried the Small Box, haven’t used that for ages.
Wow! What an amp!
Thanks for the tip, just tried the Small Box, haven’t used that for ages.
Wow! What an amp!

The Smallbox is one of those models I think is perfect when you just want a single channel amp. Although the real thing has more than one channel, the channel that's been modeled here is great for going from clean to mean with just your volume knobs. In my example there, I'm starting out on my neck humbucker in parallel with the volume knob on the guitar at 1.25, then I go to the bridge humbucker in series with the volume close to full.

The OCD in front of any Plexi will get you there too, with much more control!
Is 5881 the default Power tube Type of the Jazz 120 ?
Seems to be noisy with this update.
View attachment 141633
Specifically answering your reference question, I always thought that the “Jazz120” was a model of the Roland JC-120. As far as I remember, the Roland’s Jazz Chorus 120 was introduced in ‘75 as a solid state amp, and never had 5881 power tubes. Please someone correct me, if my memory is incorrect.
I always wondered why this was the case with the Jazz120 model too, why the model would have tubes. Perhaps this fits better with the basic architecture of the Axe-FX III, and maybe the surrounding circuitry of the model has been designed to recreate the tone and behavior of the real world amp, but using tubes instead. This may be the one model I've never tried.
Existing presets are automatically updated to use the correct cab. The only caveat is if you are using a Global Block.

This is something that's bitten me when using global blocks - if some new effect types get added to the enumeration, the global blocks don't/can't update and they need to be manually changed and saved. I switched to saving/recalling blocks manually and that way you don't have to worry about an update messing with the global block mappings.
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