Axe-Fx II Firmware 16.03 Released

Oh Dayum... I has GOTS to get me one of these.... what is it? Model? Is that the VFP 1/25...? It would be perfect for this reverb hold and I just happen to have an available jack ...8)

Are you plugging that into the back of the axe fx or a spare switch input on the MFC?
Are you plugging that into the back of the axe fx or a spare switch input on the MFC?

Do the switch ports on the MFC differ in function to the AxeFX II rear panel switch port? Honest curiosity - I'd not had occasion to have to consider this question.
Do the switch ports on the MFC differ in function to the AxeFX II rear panel switch port? Honest curiosity - I'd not had occasion to have to consider this question.

The MFC inputs are dual TRS for running two switches from one connector - hence four external switches from the two outputs. I'm not sure what the Axe fx is. If you plugged that foot switch into a MFC it would prevent you having the full set of external switches.
I love that man!!!!!
Cliff ... do you want marry me???
I dream our house... where i go to work... and you stay home... coocking for me a new firmware every day!!!
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Ok... Now seriously... Tnx so much Cliff and ppl @ FAS :
Axe Fx and FAS are rewriting the story of guitar gears and the story of company approach to the customers community!
The new reverb sounds awesome, completely as expected :) Thanks FAS and great to see the focus on improving the effects in this release. Much appreciated!
These reverbs sound amazing!
Please do the same for delays! I mean at least more delay presets.

HEAR HEAR!!! whenever I can I try to "whine" about effects overhaul... Reverb update shut me up but good... but then again... delay... chorus... llalala... list goes on ;)

Thanks all the same to the whole FAS clan. This reverb certainly was the icing on the cake on my "nothing else matters" clean patch
I deleted the offending preset. It was Yek's 'ViolinsSlow Ped' preset. I may have tweaked it a little though, I cant remember. I will have it in a bank backup, but I don't fancy sending it back to my Axe-Fx.

Curious, I also had a crash with a faulty preset with 16.03, one from Yek called Violins P1 P2, something like that.
Tried to load it from a backup but it keeps on making my XL crash. Maybe because it was made on an older FW
holy smokes!

The new F069 Pre Rola & F071 $X12 D120 in stereo paired up with the Thorendal Modern amp kick major ass and have big mojo in this Firmware.

Add the the reverb and it really gets amazing.

Nice job Cliff & the FAS team!
By the looks of it, AE is displaying the reverb change parameters but not the stereo UR block. Anyone else find this, or is it me? Probably an update to follow no doubt.
The new reverb sounds amazing. The hold function makes for some really great sounding Pink Floyd type stuff. Thank you!

Regarding Stereo Ultra Rez: I'm a bit confused about what this does. Do I understand correctly that this option is not related to selecting a stereo cab in the traditional sense, but rather, is an option which will produce full Ultra Rez output when a UR cab is selected and regular rez when a regular rez cab is selected? That seems to be what it does when I experiment with it. How would this feature be used?

I find the 16.x releases seem to increase CPU usage a tad even without activating UR or high quality reverbs. Anyone else experiencing that? HQ Reverbs seem to cost about 8% and UR Cabs about 8-10%. I'm guessing an Axe III is in the works to provide more horsepower in order to keep up with the pace of improvement. Wonder how the next gen processors compare to what's in the Axe II now. Will be interesting to see how things evolve.
Call me an idiot...but I can't find the hold button either. I'm studying the advanced tab currently. version 16.03 , new reverb types are great!
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