
  1. W

    How to improve my sound / artificial sound?

    Hey guys, since you helped me with my topic yesterday and you are all very very helpful I thought I might try to address another topic. I have the FM3 since around X-Mas last year and I am so far pretty happy with it. I play in a Hardrock / Metal Band. In the past I played through a Randall...
  2. gaaarfild

    FM9 to Line6 Powercab 212 Plus FRFR sounds bad

    I have an FM9 and Powercab 212 Plus. So a couple of facts to help identify the problem. Mostly I don't like the dirty sound My FM9 through the Powercab sounds not good, somehow sound is compressed and feels a tiny bit "cheap". I was trying so many different built-in CABs in FM9, all sound not...
  3. J

    Dialing in sound

    Hello all, I am new to the wonderful realm of Fractal. After too much gearlifting giggs, I decided to go smaller and digital. What else than an FM9t I thought ;) Already spent some time with it, did research on youtube, followed the CC Masterclass and started to dialing in sounds. Until now I...
  4. musicman0001

    My 2 Cents: Why Some People think Axe-Fx Doesn't Sound Great

    And my answer is simple (and yet so complicated) and it's not the axe fx that is "to blame. When i started modelling I was so happy that finally I had so many amps and effects. I started with the Purple Monster from Digitech which was a hybrid solution (digital and analog) and it had real...
  5. J

    All my sounds got muddy

    Hello everyone, I've bought an axe fx 2 XL+ few months ago and made the lastest update. All my presets sounded just fine (the stocks and the ones i downloaded) until something strange happened. For basically no reason (as far as I know), all my presets started to sound muddy. They now clearly...
  6. A

    I need help to figure out my FM3

    Hello everyone Many thanks in advance. I bought a FM3 unit in October 2021 and I just spent 3 months reading and learning the whole manual and watching videos about Fractal units on youtube. I am jazz guitarist so I do not have a lot of experience with these devices, so I bought the unit to...
  7. L

    There is a problem with the Axe-Fx 3 sound card driver

    When using ax fx3 as a sound card, it often breaks suddenly when playing music or recording, the computer cannot play sound, or the software cannot record, etc., but ax edit 3 still works normally, and my sound guitar is not affected
  8. ZebulaJams

    No Sound

    So my Axe Fx 3 stop producing sound from my computer. It will play the guitar I have hooked up to it, but nothing from my computer. USB runs from the unit to my computer and I have two monitors plugged in via the front “headphones” port on the front of the unit. Was working fine yesterday and...
  9. F

    Legacy Bits from the new Blade Runner soundtrack...

    No really fancy playing or spectacular sounds, but all pretty nice little arrangements of tunes for the guitar. The Mesa melody in particular is something I could never have done without the Axefx, although of course now it's recorded I'm hearing everything that's wrong about the sound...
  10. L

    On what speaker should I create sounds?

    Hi! I recently bought an AX8, and I created my first preset on my computer speakers, then I went to our rehersal room and tried out the unit, and it sounded like sh*t. With my band I will use the AX8 connected directly to PA system, and I will hear the guitar through in-ear monitor system, so...
  11. R

    Help for all!

    Hi axe users.My ultra just arrived yesterday and I was checking all the features. It's very hard for a first look to understand. Can you help me with some questions? 1. How can I reset all the presets to the original factory? 2. How can I start to do my own patch? Is it better to create it with...
  12. R

    Hole in between?

    Hi there. I am new here. I don't have the ax8 unit and don't know if i will but it. Some people tells me that when they change amps, there is a "big hole" in between, a sort of interrupted sound. Is that it?
  13. R

    New user on here

    Hello everybody. I am new on fractal audio world. I'm writing from Italy... I have an youtube channel. As you can understand i am a fan of The Edge sound . You can watch my videos on that link. I know that the fractal fx is the best unit for get that sound,especially for delays and reverbs. I...
  14. J

    classic jazz tone

    I have an axe fx 2 since four months - Im still having a big smile whenever I switch it on. It sounds so great and every update makes it even better (thanks Cliff!). It was simply the best investment I've made. I play jazz, mostly "classic" swing/bop. Till now I mainly use the presets which I...
  15. ElliottShredsGuitar

    Sound Out Of Computer Monitors

    Hey everyone, I'm wondering how I can play my fractal through my laptop monitors instead of the headphones? I'm going to get studio monitors but for now I want to jam through the computer speakers when my ears get fatigued.
  16. S

    Axe-Fx II XL+ can't get audio output from PC

    I just got my new Axe-Fx II XL+ and I'm trying to set it up so that it acts as a sound card for my PC. I installed all of the drivers and updated the firmware of the device, and when I go into audio devices on my PC there is in fact a speaker setting for the Axe-Fx II. However, it says that...
  17. A

    Axe FX II Mark2 high pitched noise from the unit [NOT A BUG]

    Hi. I just recently bought Axe-Fx 2 Mark 2 second hand. It was like new, still had the sticker on LCD. I've noticed after, that it's making high pitched squeel from the unit itself, not speakers. Even without all the leads plugged in. I've discovered that it is caused by cab/ tone matching...
  18. Pirre81

    Legacy Memory remains...

    Just testing new features of Axe FX 2 XL. What do you think?
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