
  1. A

    Clipping during recording... 5 weeks of searching :(

    Hello Everyone, I have had my Axe FX 2 XL+ for almost two months now. I have tried recording since day one and have run into so many newbie issues. I have bought a brand new computer (Windows based) since my Mac book pro seems to lack the drivers needed for Pro Tools. As of now... I have made a...
  2. I

    Cab IR bug? Please help

    One day, the presets I using are suddenly started to sound cracking. But It only happens when select a user Cab. If I change to a Factory Cab in the Cab block of that preset, the problem doesn't occur. Deleting IR and reinstalling it doesn't fix it. That sounds like clipping. It was working...
  3. M

    Axe Fx II - Output 1 always clipping - HELP!

    Hi all, I have a second hand Axe-Fx II unit that I've had for a while. I only use it for recording at home but I've been having issues that I've been putting up with until now. There are many patches that I download from Axechange or that came pre-loaded on the unit where there is an insane...
  4. B

    DI Clipping??

    I just got an AXE FX III last week, and so far I‘m really happy with it. However, I have a question about the DI level. When I use a preset with just input 1 straight to output 1 with nothing in between I can hear clipping in my DI signal. Also, I have the digital output set to output 1 using...
  5. L

    AX8 Input 1 is clipping on red

    Hello fellow AX8 users!! I've been using my AX8 without any issue for years and absolutely love it. However, I recently purchased a duesenberg starplayer tv guitar, created a preset for it, and for some strange reason my input 1 meter is hitting the red light pretty frequently (about 85% of the...
  6. C

    stop outputs from clipping

    so on my new axe2xl I am having issues with the user presets clipping almost constantly. I tried adjusting the threshold on the gate and no luck there. even tried adjusting the output on the amp block but the gate catches it if I lower the output level. I'm playing a seven string with a dimarzio...
  7. I

    Axe fx 2 mk1 digital clipping, low recording volume, will not factory reset. Fixable or broken?

    Hi there hope everyones staying safe out there! I'm having a few issues with my Axe fx 2 mk1 ares 2.0. Going direct via USB (with thunderbolt 3 hub) into MacBook Pro 2018 2.2g 6core i716gb ram Logic pro x monitoring through the headphone output on the axe fx I just bought this unit off ebay...
  8. S

    Input always clipping

    Hi there! Brand new to Fractal. However, I'm having issues with my new Axe Fx III. Its seems like no matter which cables I use or which instrument I use, the input is clipping. I can tell by the LED going red whenever an instrument is turned up, not even necessarily playing. All of the presets...
  9. C

    Pad sounds

    Hey everyone. I've had an Ax8 for a while, but normally am not in a situation to cover so much space. I have to play a gig this Sunday to cover quite a bit of space with swells and ambient stuff. I'm trying to keep it simple...I have a delay and verb block in series after my amp/cab. I have...
  10. CactusTone

    Unity Gain with Palm Mutes

    I'm trying to tame the dB spike when palm muting without sacrificing the thump. Most currently, I'm playing around with the 7.02 Beta Brit Pre; going for an 80's Maiden-ish tone (Powerslave/Somewhere In Time). As a side note, is it just me or does the 7.02 not sound phenomenal with almost no...
  11. Ibanizt

    Wah-wah making my sound clip?

    Hey guys! Yet another troubleshooting post here. So every time I use my Mission SPL1 with my full setup and the drive on I don't clip at all, but as soon as I turn the drive off it starts clipping when I use the wah function with the pedal. Any suggestions? This is weird because I did the...
  12. E

    Out 1 and Out 2 Clipping

    I really appreciate any suggestions on the following problem: I introduced a Ernie Ball JP-16 this week and had to duplicate the Preset from my other Guitar (PRS 245). Long story short: On the new preset for the JP16, the tone is awesome and I am very happy with all the scenes. However...
  13. JustinBourdeau

    EMG 81 internal preamp clipping

    As a follow up to a thread I saw today about EMG preamp clipping, I decided to test it out on my guitars at home. The internal preamp in the EMG 81 is absolutely, positively clipping like crazy. Both my guitars with 81s suffer the same problem. The clipping is so loud with my Dean ML...
  14. Ytolyccuz

    Recording with the AFX2 - recorded tracks are clipping / louder

    Hi, I'm at a loss why my recordings are louder and seems to have clipping compared to the takes I made during recording. I'm using Ableton Live with Axe Fx 2 mk 2 with Fremen Preset 234 with the right IR's. I did not share the preset because I'm not sure if I'll be violating anything if I...
  15. Cody Keener

    Axe fx 2 input input clipping

    I recently bought an axe fx 2 xl plus and I have a PRS SE custom 24. I have a BKP juggernaut bridge pickup witch it supposed to be medium output. I can turn the input volume down to 3% in the I/O menu and I still get input clipping when I pick hard. I have tried the Seymour Duncan nazgul and...
  16. B

    Clipping through speaker when switching presets

    hi guys and gals.. I'm new to fractal audio and just got my Ax8 yesterday. It's amazing! I just noticed when I plug into my qsc k12 and when I switch between presets, there is a clipping or click sound when it switches from one preset to another. Does anyone else have this? I am thinking it is...
  17. musicman0001

    Bug? Harsh Distorted Clipping Sound

    (Copy Paste from 2.01 Beta release forum) I played with Quantum 2.01 Beta2 and returned back to official release Q2.0 as I get some strange distorted like clipping like noise (not output clipping) especially at the low end range strings (Musicman Steve Morse Y2D in Eb, mainly noticable at the...
  18. Adam Charron

    Front Instrument Input clipping with Bass guitar.

    So I've been loving my Axe for guitars, but I tried to record some DI's for bass recently and I'm running into a clipping issue on the front input. Even with the level at 0, it still is distorting. This is only an issue with the bass btw, but I have noticed I need to have the input set to 5 - 15...
  19. F

    How worried should I be about output clipping?

    Sometimes when playing some of the presets ive made, I notice the red light come on the output clip of the front panel. This most often happens when I'm playing on the fat 5th or 6th strings at lower frets especially when I palm mute a note or chord. But its not something that happens all the...
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