
Hey everyone. I've had an Ax8 for a while, but normally am not in a situation to cover so much space. I have to play a gig this Sunday to cover quite a bit of space with swells and ambient stuff. I'm trying to keep it simple...I have a delay and verb block in series after my amp/cab. I have an expression used to dial in mix and feedback so I can use 1 delay and verb to go from basic delays to larger sounds. The issue is...the larger sounds start causing my output to clip at times. I have the VU Meter a little below 0db.

Any suggestions? I can easily get something to work from a timeline and bigsky without having this any help is greatly appreciated!
I'm sure the vets here will have a better way but, have you tried tying a volume block to that expression pedal. You can make it work to decrease the volume while you go toe down while the ambiance increases. Also you set the limit if how much the output is reduced to just below clipping.
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