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  1. L

    MFC 101 update ?

    I've heard a few people say this. But honestly, I really like the cosmetic quality of the Axe I alone on this one?
  2. L

    It possible to "DOUBLE" your guitar signal

    Pot calling the kettle black, don't you think?
  3. L

    Improvising with new Carol-Ann 9.03

    Incredible stuff. Always love your work, but this is exceptional.
  4. L

    more bands of global EQ!!

    I don't know that I'd agree that, especially given the odd phrasing of the poll. Maybe a more balanced option would have sounded like "I don't think it's necessary" rather than "no, I don't want them" With the amount of parametric and graphic eqs at our disposal, I (and I may be alone here)...
  5. L

    A stock IR thread!

    Scott's advice here is crucial to developing great tones. I'll add that the ability to run stereo cabs is a huge plus. Pairing two cabs that have complimentary characteristics can result in some really balanced tones. For instance, I've had great results combining the 1x12 black and the 2x12...
  6. L

    New to Forum/Axe Fx Ultra

    Good news for you, Ken. The latest firmware has allowed us to find useable, gig-worthy tones in a very small amount of time. I'll agree with the above poster's recommendations, and I'll add that while the Axe has never been 100% plug and play, the interface is incredibly intuitive and...
  7. L

    New to Forum/Axe Fx Ultra

    Hi Ken, welcome to the club. I know that many users (including creator Cliff) are less than enthused by the results gained from using headphones. That's not to say you won't; you could very well love what you hear. I only mention that to prepare you for possible "meh" reaction that might...
  8. L

    the flubby flub blues

    +1 If the problem persists, add some PEQ after your cab; you shouldn't have flub-related issues afterwards :D
  9. L

    my current tone roster

    You've mentioned elsewhere (gearpage maybe?) that you were using the Axe mostly for effects when playing live; you said that feel-wise, something was missing for you. Has 9.02 altered that at all? How are you feeling about the amp models for live use these days?
  10. L

    Carol Ann...Not what I was expecting?!

    Speaking of sucks, you could certainly improve your method of responding to other forum members... And no, it doesn't suck. It may not sound exactly like the clip you've provided, but who cares?
  11. L

    Not as good as I expected

    Search this forum; you'll come across a great multitude of helpful tips that will make a huge difference in your sound. Once you've given Scott's presets and Radley's PEQ tricks some serious time and concerted effort, I doubt you'll find yourself in the same spot.
  12. L

    Axe-Fx Std. and Ultra Version 9.02 Firmware Available

    KIller cleans? Check. Amazing voxy-like breakup? Check. Sweet, smooth distortion Plexi sans any harshness? Check. Well that's it, I give up; I am officially out of ideas as to how Cliff can further increase his badass factor.
  13. L

    Axe-Fx - Ultimate Low Volume Solution?

    You may want to take a look at an FBT 8ma; I have the 12ma and it's been perfect for less than (and equal to) gig level practicing.
  14. L

    Axe-Fx Ultra with Mac

    M-Audio Fast Track Pro
  15. L

    Axe-FX standard is the worst purchase I have ever made

    *KHz? Wow! That must be like, beyond infinity high! The Axe Fx sure is powerful ;)
  16. L

    Euro 1 clip

    The clip title is "BonerSextasy." In addition, Cliff has made reference to a re-labeling of the Bogner models as "Boner" models. My apologies if this is "inappropriate;" but let's be clear - I didn't coin the term.
  17. L

    Euro 1 clip

    Love your Boner, man!
  18. L

    Happy Birthday Cliff (11-29)

    Happy Birthday Cliff! Let me know if you ever swing by Nashville - I owe you a birthday beer.
  19. L

    this thing is very daunting for a noob...

    I have heard this commentary several times, and it never ceases to leave me a bit bewildered. Think of it this way. You walk into a large room that contains about 50 amps, 40 cabs, 10 microphones, 15 drive boxes, a dozen reverbs, a ton of pedals and a myriad of some of the world's most...
  20. L

    About the reworked amps

    I never thought those models were impossible to work with, they just needed some unconventional EQ tricks to get to (my idea of) the right place. The Matchless comes to mind; I found it really bright but eventually got an absolutely killer Paisley-esq tone once I made use of Scott's tips from a...
  21. L

    Ultra Firmware Version 9.00 Released

    My mind is blown. Again. There is no Santa Clause, only Santa Cliff. Thanks, Santa :D
  22. L

    Lincoln Brewster has Ultra and Liquid Foot Jr

    Just out of curiosity, what was he doing with the PEQ? In the X3 Live, he usually just shelved off some high frequencies - not even that much, really. A bit different than Dweezil's patches, I'm sure. Seriously, his PEQ lines look like a scribble :o
  23. L

    Anyone hear a nasty brightness in the Matchless sim

    + 1 on Scott's tip I was even able to dial in a pretty convincing lead patch from Boutique 2 using that technique. The icing on the cake (for me) is to have a strat that has a tone control dedicated to the bridge pickup - helps polish off any sharp edges. Good stuff.
  24. L

    In appreciation of Tom and Cliff and company...

    + infinity I wish I could add something worthwhile, but that last paragraph needs no embroidery. Spot on.
  25. L

    So about that Guitar World video review...

    I'm sure most are familiar with the Guitar World video review of the Axe Fx. If not, give "Axe Fx" the ol' Youtube treatment and you won't miss it. Kind of a good news/bad news situation here: Good news - Guitar World loves the Axe Fx and cannot give it higher praise. Bad news - the demo...
  26. L

    Name your favorite amp sim please

    + 1 on the Corncob - I use that a lot for a wide range of sounds. For the most part I stick with the Plexi for leads and the Brownface and Class A for clean and dirty sounds respectively. As far as cabs go, I'm a big fan of the stock 2x12 Blue and 1x12 black.
  27. L

    Building a better tube software.

    While I don't doubt that a specific model was designed with that in mind, you really can make any of the amps do impossible things. Altering the tonestack type will give you hybrid amp sounds that are mostly unheard of. Of course if you're just looking to push the envelope, you could always...
  28. L

    Trying to Match FRFR to Marshall Cab

    This is right up Jay's alley; I'd send him a pm if he doesn't stumble upon this thread in the next day or so.
  29. L

    Your thoughts on Graphic/Parametric EQ?

    I'm just curious if and how everyone is using the graphic/parametric eq. I have a difficult time getting great tones unless I stick the par. eq after the cab; and I generally start shelving off some somewhere around 8 - 9k. Of course, this is very much a personal taste thing - I've heard...
  30. L

    Axe-fx Vs Axe-fx ...challenge inside....

    Clip 3 is a crime against music :lol: In all honestly, it reminds me of when I first played through the Axe Fx. It sounded like manure and I was appalled until I realized the cab sims were turned off. Two minutes later, I had a harmonically rich, roaring Plexi on my hands. Your problems...
  31. L

    Tips for getting a Shawn Lane tone?

    It's not a cover, that's Shawn.
  32. L

    Tips for getting a Shawn Lane tone?

    Hi Shane, Shawn's tone was a unique thing. In several interviews, he's stated that the neither the amps nor the Westbury were anything special, it was their unique sonic chemistry that just had it's own vibe. In fact, when Shawn had Peavey design a custom preamp that was modeled after the...
  33. L

    Standard and Ultra Firmware Version 8.09 Up

    Sounds superb, thanks a lot Cliff
  34. L

    After a month..

    I believe that a previous post detailed Lincoln Brewster's initial axe impressions, and that he generally shelved off around 8k and above. I have a few patches that have a PEQ towards the end that shave off some high frequencies; certainly not the answer all the time, but it may help out this...
  35. L

    Set up suggestions

    Check out the axe wiki - plenty of pertinent set up info there. Additionally, you could try using the search option on the forum here, as the subject of rigs and setups has been addressed roughly 4 million times.
  36. L

    Lincoln Brewster has Ultra and Liquid Foot Jr

    So what are the odds that Lincoln has been keeping an eye on this forum? I suppose that one could stumble upon the Liquid Foot series coincidentally, but I'd think it more likely that he's been referencing experienced Axe user opinions lately. Come on Brewster, if Dweezil Zappa and Larry...
  37. L

    Flying with the Axe?

    Thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!
  38. L

    Flying with the Axe?

    Forgive me if I've missed the answer to this, but my search yielded no results... I may be flying out for a gig within the next two weeks and just now realized that I have no clear plan as to how the Axe Fx is going to get there safely. To say that I'm hesitant about checking my new love...
  39. L

    FX1 vs. Liquid Foot Pro

    Pardon the slight hijack, but I was wondering if the LF fits inside a rack. I've heard a couple of different reports on the width of the LF, from 19" to 21". Any LF owners able to pull that off?
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