Axe-Fx Std. and Ultra Version 9.02 Firmware Available

cardinal of crunk said:
I can't seem to update my Standard.

I'm using an M-Audio Uno, I've been able to update firmware with no problem before. I am using the new editor. I get connected and do the normal Utility --> firmware, and now it says "awaiting file." So then in the editor I go to Settings --> update firmware --> then select the Standard 9.02 from my desktop. Then it's telling me "no hardware detected."

Please help a brotha out

Just updated my Standard today, but I had rolled back to the previous version of the editor. You might try that, or using a different MIDI xfer program, just to get it loaded.
I just beat the hell out of my Rig at full volume for hours on end and damn.

I re-initialized every amp block. Every single last one. And started at noon and dialed them up better, almost universally and within 30 seconds than any of my uber tweakage ever got them. A lot of my presets are just collections of knobs at noon, save the master.

Stunning. Flat out stunning.

I don't even know what to say. I really don't.
Scott Peterson said:
I just beat the hell out of my Rig at full volume for hours on end and damn.

I re-initialized every amp block. Every single last one. And started at noon and dialed them up better, almost universally and within 30 seconds than any of my uber tweakage ever got them. A lot of my presets are just collections of knobs at noon, save the master.

Stunning. Flat out stunning.

I don't even know what to say. I really don't.
I know - it does my head in to imagine what it will be like after another 5 or 6 updates :eek:
axel said:
cardinal of crunk said:
I can't seem to update my Standard.

I'm using an M-Audio Uno, I've been able to update firmware with no problem before. I am using the new editor. I get connected and do the normal Utility --> firmware, and now it says "awaiting file." So then in the editor I go to Settings --> update firmware --> then select the Standard 9.02 from my desktop. Then it's telling me "no hardware detected."

Please help a brotha out

Just updated my Standard today, but I had rolled back to the previous version of the editor. You might try that, or using a different MIDI xfer program, just to get it loaded.

Hey dude, I got it working right after I posted that.

Now enjoying some AWESOME clean tones. :snax:
This update is good. Really, really good.

Anybody considering the Axe-FX and still fence sitting--buy it already!

Thanks just doesn't cover it....
Scott Peterson said:
And started at noon and dialed them up better, almost universally and within 30 seconds than any of my uber tweakage ever got them. A lot of my presets are just collections of knobs at noon, save the master.

Yup. I started making a new patch tonight and I hardly did any tweaking. I was like, wow... that's it? I'm already there? :D
Scott Peterson said:
I just beat the hell out of my Rig at full volume for hours on end and damn.

I re-initialized every amp block. Every single last one. And started at noon and dialed them up better, almost universally and within 30 seconds than any of my uber tweakage ever got them. A lot of my presets are just collections of knobs at noon, save the master.

Stunning. Flat out stunning.

I don't even know what to say. I really don't.

Just got back from an early gig. i did the same thing eariler today...defaulted each amp i use (currently 4 in my gig patches) from noon and dialed them in. Took about 1 minute each. Unfreakinbelieveable....this update is HUGE. To me, as big as 6.0 or 9.0- just a huge leap sonically. I am really, really, really happy with my rig.
I'm going to be up all night playing and adding new amps into my gig amps.
KIller cleans? Check.

Amazing voxy-like breakup? Check.

Sweet, smooth distortion Plexi sans any harshness? Check.

Well that's it, I give up; I am officially out of ideas as to how Cliff can further increase his badass factor.
WOW, just WOW! I just absolutley fell in love with my Axe-fx tonight! I've always been searching for that little something that was missing in all my clean patches... found it with this update! I just recently bought a 2x12 cabinet with celestion blue speakers, and an Art SLA2 power amp. I wasn't really all that crazy about it, until now!
Thank you again! I'm still on headphones, but... when my neighbours are awake...

Now a model of the lead from Diezel Herbert, and I swear, I don't even think of getting GAS again! PLEASE! *big pet eyes*

...ok, perhaps I will buy an Ultra, or a second one for backup, but then... only a new guitar...
Some notes:

I had every intention of going to bed early. Wife out of town for 5 more days, I'm Mr. Mom with twin girls. Rest, and a boys night tomorrow where I''ll clearly burn it late.

But new firmware comes up. Okay, I'll load it up, Dink for a few, get to bed....RIGHT. It's now 3 hours later. All my AMP settings have to be thrown out. They don't sound right with the new mods. I have to go default on everything now and tweak.

Crunchy amps:
Took me MUCH longer than I thought to dial in. Kind of had to throw out much of what I've gotten used to on each amp. At first a little irritated. So I quit reinventing the wheel, take defaults, add some more mids, a 'touch' more Master Volume, and suddenly it's an hour later. But....I don't get the Master volume thing. Most of the MV defaults sound AWESOME, and they're all at noon. I know, I know, tweak with your ears, not your eyes. But here's my deal: The MV on most amps seems to just muddy things (try to tighten it up with some presence)...does that mean I'm just a preamp distortion junkie? Don't care. Dialed in a Wreck and played some Styx (I know, I know...Castle Walls, Blue Collar Man...sue me) note definition, sassyness, fookin' R&R love.

One note: Is it just me, or do the amp models not clean up as well on Volume knob drop? I'll check later, but seems...different.

Loved them before, and they just got better. 'Nuff said. Still playing with them, but the AC30 sims seem to be much more of what I expect from one, and the Fenders bounce and shimmer so much it's silly. So much I bailed on the light chorus FX that I had on my Twin patch. VERY happy there, but they'll take some work too.

BB Preamp:
Took all of about 12 seconds to decide this is my favorite drive by far. Just the right amount of dirt, mids, retains the amp personality with a bit of it's own mojo, and POW. Granted I've only tried it with a few of the amps, but so far, WOW.

Enough. Not going to get enough sleep tonight, headed back to it.

Similar story here... it's 2:20AM and I'm still playing.
I know my kids will wake me up at 7:00 AM :shock: but who cares.
It's a double celebration here tonight, not only V9.02 but I think I found
new strings that sound killer (SOB Vintage)

not so WOW here...... :(

that's the 2nd time I need to reworking my already famous "Pacolino OD" patch because the Fender models have totally changed! I'm feeling kinda low right now....

If you're not familiar with the Pacolino OD go to the soundsamples page on european distributor G66 and listen to "Pacolation". Then you may understand my anger.....

the rest of the new stuff is cool! Well I'm not so angry but now I have to do my work over and over again......that is a bit frustrating so far.... :|
Incredible! I'm sitting here playing my strat with the Brownface (which has always been my favourite clean model) and I can't believe the tone! I reset the amp block, set master to 9.3 and the drive to 3 and there it is: the gorgeous jangly clean I've always wanted.

I also found it easier to get what I want out of the high-gain models. The high end is so much smoother and clearer it's ridiculous.

The Carol Anne model is cool, as well. I haven't even tried the BB or the new compressors yet.

Thank you, Cliff! :D
Dear Cliff

No worries, you did an awesome job for the axe-community, but I'll wait another few months until I made the final switch. I'm back on 9.00 (already enough toys for me there, and my three beloved signature tones still working that smooth I expected to play them in my dreams the last years....), maybe in a few months.....maybe! :lol: :oops: :p

The fender sounded too bright, too much chimes for my ears now. Maybe it's just don't have to worry if I'm the only one.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sound is a very subjective thing, as you all know. For me it's not such important to have the perfect match of a fender amp or of another brand, more to have a perfect match of an amp that fit to my guitars.

My old Gibson 1980 ES-347 with 012-054 (or 014-058 as I used a few months ago) flatwound strings (no kidding) sounds very very special and adds a lot of "boom" :lol: :lol: ....most Amps I tested sounds too "boomy" with it! And on the other hand I have a nice '57 Fender MIJ Reissue Strat (010 - 046 regular set) with a lot of brillance. Both instruments are not top notch instruments in many eyes (for those people who just go for the '59 burst or a 62 strat) but they work perfect for me :oops: .....

So maybe we see us on 9.xx in the future, but not for now.....

best regards
Mr.PC said:
Dear Cliff

No worries, you did an awesome job for the axe-community, but I'll wait another few months until I made the final switch. I'm back on 9.00 (already enough toys for me there, and my three beloved signature tones still working that smooth I expected to play them in my dreams the last years....), maybe in a few months.....maybe! :lol: :oops: :p

The fender sounded too bright, too much chimes for my ears now. Maybe it's just don't have to worry if I'm the only one.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sound is a very subjective thing, as you all know. For me it's not such important to have the perfect match of a fender amp or of another brand, more to have a perfect match of an amp that fit to my guitars.

My old Gibson 1980 ES-347 with 012-054 (or 014-058 as I used a few months ago) flatwound strings (no kidding) sounds very very special and adds a lot of "boom" :lol: :lol: ....most Amps I tested sounds too "boomy" with it! And on the other hand I have a nice '57 Fender MIJ Reissue Strat (010 - 046 regular set) with a lot of brillance. Both instruments are not top notch instruments in many eyes (for those people who just go for the '59 burst or a 62 strat) but they work perfect for me :oops: .....

So maybe we see us on 9.xx in the future, but not for now.....

best regards

Interesting . . .

Based on an all too brief listen to 9.02, I had two immediate thoughts:

1. Much brighter, chimier, and will require defaulting the amps and re-tweak from there. No issue, I'm sure it'll be worth it for the added "life" on the Fenders and other more vintage-type models. On those models, there's seems to be a big reduction of "chubby" on the low strings that I always fought in previous versions. Combine that with highs that are much more present, and it's a different animal.

2. Certain users, whose playing and clips I've really enjoyed (mostly low to mid gain stuff) are not gonna be happy out of the gate. That includes Paco, who just chimed in, and I wonder what Andi-O is finding, with his lovely Strat-based tones?

I'm sure that once I start over with the amp blocks, it'll all come into focus.

Cliff, your abilities and commitment are inspiring, and constantly remind me of another brilliant audio designer who I knew well, once upon a time.
electronpirate said:
Some notes:

I had every intention of going to bed early. Wife out of town for 5 more days, I'm Mr. Mom with twin girls. Rest, and a boys night tomorrow where I''ll clearly burn it late.

But new firmware comes up. Okay, I'll load it up, Dink for a few, get to bed....RIGHT. It's now 3 hours later. All my AMP settings have to be thrown out. They don't sound right with the new mods. I have to go default on everything now and tweak.

Crunchy amps:
Took me MUCH longer than I thought to dial in. Kind of had to throw out much of what I've gotten used to on each amp. At first a little irritated. So I quit reinventing the wheel, take defaults, add some more mids, a 'touch' more Master Volume, and suddenly it's an hour later. But....I don't get the Master volume thing. Most of the MV defaults sound AWESOME, and they're all at noon. I know, I know, tweak with your ears, not your eyes. But here's my deal: The MV on most amps seems to just muddy things (try to tighten it up with some presence)...does that mean I'm just a preamp distortion junkie? Don't care. Dialed in a Wreck and played some Styx (I know, I know...Castle Walls, Blue Collar Man...sue me) note definition, sassyness, fookin' R&R love.

One note: Is it just me, or do the amp models not clean up as well on Volume knob drop? I'll check later, but seems...different.

Loved them before, and they just got better. 'Nuff said. Still playing with them, but the AC30 sims seem to be much more of what I expect from one, and the Fenders bounce and shimmer so much it's silly. So much I bailed on the light chorus FX that I had on my Twin patch. VERY happy there, but they'll take some work too.

BB Preamp:
Took all of about 12 seconds to decide this is my favorite drive by far. Just the right amount of dirt, mids, retains the amp personality with a bit of it's own mojo, and POW. Granted I've only tried it with a few of the amps, but so far, WOW.

Enough. Not going to get enough sleep tonight, headed back to it.


Ok good im glad you noticed this stuff because i thought i was going crazy!

I noticed exactly what you said about the gain models. Its not just you, they DONT clean up as well on volume drop. I thought i was losing my mind. I actually bothered to record a clip for myself with 9.0 and with 9.2 and i played this recto lead line with full volume and then lowered the volume and played this delicate clean line.
I tried the same thing with 9.2 both with the patch defaults AND after initializing and completely re tweaking the amp model for 30 min.
It just did not work =(. In 9.0 the tone got much much cleaner, in 9.2 i just got less hair, but it was much harder to get a dynamic clean from the same settings. I made sure the gain was approximately the same, but it wasnt really a gain difference. I just got the feeling that 9.0 high gain amps had much better touch sensitivity.

And i also agree about the master. All of sudden the deizel amp i rely on is much more muddy. It lost alot of tightness and expressiveness. Once again i spendt like an hour trying to re tweak this model.

and i also noticed what you did on the cleans!

The cleans are the exact OPPOSITE story! I mean, the cleans are more expressive than ever! All of them, (except the semi clean tones that i had previously dialed up). The fender cleans are just leaps and bounds ahead in dynamics. They went from almost sterile sounding to like, just plain inspiring. Poppy, chimey, thumpy,. Possibly the best modeled fender tones i have ever heard (only one up there is this ONE patch on an old j-station i had,).Honestly if you stuck the clean fender models in a box and stuck a logo on it, alot of people wouldn't be able to tell any difference.

Ok good im glad you noticed this stuff because i thought i was going crazy!

My feelings in the end...
1) Cleans are a mile of improvement!
2) The gains have been rendered muddier and less dynamic

I REALLY REALLY feel that maybe cliff should CONSIDER making the new and old power amp modeling user selectable for each patch or even blend-able. In my limited experience it seems like the new modeling works miracles for clean, and on the gain side kind of detracts, where as the old model was almost perfectly suited to gain. The best of both would be great.

For now im going to play the fender models for a little, and then say goodbye. I have to go back to 9.0, the high gain sounds there have songs in them that must be written ! =)
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