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  • Users: GMGM
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  1. G

    IN-EARS Sound like Cocked-Wah

    So it’s all based on a mono patch. That is to say there’s no stereo effects or panning. I’ll have to take a closer look at some of my presets to see if i missed anything that could phase cancel. And fm9 goes to our stage box/splitter which feeds FOH and the ears with the same signal. We used...
  2. G

    IN-EARS Sound like Cocked-Wah

    I'm using the inexpensive SE425 in-ears. They are well built, they feel good, and they get the job done. Bass, drums and vocals sound excellent through them. But on guitar, it seems like I always have a sort of "cocked wah" filtering happening (the 425's are a dual driver design). Guitar...
  3. G

    New Fractal product coming!!

    As much as I would love an AFX Native plugin for my DAW, I don't think they want to risk cannibalizing their hardware sales in favor of software. So I'm betting on a simpler mini-modeler - like TonexOne, UA Ruby/Dream/Lyon/Anti, Boss IR2, Iridium, etc. These seem to be pretty successful...
  4. G

    FM9 Case?

    It appears to have been discontinued, but it's still a pretty great (and cheap) bag if you can find it. Boss L2 Bag > I think I paid $39.99 for it a couple years ago, and it's been just the right size for me and has...
  5. G

    "FM9 Can't Do Natural Feedback Like an Amp"

    Yeah, that’s what most of us do, i think. I just wish there wasn’ta latency tax for every little thing we do 😉
  6. G

    "FM9 Can't Do Natural Feedback Like an Amp"

    DigiTech's FreQout is a great pedal for this. But it adds more latency (another 5-7ms whether it's bypassed or not). So you pretty much have to run it inside a send/return loop... which of course adds even moooore latency. But now I want to try the compression driver.
  7. G

    Weird metallic overtones

    I wonder if it could be comb filtering due to latency? Like if you're using a send/return loops to send part of the signal out to an external pedal, and part of the unprocessed send is getting mixed back into your FM9 signal path a few milliseconds late due to the A/D conversion. That can be...
  8. G

    Open-Mic Question

    I haven't done an open mic since I was a jazz snob in the 90's. But even then, there was always a "house" band providing backline equipment. Anything that took more than a few seconds to swap out was generally frowned upon. People would bring their own brass instruments, drumsticks, guitars -...
  9. G

    Played in the rain this weekend...

    The shower curtain is a great idea. They're cheap, readily available and tough enough to get the job done. And I've got a string of outdoor dates coming up in July.
  10. G

    Best Wireless in 2024

    UPDATE: I decided to go with the Shure GLXD16+, because... A) It seems the be the best value. B) It was in stock at my local GC, and I need it for out of state gigs next Thursday & Friday. Yes, I could have gotten something shipped in - but with all the new material I need to learn, the last...
  11. G

    Best Wireless in 2024

    Looks like that might be as fast as 1.9ms. But there are several versions / channels to choose from. It looks like the EW-D CI1 is packaged for guitar, is that the one you use? There are a few different frequency bands to choose from. I've got no idea which to choose from, so I guess I need to...
  12. G

    Best Wireless in 2024

    Yeah, Freqout is in the loop now (Freqout set to latching, FM9 set to momentary). I don't think there's another way way to do it inside a digital rig without that latency driving a person insane. But I like to play longer passages through Freqout with the "wrong" settings - ie generating weird...
  13. G

    Best Wireless in 2024

    My local guitar Center says they have GLXD16+ in stock. I'm not crazy about 4.53ms latency. But I would also hate to spend that kind of cash on a wireless unit that only had access to a crowded 2.4GHz spectrum, and not be able to use it larger venues where it would really make a difference. I'm...
  14. G

    Best Wireless in 2024

    I must not be using the right search words/phrases, because I'm not finding much discussion about incorporating wireless. Is there a consensus among Fractal users regarding the best wireless guitar solution to use with Fractal, or amp modelling in general? I'm fairly sensitive to latency. I...
  15. G

    Recreating the Line 6 DL4 “Sweep Echo” and the HOF Trinity T2 Reverb (reverb option 2)

    I was also hoping to explore whether it's possible to send the repeats out into a separate effect - as in the first note you play is clean, but the repeats pass through a phaser or wah or whatever. I'm sure its possible in Fractal land - but I still at an intermediate skill level (at best)...
  16. G

    Recreating the Line 6 DL4 “Sweep Echo” and the HOF Trinity T2 Reverb (reverb option 2)

    Check out this thread. I've had it bookedmarked for a couple months, but have been playing so much that I haven't made the time to work it out for FM9. Maybe in the next couple weeks...
  17. G

    I don’t use cabs at all. Sounds great!

    I like the feel better as well, at least when I'm playing through a loud FRFR. It feels a little more amp-like. But I tend to stick with dyancab, which sounds better through a PA. If only I were a little smarter, I should separate my outputs so the house gets dynacab, and my FRFR gets the...
  18. G

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Is this resolved? If not, one thing you might try is the old Windows trick to re-establish connection to wayward hardware. Look for the FM9 in your control panel's "Device Manager". I'm not at my PC, so I don't know where it will be hiding (probably inside the "sound, video & game...
  19. G

    Zappa Yo Mama and Other FZ Tone Presets

    This sounds great. I plan to steal your preset and make it part of my regular lead sound :) Yo Mama is especially tough because every note hovers around that sweet spot where feedback can (and often does) take over. A proper feedback block is really the only thing we seem to be missing in...
  20. G

    Sound Checks & Your Pre-Gig Process

    Another thought regarding warming up... I'm a guitarist, BUT... I find that warming up with drum sticks, even for just one minute, will get my hands warmed up better and faster than anything I've ever tried on guitar. Nothing fancy, just maybe some paradiddles, triplets, double-stroke...
  21. G

    Sound Checks & Your Pre-Gig Process

    There's all sorts of good advice regarding preparing for the stage. Most of it is common - like bring a "spare", which could mean anything from strings or picks to a guitar and amp. I usually play through traditional amps, using FM9 for effects most of the time - but often times I use the...
  22. G

    What pedals do you all use with FM9?

    I've become dependent on TC's Polytune tuner. Although lately, I've been using a clip-on version - technically not a pedal any more. Otherwise, the Freqout is really the only thing I haven't figured out how to duplicate yet. Freqout's latency is something like 7ms by itself - regardless of...
  23. G

    Software FracPad III - iOS/Android/Mac/Win Editor for the Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+, AX8/FX8, Axe-Fx III and FM3/FM9

    Yeah - that would be excellent. The U6 opens the door for possibly integrating my keyboard setup as well. Thanks for this.
  24. G

    Software FracPad III - iOS/Android/Mac/Win Editor for the Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+, AX8/FX8, Axe-Fx III and FM3/FM9

    Thanks! I must have gotten myself turned around in my head as I was reading through. I thought I saw a comment earlier indicating that FM9's USB port couldn't support it, and that I needed to run an adaptor through the MIDI ports. But this is great. So I guess i need to order my adaptor...
  25. G

    Software FracPad III - iOS/Android/Mac/Win Editor for the Axe-Fx II/XL/XL+, AX8/FX8, Axe-Fx III and FM3/FM9

    I'm interested in FracPad for my FM9. BUT... I am also using FM9's MIDI to change channels on my Mesa Boogie MK VII amp. Any suggestions for how best to set this up? I intend to make a cable loom (or looms) with all of my cabling to keep things tidy. I figured FM9 is on the floor in...
  26. G

    Different modifiers per channel?

    Holy ancient thread resurrection Batman! It appears this is still the case. I'm glad I found this thread. I'd like to use a single WAH block (channel 1 = expression / channel 2 = envelope / channel 3 = sequencer like the ZVex Seekwah / channel 4 - not used). I'm not sure if that's just a...
  27. G

    Different Mix Laws for Delay and Reverb?

    I'd seen this chart before and knew about the +3dB setting. I didn't care enough to investigate, because I rarely go above 20-25% reverb mix anyway. But now that the question has been asked, I'm along for the ride. My theory was that it was borrowed from the panning laws used built into...
  28. G

    Let's see those FM9 rigs!

    That is a gorgeous board. I'm a sucker for tweed. I'm also a fan of the Freqout. I've tried some of the Freqout style presets that others have shared in the forum, but haven't had much luck. DigiTech really made something special. So for now it'll stick around.
  29. G

    FM9 Case?

    So my FM9 normally lives in a flightcase. But I wanted a bag option for easy grab and go for venues that don't have great parking and I want to move everything in one trip. So I bought the Boss bag that someone linked to earlier. For $60, I figured I'd give it a shot - and that if it didn't...
  30. G

    How could I boost my upper register high notes on a clean guitar?

    Might be a byproduct of using a cleaner tone. My pitch follower targets gain/distortion, rather than volume per se. But because I'm starting with an already distorted sound, it's already compressed - and therefore easier to mask any volume discrepencies. I wonder if you're not cutting through...
  31. G

    How could I boost my upper register high notes on a clean guitar?

    This Leon Todd video kind of changed my life. I'm sure I would have stumbled across the pitch follower at some point, but I probably would have dismissed it as "too complicated" or "unnecessary". I spend most of my time playing cleanish parts, or lightly driven. So being able to program in a...
  32. G

    Powerstage 200 / F12-X200 question, CAB SIM?

    Several of you have chosen to use the Powerstage 200 into F12-X200 speakers. I'm curious about the Powerstage cabinet simulation feature. It seems to sound OK through a regular guitar cabinet. How does the cab sim sound through FRFR speakers? Probably pretty bad, huh? (I'm curious about...
  33. G

    External Switch for Tap Tempo Suggestions

    At the moment, I am using a cheap sustain pedal that I "borrowed" from my stage piano. For a more permanent solution, I'm going to do something similar to something I saw in the "Let's see those FM9 rigs!" thread. See post #741 and #745 in that thread. User @bleujazz3 mounted some simple SPST...
  34. G

    How long after you received your FM9 did you decide to sell your amps and cabs…

    For me, it's really pedals that are the problem. I have a bookshelf loaded with about 19 bazillion pedals that I'm preparing to list. I'm such a procrastinator, so they will probably still be here in a year, lololol.
  35. G

    Waitlist Email

    Like I said, hopefully inventory holds out. If so, it's not an unreasonable prediction. Just look at where we stand today. The RSVP goes back approx. 4 months - AND - they appear to be clearing one month per week.
  36. G

    Waitlist Email

    It sure seems like they'll be reaching the end of the waitlist pretty soon, eh? Mine shipped roughly 2 weeks ago (I had RSVP'd on 8/17/22). And now they're into October. They are clearing almost a month's worth of RSVP's per week (roughly). Hopefuly inventory holds out to get through everyone...
  37. G

    FM9 Case?

    I didn't realize they could (or rather, would) modify the dimensions of the bag. My list of pros and cons is starting to lean towards Studio Slips. Especially because the backpack option theoretically means I could reduce my load in/out to a single trip between car and stage. I normally use an...
  38. G

    Waitlist Email

    And..... mine was just delivered. I think I might still have a hard time saying goodbye to this thread. It's become such a habit to refresh this page about a hundred times a day. It's been honor serving with you all.
  39. G

    FM9 Case?

    I think I need a tie-breaker. "Live-In" Road Case or Studio Slip I certainly don't need a road case. I tend to baby my gear, so it's not getting tossed around in the back of a van, and I'm not going on any extended tours. But I definitely prefer the convenience of of a live in road...
  40. G

    Waitlist Email

    RSVP: 8/17/22 @ 10:39 AM Central INVITE: 1/18/23 @ 1:31 PM Central ORDERED: 1/18/23 @ 1:36 PM Central I opted for overnight shipping. I don't know if it'll ship today, but it should be out by tomorrow - which means I won't have to wait through the weekend to receive it. It's worth the extra $$$...
  41. G

    Waitlist Email

    We know they were expecting another shipment this week. So maybe they are going through some QA inspection before releasing those units to the RSVP list. Maybe? I'm 8/17 here. Just hoping I'll be part of this latest batch.
  42. G

    Latency of amp modelers

    This whole thread is jam packed with great info. But will fm9 have the same number as fm3? One person said that fm9 would fall between fm3 and afx3, but they were quickly dismissed as incorrect.
  43. G

    Latency of amp modelers

    Sorry to beat a dead horse. But this information is more or less impossible to find (meaning actual reported latency measurements from guitar > through Fractal > through a simple amp/cab). No additional wireless units, or external pedals, or FRFR software, not even the latency when used as a...
  44. G

    Tuner's... Do you use the FM9 or are you still gravitating to your dedicated unit?

    I've really been enjoying the TC Polytune (in polytune mode). I've never been more in tune. I admit it was a little frustrating to really learn how to use it - but I can't imagine going back. But I catch myself checking against the little tuner on the FM9 screen pretty frequently as well, so I...
  45. G

    How to handle wah. Use expression pedal or separate wah pedal?

    It never worked for me. Because you still have that extra travel that exists in the switch itself. Once you the footplate makes contact with the switch, there's still roughly 1/4" of travel in the switch. Which means the pedal is overtraveling. I may revisit this someday, as I'd sure love to get...
  46. G

    How to handle wah. Use expression pedal or separate wah pedal?

    I tried Mission - both the standard and extended travel versions with toe switches. Neither worked well for me. The pedal would bump into the switch at approx. 97% of its travel. I could never get it to read 100% without pushing "through" the switch and engaging/disengaging whatever parameters...
  47. G

    Waitlist Email

    Wow. Suddenly it feels like my August 17, 2022 rsvp/waitlist date isn't so far off. But still, I'm trying to temper my expectations. Afterall, Admin did say there was a limited amount left in this current batch. And I imagine there have been a few decent surges in the waitlist following...
  48. G

    Quick question... bass related, but more FM9-specific

    EDIT: Deleted post. Accidentally replied to the wrong conversation. Doh!
  49. G

    Need suggestions on working with Modifiers & Global Performance Controls

    Out of curiosity, is there a reason for you to not use an expression pedal (or expression potentiometer)? I have a similar setup requirement, and expression works wonders. At one end of the expression control, I have delay with a very low mix, fast repeats & minimal feedback. On the other end...
  50. G

    Waitlist Email

    I wonder if we will see a similar increase in entries in June/July (I believe that's when guys like Neil Schon and Guthrie Govan started to show off their FM9 setups, wasn't it?).
  51. G

    Windows. Is it worth to pay for an anti-virus?

    Same here. Cox Cable bundles McAfee into my internet service. I'm not required to use it, but there's no way discount for opting out. If Defender really is just as good, then I might consider uninstalling the McAfee.
  52. G

    Why do you prefer FM3 over FM9?

    I do most of my tonal changes using expression pedals (clean to dirty, wet to dry, stagnant to swirly, etc.). So I don't necessary need the extra switches, but the CPU boost is hard to ignore. I think I'd still opt for FM9.
  53. G

    Waitlist Email

    Nice! I got back on the list after 'turbo' was announced - and was thinking it'd be another year before I saw it. This makes me wonder if it might be just a matter of months! Very cool.
  54. G

    FM9 Case?

    Ahh. I love the DB Instrument 4E Expression pedal !!! I've been loyal to mine since they came out. The only thing that could possibly make it better is if they added a toe switch. I'm curious about your setup though. I notice you have a dual switch to the side of your FM9, and the...
  55. G

    FM9 wish- amp feedback

    I'd love to see a patch for this as well. I'm not as familiar with the deep edit functions as a lot of you are, so I don't know if there's some modifier combination that can split off a 'resonance' notch into a 'delay' before summing back into the signal. It's beyond me. That said, the Freqout...
  56. G

    IR for a Piezo pickup?

    Thanks for the links. I have a handful of 'free' acoustic guitar resonance IR's, but only a couple of them sound the way I like. Don't get me wrong, they all sound real/accurate, but they're often recorded with mics/positions I don't like. This should open up the playing field a bit. Much...
  57. G

    Waitlist Email

    We should all print this entire thread and mail it to our representatives in congress. If this isn't proof that we need to end daylight savings time, then I don't know what is!!! Who's with me?!?! And after we end DST, we start pushing to finally convert to the metric system. Hahahahaha...
  58. G

    Waitlist Email

    In my case, it was $96.50 for overnight (versus approx. $40 for ground). I live in Omaha, NE - but delivery will be to my office across the river in Council Bluffs, IA. So it's definitely worth it to me, just to reduce the anxiety of watching the tracking number bounce all over the country...
  59. G

    Waitlist Email

    Joined the list 8/27 @ 4:19 pm eastern Waitlist entry confirmed 8/27 @ 4:19 eastern Invitation received (and ordered) 10/20 @ 1:11 pm eastern I updated my entry on the google sheet I opted for overnight delivery, and really really really really really hope that it can ship by tomorrow and...
  60. G

    Waitlist Email

    Yeah, that does make sense. There could also be internet delays in either direction skewing the times.
  61. G

    Waitlist Email

    FWIW, I suspect FAS is prioritizing based on when you sent your first e-mail to join the waitlist, rather than when they confirm back to you. As evidence, I'll use myself as an example. I sent my request to join the waitlist at 4:19pm eastern 8/27. I received an instant confirmation at...
  62. G

    Waitlist Email

    Hmmm.... I should have been one minute before you as my waitlist confirmation is 8/27 @ 3:19pm central (4:19pm eastern). EDIT: CORRECTION - according to the google sheets, you entered the waitlist at 4:13pm, but didn't received your acknowledgment until 4:20pm. Assuming Fractal goes by...
  63. G

    Waitlist Email

    I feel your pain. I'm 4:19 eastern 8/27. But it's pretty clear that the list is starting to accelerate a bit. A few weeks ago, it seemed like we spent days just watching it advance from 1:25 to 1:27. But it appears they're clearing 15+ minutes at a time at this point (and hopefully covering...
  64. G

    Waitlist Email

    Yikes! Your surgeon really wrapped the heck out of that hand. That must've been a monster cyst !! I underwent a similar procedure on Sept 29. Trigger thumb release & removal of a 1/2" cyst from that first thumb joint (on the palm side of my hand). I opted for a local anesthetic, and he sent me...
  65. G

    Waitlist Email

    It's a small world. My picking hand thumb also gets cut open tomorrow (trigger finger release). I was hoping against hope that I could get my hands on an FM9 while I was recovering, so I could build some patches. But I'm still a few hours down on the waitlist from y'all (8/27 @ 3:19 central)...
  66. G

    Waitlist Email

    I'm 1 minute before you. It's going to be a longgggg 2 months, eh?
  67. G

    Waitlist Email

    Haha. No, of course not. I'm just being selfish, haha. Meaning, yes, it would be better FOR ME ;) if they lost their invitations. But it would be bad for for any of those customers, and therefore bad for FAS - since it's pretty dumb to create more upset customers.
  68. G

    Waitlist Email

    I agree 100%. But I've seen more than enough comments to know that it's a thing that happens. Bth here and on the FB group, there are folks talking about selling gear to fund the FM9. And I'm sure there are plenty of other folks that would rather not feel the sting of $1600 hitting their bank...
  69. G

    Waitlist Email

    Either way is pretty generous of FAS. As much as I would personally like to see those invitations expired after 48 hours, I also understand that some folks won't have the cash in hand right away. I also understand that having a valid invitation means they're still more likely to buy one...
  70. G

    Waitlist Email

    In the FB group for FM3/FM9 and in this thread, there have been a handful of folks saying they received an invite, or were early on the list - but have changed their mind for one reason or another. I'm curious how long those invitations remain valid before FAS offers it to the next person. I...
  71. G

    Waitlist Email

    Don't you dare say "chicken butt". I know how this game is played. ;)
  72. G

    Waitlist Email

    To be fair, I’m not frustrated yet. Just excited. Things are progressing in the right direction. And I’m a little antsy to get my invite. if this turns into another FM3 delay, then I’ll be frustrated. 😉
  73. G

    Waitlist Email

    I agree with that too. Most users are probably not involved in forums, so this is a skewed data set to begin with, haha
  74. G

    Waitlist Email

    I agree, but I still long for a happy medium, lol. Surely there's a way they can protect their business interests, while cutting down on customer frustration. I'll admit that I gave up waiting for the FM3. At the time, my FX8 was becoming problematic - so I went back to the headache...
  75. G

    Waitlist Email

    Has anyone in this thread received an invite today? I quickly scrolled through the last day or so, and didn't see any. Not here in this conversation anyway. And it appears invites started going out after noon yesterday. As far as I can tell, the most recent invite was sent yesterday, to someone...
  76. G

    Waitlist Email

    I honestly wouldn't expect this to happen, but if you were bored and had nothing better to do.... you could add a serialized confirmation# to the e-mail confirmation. Then we could look up that numbers for status instead of a name or email address. FWIW, I'm on the list. My confirmation...
  77. G

    New FX8?

    Out of frustration with the lack of an update, I traded my FX8 towards a Guthrie Govan Charvel. But I am secretly holding out hope that they update the model. Rather than going bigger/more, I think I'd rather see smaller and more compact (FX4 ?). I rather like the HX Effects and HX Stomp - I...
  78. G

    FX8 V5.04 Released

    It seems like latency would be a product of the hardware's horsepower, rather than software. They might be able to reduce latency by using a lower quality algorithm, but that would mean more "glitch" in your sounds. Maybe there's already a quality setting you can adjust (I'm not in front of my...
  79. G

    FX8 V5.04 Released

    I sincerely don't believe Fractal sees it that way either. They're in business to sell products. They need us more than we need them. Screwing up the FX8 all but guarantees we'll never cross-over to AFX. In a way, I'm sure they see FX8 as some sort of 'gateway drug' into a lifelong Fractal...
  80. G

    FX8 V5.04 Released

    It's been a couple months since these comments were made. Now that AFX3 was updated a couple weeks ago, and AX8 a few days after that - can we get some kind of feedback on status? I'd like to know where (or if?) we still fit into Fractal's work queue. Is there any work being on FX8 to fix this...
  81. G

    FX8 V5.04 Released

    That's a great point. No, I haven't tried. I've only been watching the sticky section of the FX8 forum for updates. I'm interested to hear what Fractal says about this. If this takes care of it, that would be great. I don't think I want to be a guinea pig though. Anyone else try this?
  82. G

    FX8 V5.04 Released

    Can we get an update from Fractal on this? Is there any active movement to fix 5.04? Or have we been abandoned, lol? (Ok, so that was a little melodramatic, lol), But I am starting to wonder when - or even if - this will be addressed). I'm sure they have their hands full with the AFX3 release...
  83. G

    Wish Stomp box looper controls

    Heck, I'd just be happier if the 'once' button could be used to continuously retrigger a loop/sample. This could be used to fatten up all sorts of tracks. But the way it is current setup, you hit the play 'once' button and it'll play once... from start to finish unless you stop and restart...
  84. G

    Any cool Sustainer/Feedback Sounds?

    Maybe experiment with the "hold" feature in the reverb or delay blocks (which gives you infinite repeats and can be assigned as a separate command to one of the momentary foot switches).
  85. G

    Did you switch from FX8 to AX8 into tube amp? Effects-only questions

    Thank you. That's what I was hoping to hear. Much appreciated.
  86. G

    Did you switch from FX8 to AX8 into tube amp? Effects-only questions

    The short version of my question is; Do AX8 and FX8 have the same CPU resources available if used in an "effects-only" setup? (without amp/cab simulation) The long version of my question (with rambling backup information): Ok, so I use 'real' amps. My main amp is a 100W Marshall 1959SLP...
  87. G

    FX8 V5.03 Public Beta

    Dang. That is not cool. I did install the beta, and it seems to be working fine. But after seeing your story, I think it's the last beta for me. I wish the official release would come out.
  88. G

    FX8 V5.03 Public Beta

    Going on almost 2 months with this beta (I still haven't installed). I would just do it, but Eduard's post below makes me a little nervous. Anyone else doing OK with this beta with the FX8 mk 1 ? Eduad - If you're still watching this thread, did you get your issue resolved? If so, was it...
  89. G

    fx8 with external od pedals

    This has been asked before, and I seem to remember someone mentioning the Remote Loopy 2 by GigRig as an option.
  90. G

    Wish FX8 Looper - "once" vs "re-trigger" (similar to Line 6 DL4)

    FX8 has a "once" button in the looper. Obviously, this plays the loop... once, then stops. Line 6 DL4 also has a "once" button. But it can also be used to re-trigger a loop on demand. Every time you step the button, it starts over. It does not make you wait until the loop is finished to start...
  91. G

    Incorporating an FX pedal

    I've seen people talk about GigRig's Remote Loopy. I'm not all that familiar with it, so I'm not sure if it will do what you want - but surely someone here can clarify.
  92. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    Well then that should be awesome. Will report back once I finally get a chance to load it up.
  93. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    I hear shimmer in the clip (very nice). But there's still a delay/repeat thing happening on top of (or along side) the reverb. YEK's patch is probably the nicest shimmer I've heard so far, but it still has a strong delay sound (ie - the picked transients repeats like a regular delay pedal). I...
  94. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    Thanks. I will give this a try when i get home. I can't get the video to play, but that may just be my phone/network.
  95. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    I understand the basics, and have experimented with some presets and some steps that other users have shared. IMO, the results are lacking. It still feels like a delay rather than a reverb. I can appreciate that i jacked a thread and came off like a jerk. And i apologize for that. But if...
  96. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    Yes please show me a shimmerverb without a delay aspect.
  97. G

    New comps and shimmer drive?

    When I heard about this, I thought they were finally getting around to a Shimmer REVERB. But then I read it again, and realized that Fractal is just shoving a big fat middle finger in the face of people who are still waiting for a shimmer reverb patch to show up in the FX8. Lulz, silly huh? I...
  98. G

    Wish Power outputs for external pedals.

    It'll never happen - but I would LOVE it if it did!!
  99. G

    Wish Cab block

    +1. I'd love to have even the most basic amp and cabinet. I'd even settle for a "Sansamp" in the block. More so just to have a backup in the even that my amp goes up in smoke mid-set.
  100. G

    Two Expression Pedals AND Freeze Switch?

    Thats my problem. I am using both pedal jacks for the dual axis exp pedal.
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