New comps and shimmer drive?

When I heard about this, I thought they were finally getting around to a Shimmer REVERB. But then I read it again, and realized that Fractal is just shoving a big fat middle finger in the face of people who are still waiting for a shimmer reverb patch to show up in the FX8.

Lulz, silly huh? I guess it's only us losers that like shimmer reverb anyway though. Besides, who needs it anyway? We already have a 'plex' delay patch that sounds just like shimmer reverb (as long you're not actually paying attention to how much it doesn't sound like it, ammiright?).

Sorry, just frustrated at this point. Tired of carrying around extra pedals when the FX8 should be able to replace everything. It really sucks to have something so close to being perfect, yet so far. If I whining about not having some obscure fuzz pedal, then I'd tell myself to suck it up. But come on.... shimmer verb isn't exactly a special/rare/uncommon effect - just look at the market.

Apologies for the thread jack!!!!!! The shimmer drive sounds like it will be pretty dang cool if/when it hits the FX8.
Yes please show me a shimmerverb without a delay aspect.

You can't make a shimmer reverb without delay. That's how it's done. To shift the pitch you need to use a delay and play the delayed snippet back at a higher speed. Then you put this into a reverb to smear everything so you don't hear the individual snippets.
I understand the basics, and have experimented with some presets and some steps that other users have shared.

IMO, the results are lacking. It still feels like a delay rather than a reverb.

I can appreciate that i jacked a thread and came off like a jerk. And i apologize for that. But if someone cant hear the difference between these plex/delay "approximations" and the other shimmer verbs on the market, well maybe im in the wrong place. Maybe theres a magic setting and im all wrong. If so, id love to see a preset shared.

Please forgive my frustration.
It's slightly easier on the AX8 and Axe-Fx because these devices let me put blocks in a parallel path, allowing me to apply reverb to the pitched voices only.

I use a Multi Delay (Plex Pitch) or Pitch block Fixed Harmony). I "soften" the stack by attaching Input Gain to envelope. I add delay to the (two or more) voices. I then add a Reverb block, set to copious reverb (Cavern or something like that), with discussion turned up. On the FX8 I would put the Reverb block in a parallel path, with Mix set to 100%, using its Level to control its output.

Thanks. I will give this a try when i get home. I can't get the video to play, but that may just be my phone/network.
I use a Multi Delay (Plex Pitch) or Pitch block Fixed Harmony). I "soften" the stack by attaching Input Gain to envelope. I add delay to the (two or more) voices. I then add a Reverb block, set to copious reverb (Cavern or something like that), with discussion turned up. On the FX8 I would put the Reverb block in a parallel path, with Mix set to 100%, using its Level to control its output.
FWIW, I just downloaded and set up the one from the thread above, and it's much better than the one from the youtube video, for a number of reasons, IMHO.
I hear shimmer in the clip (very nice). But there's still a delay/repeat thing happening on top of (or along side) the reverb. YEK's patch is probably the nicest shimmer I've heard so far, but it still has a strong delay sound (ie - the picked transients repeats like a regular delay pedal).

I just want a shimmer reverb that feels like a reverb instead of a delay.

ATQUINN's "smooth shimmer" patch seems to soften the transients even more. When I fire up the computer, I'll compare the two and see if I can't find some middle ground. It sounds like a simple "shimmer reverb" in the FX8 is not ever going to be possible any other way.
Isn't all digital reverb really just delay with lots of of taps and I guess when I think about the physics isn't real life reverb just lots of delayed reflections smearing together. I do wish it was easier to cop the sound of a strymon cloud reverb or choral reverb (formant) and the tape crinkle sound of the strymon el Capistan on my AX8. Pete claims that his algos take an entire sharc to run though so maybe there isn't enough bandwidth. I think I read that Cliff and Pete are old friends so maybe they will collaborate one day. That would be the most epic crossover gear event in history.
If I had one request in this area: the Diffusion parameter on the Delay Block works differently than on the MultiDelay Block. We can very easily make the Delay Block sound like a reverb, with no perceptible individual repeats. But the Delay Block doesn't have pitch shifting capabilities. On the MultiDelay Plex Shift, I get the shifting capabilities, but I lose LFO modulations and the Diffusion isn't nearly as diffused.

The MTD Diffusion uses the 4 delay lines and diffuses them together. I don't know how the Delay Block Diffusion works, but it is way cool. I think the key difference is the Diffusion Time parameter? If we could get the Delay Block Diffusion ported to the MultiDelay Block, that would be awesome.

Attached is a modulated stereo reverb using just the Delay Block. Be sure to try both X and Y.


  • Deverb.blk
    524 bytes · Views: 9
I hear shimmer in the clip (very nice). But there's still a delay/repeat thing happening on top of (or along side) the reverb. YEK's patch is probably the nicest shimmer I've heard so far, but it still has a strong delay sound (ie - the picked transients repeats like a regular delay pedal).

I just want a shimmer reverb that feels like a reverb instead of a delay.

ATQUINN's "smooth shimmer" patch seems to soften the transients even more. When I fire up the computer, I'll compare the two and see if I can't find some middle ground. It sounds like a simple "shimmer reverb" in the FX8 is not ever going to be possible any other way.
In that patch, just turn off the delay then. It's not part of the shimmer.
Which one is that, and why?
The one from this thread:

The reasons:
  1. the delay is not part of the shimmer effect, so it's much smoother
  2. the shimmer path is completely separate from the main amp/cab path so you can control them both independently
  3. it leaves a Reverb block available so you can implement Reverb Hold on that block if you want to
  4. the shimmer chain has an auto swell to ensure that none of your pick attack is heard on the shimmer side
  5. that's all I can think of off the top of my head
I changed the amps (Match D30/Plexi 6550) and switches around in my version, added reverb hold, and increased the damping to ~500ms on the volume auto swell so the shimmer fades in more smoothly/slowly.

I'll post my Preset if you want it.
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