Best Wireless in 2024


I must not be using the right search words/phrases, because I'm not finding much discussion about incorporating wireless.

Is there a consensus among Fractal users regarding the best wireless guitar solution to use with Fractal, or amp modelling in general?

I'm fairly sensitive to latency. I can live with FM9 turbo's latency (hovering around 5-7 ms with most of my presets). But I would have a hard time adding another 5-7ms no top of that for a wireless transmitter. That's basically slapback territory by the time I step away from my amp, lol. I know a lot of you may not feel it, but it really gets to me.

But unfortunately, I know Line6 has had a history of defects with their G10 series (not sure if those have all been solved or not). Boss WL-50 seems like it's awfully cheap that I have trust issues regarding it's reliability.

The Shure GLX-D 16+ looks great, but it's out to about 5ms.

Scott Uhi's YT channel did a fairly recent review of a NU-X system. He seemed to like it alot. But I've never heard of them before, and not sure how well they review. It has a low latency option (2+ms, I believe), but in order to get the most out of it you really need to run at the higher setting (around 8ms latency).

Should I just buy the Boss or Line6 and hope for he best? Is their something of a higher quality out there that also provide a low latency option in that 2-3 ms range (or better)?
Shure Axient is the best there is and even that system has 2ms latency. Just get the GLXD16+, it’s great, it’s a much better product than all the plastic dongle systems from line6, boss, etc.

My local guitar Center says they have GLXD16+ in stock. I'm not crazy about 4.53ms latency. But I would also hate to spend that kind of cash on a wireless unit that only had access to a crowded 2.4GHz spectrum, and not be able to use it larger venues where it would really make a difference.

I'm just a little worried about running 5-7ms in the FM9, plus 4.53 to 8ms thru GLXD16+ plus 7ms through EHX Freqout (and a few ms added for the additional A/D/A to run in in the FX loop), plus whatever my in-ear receiver adds. That's a cumulative 20ms - 30ms of delay by the time it hits my ears. I can move the Freqout to one of the FX loops, but then there's an additional latency from the extra A/D/A convertion (when the loop is active).

But at least the latency would be minimized when I play through my tube amp (no Freqout used, and FM9 runs through my FX loop for wet effects only). In those cases, latency from the GLX is the only thing I would have to deal with - and 4.53 or even 8ms is not a huge deal. Until recently, this would be most of my gigging. Going forward, there will be a lot more modelling (probably 50% of the time, maybe more).

I really wish Fractal had a convincing Freqout patch :) and a built in wireless receiver, and that it shipped with a gold Rolex and a big old bag of money, lololol.

I use the Shure Qlxd4 system and love it. I've never had a single issue with it ever. Latency is stated at 2.9

This is a lot more expensive. Which version do you use? It appears there are several bands you can choose from. (If you hadn't guessed, I'm a bit of a noob to the wireless game). I see several systems have additional antennae (I assume for people using handheld wireless mics).
I would also hate to spend that kind of cash on a wireless unit that only had access to a crowded 2.4GHz spectrum, and not be able to use it larger venues where it would really make a difference.
The "+" generation of GLXD operates on 2.4 and 5ghz. I've been using the original and "+" versions of these units for many years now in venues of all sizes without a single failure.

plus 7ms through EHX Freqout (and a few ms added for the additional A/D/A to run in in the FX loop), plus whatever my in-ear receiver adds. That's a cumulative 20ms - 30ms of delay by the time it hits my ears. I can move the Freqout to one of the FX loops, but then there's an additional latency from the extra A/D/A convertion (when the loop is active).
When using the Freqout are you not just holding a note? If so then the cumulative latency becomes irrelevant when using it. Put it in a loop to keep it out of your signal chain and then for normal playing you're down to the industry standard wireless > modeler > FOH/monitor console > IEM setup which is very usable and does not create perceptible latency. You will not hear or feel the difference between the GLXD and a 10' cable.
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Sennheiser EW-D. Absolutely has been perfect, hasn’t dropped out in over a year since I got it. I use a mic and the newer EWDX for 2 transmitters in 1 half u (I need 2 packs for my guitar). Sync and manage everything with your phone (Bluetooth) if you want.
When using the Freqout are you not just holding a note? If so then the cumulative latency becomes irrelevant when using it. Put it in a loop to keep it out of your signal chain and then for normal playing you're down to the industry standard wireless > modeler > FOH/monitor console > IEM setup which is very usable and does not create perceptible latency. You will not hear or feel the difference between the GLXD and a 10' cable.

Yeah, Freqout is in the loop now (Freqout set to latching, FM9 set to momentary). I don't think there's another way way to do it inside a digital rig without that latency driving a person insane.

But I like to play longer passages through Freqout with the "wrong" settings - ie generating weird flute/tuba sounds. I deal with it now, but I feel it'll be all but useless after adding another 5-8ms of latency.

So maybe routing Freqout kill-dry mode through FM9, routing it like you would through GigRig's Wetter Box, is the way to go. That at least would leave my dry signal through FM9 intact.

Someday, we'll have time-traveling CPUs that know what you're about to play, and we can truly have zero latency.
My local guitar Center says they have GLXD16+ in stock. I'm not crazy about 4.53ms latency. But I would also hate to spend that kind of cash on a wireless unit that only had access to a crowded 2.4GHz spectrum, and not be able to use it larger venues where it would really make a difference.

I'm just a little worried about running 5-7ms in the FM9, plus 4.53 to 8ms thru GLXD16+ plus 7ms through EHX Freqout (and a few ms added for the additional A/D/A to run in in the FX loop), plus whatever my in-ear receiver adds. That's a cumulative 20ms - 30ms of delay by the time it hits my ears. I can move the Freqout to one of the FX loops, but then there's an additional latency from the extra A/D/A convertion (when the loop is active).

But at least the latency would be minimized when I play through my tube amp (no Freqout used, and FM9 runs through my FX loop for wet effects only). In those cases, latency from the GLX is the only thing I would have to deal with - and 4.53 or even 8ms is not a huge deal. Until recently, this would be most of my gigging. Going forward, there will be a lot more modelling (probably 50% of the time, maybe more).

I really wish Fractal had a convincing Freqout patch :) and a built in wireless receiver, and that it shipped with a gold Rolex and a big old bag of money, lololol.

This is a lot more expensive. Which version do you use? It appears there are several bands you can choose from. (If you hadn't guessed, I'm a bit of a noob to the wireless game). I see several systems have additional antennae (I assume for people using handheld wireless mics).
Looks like that might be as fast as 1.9ms. But there are several versions / channels to choose from. It looks like the EW-D CI1 is packaged for guitar, is that the one you use?

There are a few different frequency bands to choose from. I've got no idea which to choose from, so I guess I need to read up on that portion.

Q16 (470-526 MHz)
R16 (520-576 MHz)
R49 (552-608 MHz)

The only downside I see is that it's not as pedalboard friendly, and it costs a bit more than the GLXD16+. BUT it's a lot faster.
UPDATE: I decided to go with the Shure GLXD16+, because...

A) It seems the be the best value.
B) It was in stock at my local GC, and I need it for out of state gigs next Thursday & Friday. Yes, I could have gotten something shipped in - but with all the new material I need to learn, the last thing I want to do is watch tracking numbers and having to update my board at the last minute.

I am feeling the latency through FM9, but I'm hoping the adrenaline of being on stage will distract me enough that it won't be an issue. And the latency doesn't bother me at all when I play through my tube amp rig.
color me super embarrassed, but i use 2 pairs of the LEKATO dongles (5.8 UHF) that i picked up on Amazon.
we have IEM racks, wireless mixer, and i've had super great experiences in small rehearsal places to 200 seat rooms with zero drop outs.
i notice no latency issues, but if it exists it's likely a matter of too many pedals into and within the FM3/FXIII than anything else
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