Weird metallic overtones

sick pickle

Hey friends, I’m hoping for help trying to diagnose an issue. I’m using the factory preset for Limelight M@ through a fender FR 12 speaker. I noticed when playing there is this weird metallic or strange overtone that happens when I am palm muting the strings or doing some deadening with the strings. It’s this weird harsh sort of metallic sound that’s hard to describe. I am going to try to capture an audio sample so you can hear it but it’s just really strange artifact kind of sound when doing palm mutes that sounds really unnatural to me.

I’ve read some previous posts here about ghost notes or using too much gain so I am wondering if people have had any experience with this.
Are you by chance playing a guitar with a trem? Had a strat that had some weird overtones that turned out to be the springs resonating.
Great call out! If it's not a trem-equipped guitar, it may also be string noise from the headstock area between the tuning pegs and the nut. Putting a piece of foam or tape there solves the issue.
No flanger on in this situation. Also playing a Les Paul that has a string dampener on at the nut 🫠.

It feels like it’s some combination of settings with the amp or drive. Happens with all my guitars. If I try other presets like basic factory amps (first 20 presets) it doesn’t seem to be a thing.
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I think I know the exact noise you describe, and to me it's normal with high gain presets.

I mostly play a Les Paul, and have this same metallic noise you describe, but only when I go to mute the strings with my fretting hand, but do not get it when muting with the picking hand. I think it comes with having the strings hit the frets just before they're muted......

I have actually grown to love this sound, as I can control it knowing which hand controls it .........YMMV
Do you have a string damper on the bridge? Tune-o-matic style bridges may need to be dampened at high gain. But I have the same problem on my Ibanez AZ—especially on the D string. Very annoying metallic overtones when palm muting. I've read that it could be the trem block on AZ models, but that's not really applicable in your case. Some of my fixed bridge guitars also have this, but to a lesser degree. Annoying for sure!
We’d need more specifics about your rig to try to diagnose a problem like that.

I’d make sure your guitar is set up properly prior to going into the preset:
  • A poorly cut nut or saddle slot could cause “sitar” kind of ringing from the string resonating on an uneven surface, or
  • The nut is cut too low and causing the strings to vibrate against the first fret,
  • The truss rod doesn’t have enough relief and the strings are too close to the frets
  • The bridge is too low and strings are too close to the frets
  • The pickups are too close to the strings and causing the strings vibration to be influenced too strongly by the magnetic field
Possible other factors:
  • Your guitar has string length past the scale length break points at the nut and bridge I.e. TOM, Bigsby, Offset vibratos, etc. (Offsets especially are notorious for this but part of their sound imo)
  • Springs on a trem vibrating
  • High output pickups, high gain, or other sources of high levels of compression could be more likely to pick up small nuances you might not notice in a clean setting
  • Harshly put, if your technique sucks this could also cause a similar issue with one of your hands causing some artificial harmonic due to placement.
I’m sure I didn’t hit everything but it’s also a slew of issues that need be to identified as non-problematic before saying it’s the preset, especially without an audio sample or more information on how the overtones occur on the guitar and where it does or does not occur on the guitar.

I had an experience with a Vintera Modified Jag HH where the sound had this odd clicking/clank sound on high gain and I believe it ended up being just the general sound of the guitar with the bridge, humbuckers, and 1 meg pots causing something in the high end to be more pronounced than I was normally used to.
We’d need more specifics about your rig to try to diagnose a problem like that.

I’d make sure your guitar is set up properly prior to going into the preset:
  • A poorly cut nut or saddle slot could cause “sitar” kind of ringing from the string resonating on an uneven surface, or
  • The nut is cut too low and causing the strings to vibrate against the first fret,
  • The truss rod doesn’t have enough relief and the strings are too close to the frets
  • The bridge is too low and strings are too close to the frets
  • The pickups are too close to the strings and causing the strings vibration to be influenced too strongly by the magnetic field
Possible other factors:
  • Your guitar has string length past the scale length break points at the nut and bridge I.e. TOM, Bigsby, Offset vibratos, etc. (Offsets especially are notorious for this but part of their sound imo)
  • Springs on a trem vibrating
  • High output pickups, high gain, or other sources of high levels of compression could be more likely to pick up small nuances you might not notice in a clean setting
  • Harshly put, if your technique sucks this could also cause a similar issue with one of your hands causing some artificial harmonic due to placement.
I’m sure I didn’t hit everything but it’s also a slew of issues that need be to identified as non-problematic before saying it’s the preset, especially without an audio sample or more information on how the overtones occur on the guitar and where it does or does not occur on the guitar.

I had an experience with a Vintera Modified Jag HH where the sound had this odd clicking/clank sound on high gain and I believe it ended up being just the general sound of the guitar with the bridge, humbuckers, and 1 meg pots causing something in the high end to be more pronounced than I was normally used to.
Nothing with the guitar. The guitar is perfectly setup. It is an interaction with the preset and/or the FR12s that I am playing through. However, other presets (other gain levels) don't really seem to have the same thing going on. So there is something happening in this particular preset I think.
Nothing with the guitar. The guitar is perfectly setup. It is an interaction with the preset and/or the FR12s that I am playing through. However, other presets (other gain levels) don't really seem to have the same thing going on. So there is something happening in this particular preset I think.
Any effects at all being used?
Nothing with the guitar. The guitar is perfectly setup. It is an interaction with the preset and/or the FR12s that I am playing through. However, other presets (other gain levels) don't really seem to have the same thing going on. So there is something happening in this particular preset I think.
Good deal, have you tried bypassing one block at a time in the preset until you identify the culprit? I’m not familiar with the preset so I don’t know how many blocks are in it.
I think I know the exact noise you describe, and to me it's normal with high gain presets.

I mostly play a Les Paul, and have this same metallic noise you describe, but only when I go to mute the strings with my fretting hand, but do not get it when muting with the picking hand. I think it comes with having the strings hit the frets just before they're muted......

I have actually grown to love this sound, as I can control it knowing which hand controls it .........YMMV

I know what you’re referring to I think. I hear it on my higher gain scenes when I’m hitting the strings hard. Fret noise. It goes away if I don’t hit the strings as hard.

The other thing I get sometimes is a metallic high harmonics thing especially on the decay of chords. Either I got used to it or it went away. It’s still there but doesn’t bug me. It bugged me a lot at first though. Clipping a guitar signal results in some weird noises.
I wonder if it could be comb filtering due to latency? Like if you're using a send/return loops to send part of the signal out to an external pedal, and part of the unprocessed send is getting mixed back into your FM9 signal path a few milliseconds late due to the A/D conversion. That can be metallic and ugly sounding.
I wonder if it could be comb filtering due to latency? Like if you're using a send/return loops to send part of the signal out to an external pedal, and part of the unprocessed send is getting mixed back into your FM9 signal path a few milliseconds late due to the A/D conversion. That can be metallic and ugly sounding.
Hrmmmm...nothing else connectec. Just FM9 straight into Fender FR12 via XLR output 1 L/R.
Does the issue occur with the FR12 physically disconnected from the FMp and monitoring through headphones?
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