Weird metallic overtones

It would super help to have a clip, as we are exploring a wide variety of possible causes in the dark.

One thing that I will add is that in the process of experimenting with a lot of different amp models and hundreds of Cab IRs, there is definitely resonance in the high-mids for a lot of combinations. Plexi models in particular tend to have a lot of resonance in the "metallic" portion of the spectrum, and this can be massively exacerbated by choice of Cab IR. I've seen it described as "cocked wah" and that is pretty accurate. I tend to hear it on almost all of my presets to a degree, though it's generally sub-audible. It can really annoying with some combinations, such that a darker cab model becomes necessary. Filtering is also possible I suppose. I sometimes wonder if it's actually modeled cone-cry.

This will all be exacerbated again by an FRFR with the right resonance/frequency response.

How far from the FRFR is your guitar? Could be magnetic coupling as well.

Anyhoo, this may be the trouble, maybe not. Would love to hear an audio clip.
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