Waitlist Email

I was under the impression that invitations never expired, stock or no stock. So if you sat on it and divided to order once they’re out of stock, you just get one the next time they have units to ship. I could be wrong.

I recall reading somewhere that when the inventory depletes, the invitation expires. Will need to search for this, and will try to verify if possible.
So... anyone who's on a three-day vacation loses their invitation?

Haha. No, of course not. I'm just being selfish, haha. Meaning, yes, it would be better FOR ME ;) if they lost their invitations. But it would be bad for for any of those customers, and therefore bad for FAS - since it's pretty dumb to create more upset customers.
I recall reading somewhere that when the inventory depletes, the invitation expires. Will need to search for this, and will try to verify if possible.
If I remember correctly, the invitation is good as long as FAS makes the device and has inventory. During the FM3 wait it was possible to get an invitation but FAS would be waiting on delivery of a new shipment. I don't remember if they'd take the order and ship ASAP, or if they'd temporarily put a hold on orders.

The invitation specifies stuff like that IIRC.
I agree 100%.

But I've seen more than enough comments to know that it's a thing that happens. Bth here and on the FB group, there are folks talking about selling gear to fund the FM9. And I'm sure there are plenty of other folks that would rather not feel the sting of $1600 hitting their bank account before payday. Heck, most of us have been there at some point in our lives.

I just wish I could add my payment information to the website, and pre-pay for my FM9. I have this anxiety about seeing my invitation pop up while I am making the 30 drive home from work, and I miss out because I couldn't post my order right away.

Not sure I'm so excitable about this though. I didn't see the announcement or get on the list until 8/27 3:19pm central (4:19 eastern). So I have a feeling that I'm pretty much stuck with October anyway - or later :(

I have definitely been there where I couldn't afford to just pull $1600 out of the bank to buy something like this. I would not sing up on the waitlist if that were the case. It just seem irresponsible to me to put your name on the list when you know or suspect that you are not going to have the money to purchase if when the invite comes in.

I am with you on the prepay option. I would give my credit card information to them and they could just charge me and ship the item when it comes in. That would resolve the issue above. You are either prepaid or you are not in line.
From what I recall reading somewhere in this forum regards FM9's, the invitation stands as long as inventory is in stock. The invitation expires once inventory is depleted.
No. Invitations do not expire. If you get the invitation but you don’t make the purchase, it’s possible that Fractal will run out of stock. If you make the purchase at that point, your name will go to the top of the list when new stock arrives.
Units already started shipping and we have a few hundred to ship.
From Fractal Admins themselves, some notification of available units since Aug 27th.
If I remember correctly, the invitation is good as long as FAS makes the device and has inventory. During the FM3 wait it was possible to get an invitation but FAS would be waiting on delivery of a new shipment. I don't remember if they'd take the order and ship ASAP, or if they'd temporarily put a hold on orders.

The invitation specifies stuff like that IIRC.
This would be a more optimistic way of viewing things. What I was wondering was, what happens if your invitation is still good, but FAS' inventory were depleted?

Would the invitation still stand if FAS needed to catch up and build more units? Or, would it make more sense if they held off from offering an invite if FAS realized their inventory supply was low?

A separate question that I and others are asking is what happens if an invitation is declined (changed their mind, bought something else, etc)? Am thinking FAS is not going to sit and twiddle while we make up our minds...hop to, folks!

EDIT: Thanks, Rex!
I have definitely been there where I couldn't afford to just pull $1600 out of the bank to buy something like this. I would not sing up on the waitlist if that were the case. It just seem irresponsible to me to put your name on the list when you know or suspect that you are not going to have the money to purchase if when the invite comes in.

I am with you on the prepay option. I would give my credit card information to them and they could just charge me and ship the item when it comes in. That would resolve the issue above. You are either prepaid or you are not in line.

Here's what I did...

I asked if I could secure a loan for the cost of FM9 plus shipping and set it aside in savings. Then, sold a couple pieces of gear and have about $1525 from these sales, plus transferred some cash to savings.

The remaining amount I'm judiciously saving for by not buying any unnecessary items this and next month. (Fortunately, I'm single and don't have as many family obligations as married wih children parents).

In less than a month's time, I expect to be able to repay the loan amount in full, and use the saved amount for purchasing my FM9. The loan was secured in case the FM9 invite arrived early. (I felt it necessary to be prepared just in case.)
Wow, to continue the conversation of people getting on the waitlist and then not purchasing the unit, there are 3 people on the gear page thread that received an invitation to purchase and they are saying they are on the fence about it. One is definitely about money. I guess I just think different than this...

Edit: And another one that is in the list that may not buy it if he can't get the money together before his name comes up... Maybe I am the odd thinker on this one. It is definitely common to get on the list with not having anything thought out.
I have definitely been there where I couldn't afford to just pull $1600 out of the bank to buy something like this. I would not sing up on the waitlist if that were the case. It just seem irresponsible to me to put your name on the list when you know or suspect that you are not going to have the money to purchase if when the invite comes in.

I am with you on the prepay option. I would give my credit card information to them and they could just charge me and ship the item when it comes in. That would resolve the issue above. You are either prepaid or you are not in line.
I agree with what you said and I'll go one further: it's a jerk move to sign up to the wait list if you're not sure you'll buy it. It's wasting people's time and adding to the inventory management problems.

Sign up when you're sure that you have the money and that you want it.
From what I recall reading somewhere in this forum regards FM9's, the invitation stands as long as inventory is in stock. The invitation expires once inventory is depleted.

Although I'm not sure if FAS will notify you regards expiration, it might be good FAS policy if they'd at least notify us if we might need sign up again up if the invite expired while we spent time mulling things over...
I think the invite should have a button for those who want to pass the opportunity. And to be limited for two days.
I put myself on the waitlist for an AxeFX III before I had the cash ready, I was using it as motivation to save the cash. Then my invitation came up and I was so far away that I lost hope for a while. A few months later I got promoted and the majority of my financial issues became a thing of the past.

I’m 1:24PM, I’ll be ordering it as soon as that invitation rolls in!
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