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  • Before: Nov 4, 2011
  • Users: 6L6C
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  1. 6L6C

    New user a few questions.

    True about the Beta, “try at your own risk” but you pointed out allot of users saying there, (midi interface does not work). If the midi interface does not work (at all) can’t blame the Axe editor. But for the rest of those people. In most of those cases it’s just people not familiar enough with...
  2. 6L6C

    WIll a patch using 74% on Ultra run on Standard?

    Check your PM for my email address send my the patches in question and I'll see if they run on my standard John
  3. 6L6C

    Atomic FR Wedges in the house...VIDEO

    Very curios of this myself, have been thinking of a pair of passive cabinets. I really like my DCM-200 that I am currently using. Have had my system plugged through a full range speaker and it sound's fantastic and also use it through my Mesa 2x12 Recto (minus the speaker sims of coarse!) and...
  4. 6L6C

    Passive Atomic Reactor??

    Never really have the gain high enough to enter the fizz zone, but if I do want to push it a bit like to use a drive in front of the amp. Still, like the PEQ for shaping especially with the models I use as my core sound which is basically the USA models. More or less emulating my Mesa Mark IV. I...
  5. 6L6C

    Passive Atomic Reactor??

    Sounds like a good idea to me! Like you I also have a DCM-200 I run mine through a 2x12 Mesa Recto cab and it sounds awesome! But you are right-- we are loosing the advantage of using the cab sims. I have no complaints with my DCM-200 so I think a passive cabinet would be a good way to go. Might...
  6. 6L6C

    Is Liquid Foot still in business?

    The AA does sync with other Rocktron products, but the only thing it is really doing is pulling the program name off the processor you are using. Have had mine since 97 and like it allot, comfortable with it, look's cool (IMO), and built like a tank. But it's time, I don't see Rocktron updating...
  7. 6L6C

    Rocktron All access

    I have had mine for the past 13-14 years great board! And that is a good price for the one you are looking at. Old as this board is there is only one board I would consider an upgrade and that is the Liquid Foot. I am curios about the MFC myself but have noticed in a photo of it that it has a...
  8. 6L6C

    Marshall Plexi and JCM800(9.02)

    Sounds really great! Very cool riff John
  9. 6L6C

    Use midi controller and editor simultaneously

    No you are fine to go as far as your merger! Even the 5 pin has 5 volts DC running through the cable, no adapter needed.
  10. 6L6C

    Use midi controller and editor simultaneously

    The foot controller will get its power with that cable I have used the same one myself for a Rocktron All Access. The midi merge box is passive and requires no power. When you send a command to the AF with your foot controller (or even do a change from the front of the unit), the Axe Fx is not...
  11. 6L6C

    mono vs stereo

    Me too!
  12. 6L6C

    BB appreciation...

    Me too Jeff! Was very happy to have this added with the latest firmware. And like you also I was using the T808 and getting in the ballpark of what my BB did. But now we don't have that problem anymore. :D John
  13. 6L6C

    Silly effects routing question - Parallel routing and levels

    Depends if we are on the same page (time based mostly) reverb, delay, flanger, phase. When running in parallel you need to crank the mix level (100%) on the effect, and control the effect with its level. If you don’t do this every time you bypass an effect and there is still direct signal...
  14. 6L6C

    Using the Axe Fx to droptune your guitar?

    I stand corrected :oops: Sebastian Since this is the case have you used an Ultra for drop tuning purposes and if so are you content the sound? I have done it with the standard and it works but don't care for it, I would take the Morpheus pedal in a heart beat. Maybe "Squealing Feedback"...
  15. 6L6C

    Using the Axe Fx to droptune your guitar?

    I am curios how you go about it?? I did not get the greatest results, so interested in your settings. thanks John
  16. 6L6C

    Using the Axe Fx to droptune your guitar?

    I plan on getting one of these pedals myself, 10 years ago when I played copies allot this pedal could have saved me a little misery, and cut down on the amount of guitars. Anyway this has come up before on the John Petrucci forum so I gave it a whirl on my Axe Fx standard, the detune function...
  17. 6L6C

    Newbie Question - Home-Equip

    For sure! Since you would be going through a full frequency system weather it be, monitor speakers/PA, you can take full advantage of the Axe Fx cabinet and microphone sims. Going through the same speakers with either your drum tracks or CD player you will find it sits nice in the mix same if...
  18. 6L6C

    WHY would I need the ULTRA? PRACTICAL COMPARISON (=examples)

    I’m chiming in a little late but---- If your finances let you just get the Ultra, this way you won’t drive yourself insane and have that little voice in your head, “what if?” Myself I have a standard and have no regrets, and even the standard has more than enough power, don’t get me wrong I...
  19. 6L6C

    Greetings and a little advice...

    I use Peterson also and the tuner on the AF is excellent it tracks really fast but for live I would not use it just for the simple fact with my setup the AF is not eye level so would be a bit hard to read, at least for tuning. I’m looking at a LF pro myself from videos I have seen the display...
  20. 6L6C

    Axe-Mission Ultra Wah

    Enjoyed the whole thing. The tone is excellent as is the performance.
  21. 6L6C

    Noob trying to load Redwirez IR's but not having much luck

    Can you “audition” the IR’s ?? If you can, bring up the IR slots on the AF. Drag over what you want and hit save you should see the process bar on the bottom go ten times. It is possible your IR’s are getting loaded to your AF and you are not aware (I went through the same thing though...
  22. 6L6C

    What is the deal with the mic model?

    :mrgreen: Yeah when I started in with IR's and forgot myself once or twice. And an IR with an SM57 in the impulse stacked on mic sim SM57 or whatever sounds like a comb filter gone bad.
  23. 6L6C

    Dweezil makes me proud!

    Hey it was your idea, not mine 8-)
  24. 6L6C

    Dweezil makes me proud!

    You might have been joking but it (appears) to work fine. Just open up two instances of the program and give the second one a different midi port. I don’t have two units to give it the real world test but which ever midi port I hooked up to the unit, it responded fine. BTW: Just installed this...
  25. 6L6C

    Dweezil makes me proud!

    Seen Dweezil last night at the Brookhaven Amphitheater, (Selden Long Island). First time seeing him live he played for about an hour, had a smoking tone & effects and in back of him a couple of small racks with his two Ultras in the middle of the whole thing, and some stomp boxes. Found out a...
  26. 6L6C

    Presonus Firebox - Helicopter sound - HELP

    As for the other noise, is it possible some sort of ground loop going on? Especially were the Firebox is being powered through phantom power. Try this : remove all cables from the Firebox except the Fire wire of course, and use a pair of head phones. It is not good enough to have the monitors...
  27. 6L6C

    Presonus Firebox - Helicopter sound - HELP

    Strange as this may sound: Try this while (Firebox plugged in no wall wart). While the sound is going on click on “My Network Places” in the left pane click “View Network Connections”. In the right pane you will now see your network connections you want the “1394 connection” right click on that...
  28. 6L6C

    Petrucci using Axe-FX?

    I was there last hanging with (“RichB” at the JP forum). JP and I compared a few quick notes on the Axe Fx bottom line, like me he has not spent any time to speak of with the unit (I got a little more time in with it then him) but first impressions of the unit he really likes it allot and seems...
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