Use midi controller and editor simultaneously


I would like to use the Axe editor and a midi foot controller simultaneously. I already read some topics about this issue on the forum, but I came up with the following idea, although I'm not quite sure if it will work. Will the midi merger gets it's power this way?

The red line is a Rocktron 5/7 pin midi cable. This one: ... 224493.jpg

The foot controller will get its power with that cable I have used the same one myself for a Rocktron All Access. The midi merge box is passive and requires no power.

When you send a command to the AF with your foot controller (or even do a change from the front of the unit), the Axe Fx is not sending that change to the editor. For the editor to be updated with the changes you must “Recall” (From Axe Fx edit buffer) If you don’t do this and start to edit again from the editor with two different versions, it might work depending what you are up to, but when you go to save there might be a problem. Bottom line it will work, just a little clunky.
One of the risks is when loading firmware updates to your Axe... I would strongly recommend you avoid touching any of the controller pedals or buttons during a f/w update (or better yet, unplug the midi controller completely). A firmware update in progress might bork your Axe if some additional midi data got merged into it.

I know nothing of how dangerous it would be to also use the Editor and the midi controller at once (again, it's a problem of two streams of midi data being sent at once to the Axe).
6L6C said:
The foot controller will get its power with that cable I have used the same one myself for a Rocktron All Access. The midi merge box is passive and requires no power.

Thanks! But on the Midi Solutions website it says that the merger will get its power through one of the midi-ins. Actually, I don't understand that... :-s Maybe there's somebody who ones such a merger who knows this?

Dpoirier said:
One of the risks is when loading firmware updates to your Axe... I would strongly recommend you avoid touching any of the controller pedals or buttons during a f/w update (or better yet, unplug the midi controller completely). A firmware update in progress might bork your Axe if some additional midi data got merged into it.

I know nothing of how dangerous it would be to also use the Editor and the midi controller at once (again, it's a problem of two streams of midi data being sent at once to the Axe).

Thanks for the info. Actually, I do not intend to use them at the same time, but only have them hooked up both. I have my Axe build in a 19" rack case and I'm to lazy to change cables everytime I want to edit my patches at home.

Hopefully someone can tell me how dangerous it really is when the Axe accedentally will receive 2 different midi signals?
wauwter said:
6L6C said:
The foot controller will get its power with that cable I have used the same one myself for a Rocktron All Access. The midi merge box is passive and requires no power.

Thanks! But on the Midi Solutions website it says that the merger will get its power through one of the midi-ins. Actually, I don't understand that... :-s Maybe there's somebody who ones such a merger who knows this?

Dpoirier said:
One of the risks is when loading firmware updates to your Axe... I would strongly recommend you avoid touching any of the controller pedals or buttons during a f/w update (or better yet, unplug the midi controller completely). A firmware update in progress might bork your Axe if some additional midi data got merged into it.

I know nothing of how dangerous it would be to also use the Editor and the midi controller at once (again, it's a problem of two streams of midi data being sent at once to the Axe).

Thanks for the info. Actually, I do not intend to use them at the same time, but only have them hooked up both. I have my Axe build in a 19" rack case and I'm to lazy to change cables everytime I want to edit my patches at home.

Hopefully someone can tell me how dangerous it really is when the Axe accedentally will receive 2 different midi signals?

No you are fine to go as far as your merger! Even the 5 pin has 5 volts DC running through the cable, no adapter needed.
In the FBV mk2 thread under controllers and midi questions, I've proposed a solution which can help in getting the midi connection problem solved.

I'm using a own made device which functions as a midi merger + FBV translator + USB interface for the AxeFX. It has sufficient midi connections and, if needed, can add additional filtering.
Also the FBV connection can easily be used for midi + power connections. At this moment it has a 9V supply on it, but this can be changed to anything between 5V and 12V. (or more if needed)
wauwter said:
6L6C said:
The foot controller will get its power with that cable I have used the same one myself for a Rocktron All Access. The midi merge box is passive and requires no power.

Thanks! But on the Midi Solutions website it says that the merger will get its power through one of the midi-ins. Actually, I don't understand that... :-s Maybe there's somebody who ones such a merger who knows this?
Like 6L6C said it's MIDI powered, so you have to be sure your hardware provides 5V.

I'll get mine today or on monday, so I'll be able to give a little feedback (not with a GCP unfortunately).
If you have a multimeter you can check if you have 5V between the middle pin and the one next to it, on the left or on the right. If at least your GCP our your MIDI interface has this, you're good, and you'll have to plug it on the MIDI IN labelled power.

Unfortunately I'll have to wait for monday :cry:
Ups I forgot to give my feedback :mrgreen:

Works fine here too, without battery which is quite great. The next step will be to integrate it in a I/O rack !
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