BB appreciation...


Man... it's just right there with that model. Drop it in and it adjust the gain to taste and it just works for what I need. I usually have been tweaking the Full OD or the T808 to get things close, but this model just makes it easy. Great job Cliff!
Me too Jeff!
Was very happy to have this added with the latest firmware. And like you also I was using the T808 and getting in the ballpark of what my BB did.
But now we don't have that problem anymore. :D
Yep - I've been using it with lowish mix settings and the new comp for some thick, sustaining clean(ish) tones. It's awesome!
jeffinaustin said:
Man... it's just right there with that model. Drop it in and it adjust the gain to taste and it just works for what I need. I usually have been tweaking the Full OD or the T808 to get things close, but this model just makes it easy. Great job Cliff!

What amp do you like it with the most Jeff?
It's my favourite drive so far... I use also Super OD, Dist+, Ts style because they contains needed sounds... but BB is more musical. :cool:
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