Using the Axe Fx to droptune your guitar?

I'm looking into buying one of those Morpheus Droptune pedals to do this, but wondering if the Axe Fx can do it as well or even better. If so, is the Ultra better equipped to do this? (i have the standard but will consider returning it and spending the extra dough because this is so important to me!
I plan on getting one of these pedals myself, 10 years ago when I played copies allot this pedal could have saved me a little misery, and cut down on the amount of guitars.

Anyway this has come up before on the John Petrucci forum so I gave it a whirl on my Axe Fx standard, the detune function is not deep enough so I used the harmonizer (fixed) and cranked the mix to get the effect signal and no direct. I tried it before and also after the amp sim. It does work but the guitar starts taking on some properties that don’t sound that natural.

As for trading up to an Ultra I don’t believe that will accomplish anything (as far as drop tuning). Although the Ultra has more memory and a faster processor, they behave the same, if the standard can do it so can the Ultra (But not better) the same. Of course with the Ultra you can run more blocks and it does have more effects to choose from, but more important IMO there is allot more room for growth, where the standard is probably becoming maxed.
Here some comparison features of both units I don’t see anything that would accomplish the “drop tune” any better. ... comparison

From the videos I have seen of the Morpheus, sounds allot more natural even little things like pick noise.
Just get one of these and your life will be infinitely better: :mrgreen:

Bantam Menace said:
I do this with a Standard all the time....sounds great!

I am curios how you go about it?? I did not get the greatest results, so interested in your settings.

thanks John
6L6C said:
Bantam Menace said:
I do this with a Standard all the time....sounds great!

I am curios how you go about it?? I did not get the greatest results, so interested in your settings.

thanks John

I use 'fixed harmony' set to 100% mix with the harmony set to -1 or -2 depending on what the song calls for.

My cover band normally tunes to Eb but we do some Motley Crue songs that were recorded in D. So while the bass player is switching instruments I just hit a button and I'm ready to go.
6L6C said:
As for trading up to an Ultra I don’t believe that will accomplish anything (as far as drop tuning). Although the Ultra has more memory and a faster processor, they behave the same, if the standard can do it so can the Ultra (But not better) the same.

That's not correct. The Ultra's pitch algorithm is a bit better (AFAIK). It does have a mode for polyphonic tracking (= what you need for imitating lower tuning of the whole guitar), too. The Standard has not.
Sebastian said:
6L6C said:
As for trading up to an Ultra I don’t believe that will accomplish anything (as far as drop tuning). Although the Ultra has more memory and a faster processor, they behave the same, if the standard can do it so can the Ultra (But not better) the same.

That's not correct. The Ultra's pitch algorithm is a bit better (AFAIK). It does have a mode for polyphonic tracking (= what you need for imitating lower tuning of the whole guitar), too. The Standard has not.

+1. Using the pitch algorithm is much better. Go to the pitch block on the "Down Full Step" preset to see how to set this up. I use this alot for my EVH patches to lower everything by 1/2 step. YMMV.
Sebastian said:
6L6C said:
As for trading up to an Ultra I don’t believe that will accomplish anything (as far as drop tuning). Although the Ultra has more memory and a faster processor, they behave the same, if the standard can do it so can the Ultra (But not better) the same.

That's not correct. The Ultra's pitch algorithm is a bit better (AFAIK). It does have a mode for polyphonic tracking (= what you need for imitating lower tuning of the whole guitar), too. The Standard has not.

I stand corrected :oops:

Since this is the case have you used an Ultra for drop tuning purposes and if so are you content the sound?
I have done it with the standard and it works but don't care for it, I would take the Morpheus pedal in a heart beat.
Maybe "Squealing Feedback" has the right idea, time for an upgrade

everytime i try i get a little latency, and it drives me nuts... that Morpheus Droptune doenst sound like it has that problem.

i'd love to figure out a way to do it on the ultra wehre the latency is not so bad... maybe it's something i'm doing wrong.
dpeterson said:
everytime i try i get a little latency, and it drives me nuts... that Morpheus Droptune doenst sound like it has that problem.

i'd love to figure out a way to do it on the ultra wehre the latency is not so bad... maybe it's something i'm doing wrong.

turn the tracking parameter down
Sebastian said:
6L6C said:
As for trading up to an Ultra I don’t believe that will accomplish anything (as far as drop tuning). Although the Ultra has more memory and a faster processor, they behave the same, if the standard can do it so can the Ultra (But not better) the same.

That's not correct. The Ultra's pitch algorithm is a bit better (AFAIK). It does have a mode for polyphonic tracking (= what you need for imitating lower tuning of the whole guitar), too. The Standard has not.

Actually, polyphonic tracking is only designed to get simple chords. Turning it off allows for simple pitch shift up/down.Also, polyphonic tracking increases latency.
I use the harmonizer for droptuning on the Standard, however, I've never been thrilled with the change in the tone. It's ok for 1/2 step and maybe 1 step, but any lower gets pretty unnatural sounding to me. I may look into the Morpheus. If anyone has any reviews on it, please chime in.

i tried doing this last night
used preset 23 drop tune as a starting point

dropped from C# to B using the axe
didn't sound too bad

anyone got any tips for best results?
Are the settings for the droptuning in any of your "published" patches? If not, do you mind sharing the settings? It seems like the latency isn't too bad!
Yes they are, in my bank A check the Uber preset after patch 50 or so, the pitch module is bypassed by default
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