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  • Users: Moke
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  1. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 3

    There could be something going on that may be fixable. Or, it could be a bug? Lowering the CPU% would most likely help. Post, or P.M. the preset so it can be checked out.
  2. Moke

    Select Preset AND Send Midi PC

    I have been using one of these without issue for a couple of years. There also may be some wireless...
  3. Moke

    Separating Reverb Outputs

    @Soundtweaker .. Replied to your P.M. I can post it all here for other's benefit, if you are okay with it.
  4. Moke

    Wish 2nd Pitch Block

    couldn't you use the 'Advanced Whammy' model and set the 'Start' to -1, or -2, or whatever? And the 'Stop' to +11, or +10, or whatever?
  5. Moke

    How many of you make use of SPILLOVER setting in your AX8 presets?

    I never switch presets mid song. So I have 'Preset Spillover' off. I don't want some leftover Delay and/or Reverb tails hoping into the next preset I select. Especially if the new preset has some very wet settings. Spillover between scenes is another story.
  6. Moke

    Separating Reverb Outputs

    I'm also seeing some issues in your preset. Mute bypass types, possible dry signal going through parallel paths, conflicting level settings, and more. I can continue here or, P.M. me if you want to discuss this and possible solutions to your original issue privately.
  7. Moke

    Separating Reverb Outputs

    Are you wanting each mic to have a dedicated stereo reverb, or two mono reverbs?
  8. Moke

    Separating Reverb Outputs

    That is the same way an effect bus running a Reverb works on a mixer. Whatever is sent to that Reverb will be in the Reverb tails. Unless you are using two busses into two reverbs, or a true stereo Reverb. It's very common to run a single Reverb for all of the vocal mics. You could use the two...
  9. Moke

    Wah bypass help

  10. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 3

    Have you tried using the 'Batch Setter' function? You can alter a parameter value for any or all channels of that block across multiple preset.
  11. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 2

    Test preset sent.
  12. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 2

    I have no idea either, as they don't really affect the CPU% meter. Since they both operate on a separate processor or partition. Very cool. Between this awesome overall CPU improvement and the (possible?) reinstatement of the 'Diffusion' function in the Delay block, I could put back a lot of...
  13. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 2

    Thanks for the reply. It was removed because of the added CPU when using the 'Diffusion' function, causing some issues. In light of these latest CPU improvements, I was just hoping that it could be revisited. Fingers crossed.
  14. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 2

    I have been seeing what I can get away with in a few of my higher CPU% presets. Swapping some Reverb 'substitutes' for a Reverb block. Then gradually increasing the 'Quality' and/or the 'Echo Density' until I get a warning. Most of the time I get a 'Warning' and/or an 'Exceeded the Max CPU%'...
  15. Moke

    FM3 Firmware Version 6.00 beta 2

    Very much appreciated! Some presets seem around the same, and others have a noticeable drop in CPU%. I haven't quite figured out which block(s) got the most benefit. Any info on this? Is there any chance of getting the 'Diffusion' parameters back in the two Delay blocks? Or even just one of...
  16. Moke

    Is there a block which converts preset to mono transparently?

    You could use a Vol/Pan or Filter block. And set both the 'Left Pan' and the 'Right Pan' controls to '0.0'. But be aware that there could be something in the preset that could be adversely affected by being collapse to mono. Comb filtering, certain effects no longer being heard, etc...
  17. Moke

    Global Settings Across Presets?

    The Axe-Fx III has a Global Blocks function that would do exactly what you describe. Unfortunately that isn't available in the FM3 or FM9. However, if you are using the Gate in the Input block, there is a Global 'Noisegate Offset' parameter to globally increase or decrease the Threshold...
  18. Moke

    Anticipation of FM3 6.0

    As far as I recall, @Admin M@ posted that the Setlist function will not be coming to the FM3. EDIT.. I must be thinking of something else?? (latest Pitch block algorithm?) According to a few post, looks like the Setlist function is expected to be added to the FM3
  19. Moke

    Help With Scene Change Pop

    "I'll try your suggestion your suggestion to adjust the input gain levels while running a -6 level and 50% mix on the delays." Keep the 'Mix' value at 100% for parallel effects. My '50% mix' reference was that a -6.00 dB setting of the 'Level' parameter of a parallel block with a 100% 'Mix'...
  20. Moke

    Help With Scene Change Pop

    BTW.. I never heard any 'pop' when changing scenes. Just some fairly big level bumps in the Delay and Reverb 'tails'. With all of the Delays and Reverbs bypassed, the scenes changes seemed pretty smooth, as not much else is happening.
  21. Moke

    Help With Scene Change Pop

    I took a quick look at it last night. There is a lot going on here. Maybe too much?? Without your FC settings, It's a little difficult to determine what is intentional. Here are my thoughts/opinions.... Looks like a 'kitchen sink' type of preset, setup like a stomp box board? Some blocks have...
  22. Moke

    Help With Scene Change Pop

    Working away from home till Thursday night. If it hasn't been figured out by then, I will take a look.
  23. Moke

    Help With Scene Change Pop

    You will need to (temporarily) remove the Global Links and re-export the preset. Those blocks will use the saved global blocks in the receiving unit, or as in my case, set all of the parameters in all four channels to their minimum values. As I don't have any global blocks saved. Makes it...
  24. Moke

    Transferring a preset - for dummies

    Here is a video showing how to import presets and IRs into an AX8. But the process is virtually identical on all of the units.
  25. Moke

    Transferring a preset - for dummies

    Tools tab, Manage Cabs, drag the IR into the User cab slot # that the Cab block in the preset is using, Save.
  26. Moke

    Transferring a preset - for dummies

    The same goes for any IR that might be needed for that preset. Put it in the recommended User Cab slot. It's the one that the Cab block is using.
  27. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    I had a report from a customer about issues with a couple of FM9 presets from the latest updated 3.00 versions. Comfortably Numb (HB) V2.5 'FM9' (3.00) - One of the IRs named in the Description doesn't match the IR included? Enter Sandman (HB) V2.2 'FM9' (3.00) - No sound in the (nc) versions...
  28. Moke

    Wish Ability to select whether layouts are per preset or global.

    In my case... I have an FC6. I started with the Scenes layout. I typically use 4 scenes per song/preset. The most I ever use in one song is 6. So I could have the 4 scenes on that layout. Switches 1 thru 4 have no 'Hold' function so that they will fire off when the switch is pressed (not when...
  29. Moke

    Wish Ability to select whether layouts are per preset or global.

    The 'Per-Preset' layout is a cool addition. If you only use a few presets then it works great. If you setup a Layout that covers most of your needs and have a bunch of presets and you want to have a special switch or two here and there. The 'Per-Preset Overrides' is a great option and less...
  30. Moke

    Why would this disabled amp block change my levels?

    Is that a 'Turbo' preset? It is causing a CPU warning on my non-turbo unit (firmware 3.00). I set all channels of the Cab blocks bypass types to 'Mute. Changed any muted blocks from unnecessarily changing channels, which shouldn't matter, but often does? There does still seem to be an issue...
  31. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated the last 20 of my 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Brothers in Arms V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Girls, Girls, Girls V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Gone Away V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Heaven and Hell V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00)...
  32. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated the last 20 of my 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's Brothers in Arms V2.2 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Girls, Girls, Girls V2.1 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Gone Away V2.3 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Heaven and Hell...
  33. Moke

    Maybe it's about time for some updated Factory Presets?

    My initial test with just a few amp models shows that there are differences in volume levels from model to model. And that is dependent on gain levels, and any advanced parameters that may have been altered. So at the very least, this will throw off the volume balance from preset to preset. As...
  34. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    I had a few reports of some presets not importing. It turns out that the file size was '0'. They are getting corrupted during the exporting process using the 'Preset Manage' tool in the editor. 10 to 20 presets at a time. I did notice that it sometimes took longer that it used to, and even got...
  35. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    I had a few reports of some presets not importing. It turns out that the file size was '0'. They are getting corrupted during the exporting process using the 'Preset Manage' tool in the editor. 10 to 20 presets at a time. I did notice that it sometimes took longer that it used to, and even got...
  36. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 10 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's For the Love of God V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Live Vai Tone V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Interstate Love Song V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Plush V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Exit V2.2...
  37. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    I did a quick test of firmware 21.00 b. The overall tone/EQ balance hasn't changed (the low end seems tighter?). The only issue that I found so far, is a difference in amp block volume. It's different from model to model, and depends on the Drive values. I will have to go back through a re-level...
  38. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    And just like that... Half way though the process, I am one firmware behind already.. o_O
  39. Moke

    FM3 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM3 Master Thread - Firmware 4.xx 'Cygnus'!

    It's been a crazy year so far. I finally got a bit of a break between jobs. I have been updating all of my Axe-Fx III and FM9 presets for the past couple of weeks. I heard that a new major firmware for the FM3 is in private beta testing. Getting the FM3 more in sync with it's bigger siblings...
  40. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 8 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Another Rainy Night V2.4 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Any Way You Want It V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Big City Nights V2.4 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Detroit Rock City V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00)...
  41. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated 8 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's Another Rainy Night V2.4 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Any Way You Want It V2.1 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Big City Nights V2.4 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Detroit Rock City...
  42. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    I received a report that the 'Medium Output Pickup' version of the 'Mark Day' Eruption V3.2 (20.05) for Humbuckers is not loading. The file size was '0 KB'??? It must have gotten corrupted when I exported it. The repaired version is now in the store. The zipped folder name was amended to V3.2.1.
  43. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated 4 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's Crazy Train V2.2 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Foreplay-Longtime V5.8 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Rooster V2.3 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Wanted Dead or Alive V5.8 (HB)...
  44. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 4 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Crazy Train V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Foreplay-Longtime V5.8 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Rooster V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Wanted Dead or Alive V5.8 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) As always, free...
  45. Moke

    Axe-Edit Layout Inconsistency

    It would be great if they were removed from the models on the hardware (if not already?) And the Editor could gray the missing parameters out or something. It can get confusing trying to remember all of this. And wasting a bunch of time wondering why it isn't sounding like what you expect.
  46. Moke

    Axe-Edit Layout Inconsistency

    Not sure if that is an oversite or a feature? There are many times that I would like to use a non-native parameter on some models. But they seem to have been deactivated some where along the way, even though they are still in the Axe-Edit 'Ideal' tab? Does the Presence parameter on the hardware...
  47. Moke

    Pedal 2 affecting volume, and yet unassigned?

    Or just use another instance of that effect, if you have enough processing power available.
  48. Moke

    Axe-Edit Layout Inconsistency

    The AC-30 isn't supposed to have a 'Presence' parameter? But Axe-Edit also has a 'Presence Frequency' Parameter?
  49. Moke

    Pedal 2 affecting volume, and yet unassigned?

    If I recall... Pedal 2 is assigned to global volume by default. Edit... mr_fender beat me...
  50. Moke

    Axe-Edit Layout Inconsistency

    Proving @Rex 's point... There is a newer beta version (20.05) as well as a new Axe-Edit version (1.12.08) available. Both have new changes and altered parameters (and possible bugs?). This is why it is always important to post the versions that you are using.
  51. Moke

    Any recommendations for a country Telecaster preset?

    I thought the same thing. but it's a link to Andy's page.
  52. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 8 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Crazy Biznitch V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Cuts Like a Knife V2.4 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Limelight V2.7 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Machinehead V2.2 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Pour Some Sugar...
  53. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated 8 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's Crazy Biznitch V2.2 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Cuts Like a Knife V2.4 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Limelight V2.7 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Machinehead V2.2 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3'...
  54. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    While updated my 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05, I noticed a few small errors in the 'Med' and 'Low' Output versions of the presets listed below. To keep things completely in sync, I have re-uploaded the corrected versions to my site...
  55. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    While updated my 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00, I noticed a few small errors in the 'Med' and 'Low' Output versions of the presets listed below. To keep things completely in sync, I have re-uploaded the corrected versions to my site Moke's...
  56. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 9 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.0. Moke's American Girl V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Burnin for You V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Fa..Fa..Fa..Foolin V2.3 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Silent Lucidity V2.6 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Still of...
  57. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated 9 more 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's American Girl V2.1 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Burnin for You V2.1 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Fa..Fa..Fa..Foolin V2.3 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Silent Lucidity V2.6 (HB)...
  58. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Glad that they are working for you. And glad to finally have a chance to get started on this. It has been a crazy year for me. Too long of a story to get into here.
  59. Moke

    Opinions and Help Needed

    Also, what are you using for a power amp?
  60. Moke

    Opinions and Help Needed

    Another thing to consider is that your modified 'FRFR' cabs are likely not very 'FR' (flat response). Those cabs (and ports?) are possibly not the recommended dimensions from Celestion for that particular speaker. But hey, they might sound great?
  61. Moke

    Opinions and Help Needed

    The Amp block 'Input EQ' is not going to help you here. The dry guitar sound entering the Amp doesn't really have any high frequencies to cut. This happens when distortion is added. You should use the Low and High Cut parameters in the Cab block. Read up on Pre and Post EQ if you can. Or...
  62. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated 6 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Cream (Prince) V2.1 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Comfortably Numb V2.5 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Eruption V2.8 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) - Includes an updated version on Mark Day's version. Moke's Live Gilmour...
  63. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated 6 'Humbucker' versions of my 'Artist - Song Specific' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.05. Moke's Cream (Prince) V2.1 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Comfortably Numb V2.5 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's Eruption V2.8 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) - Includes an updated version on Mark Day's...
  64. Moke

    Axe-Fx Firmware Version 20.05 Public Beta (Beta 1)

    For me, my 16.05 presets still have the Drive block, 'Mid High' parameter loading at '0.00' instead of '5.00'. I just used the Batch Setter function to set all channels, of Drive block 1 and 2, of every preset to '5.00'. Some Compressors are gain staged differently since their overhaul.
  65. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    While I had My Strat out, I updated all 14 of my currently available 'Single-Coil' versions of my Axe-Fx III 'Artist-Song Specific' presets to firmware 20.05. I had the 'beta' version loaded and didn't run into any issues, so I ran with it. Moke's Blue Hotel V2.3 (SC) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.05) Moke's...
  66. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    While I had My Strat out, I updated all 14 of my currently available 'Single-Coil' versions of my FM9 'Artist-Song Specific' presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Blue Hotel V2.3 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Blue On Black V2.3 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Comfortably Numb V2.5 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Cream...
  67. Moke

    FracTool - for power users only

    Try the 'Batch Setter' function in the Fractal Editor.
  68. Moke

    Can you enable a drive and keep it ON with an expression pedal?

    Auto-Engage has settings for that. I prefer 'Med-Pos' if using the stock 'heal off' option. I also prefer having the Off Value set to 95% (toe off) so that I can play around, or park it in the lower ranges without it turning off. I very seldom park it at the high ranges. And it closer resembles...
  69. Moke

    Axe-Fx II "Ares" Rev 2.00 Firmware Release

    I keep my Axe-Fx II mark 1 on 10.01 and still use it live. Even though I have an Axe-Fx III, FC 6, AX8, FM3 and FM9. It's nice that the firmware updates and and re-tweaking all of my Axe-Fx II live presets has stopped. Didn't really hear a big improvement in the 'Ares' update that was worth the...
  70. Moke

    Can you enable a drive and keep it ON with an expression pedal?

    Use the 'Auto-Engage' just like you are using for the Wah. If you don't need any Drive parameter to change but still want have it Auto-Engage just like the Wah, Attach the same expression Pedal to any Drive parameter not used, Min and Max to the same value that you want it to stay on. Then turn...
  71. Moke

    FM3 Pre purchase question

    Adding a simple dual-button external switch as "stand-in" switches adds a lot of functionality. They will have every function of the built-in switches (except the LED rings). Functions like switching between Layouts or Views, Tuner/Tap Tempo, Control Switches, addition Scenes, Per-Preset...
  72. Moke

    FM9 Firmware Version 3.00

    Just a heads up... Among other things, the re-worked Drives have a new parameter (High Mid). That new parameter loads with a value of '0.00' on all of my presets made before that addition. This may be specific to certain firmware versions? The new default after resetting any Drive model is...
  73. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.04 Release

    Just a heads up... Among other things, the re-worked Drives have a new parameter (High Mid). That new parameter loads with a value of '0.00' on any preset made before that addition. The new default after resetting any Drive model is '5.00'. I recommend using the 'Batch Setter' function in the...
  74. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Just a heads up... Among other things, the re-worked Drives have a new parameter (High Mid). That new parameter loads with a value of '0.00' on any preset made before that addition. The new default after resetting any Drive model is '5.00'. Until I get them all updated, I recommend using the...
  75. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Just a heads up... Among other things, the re-worked Drives have a new parameter (High Mid). That new parameter loads with a value of '0.00' on any preset made before that addition. The new default after resetting any Drive model is '5.00'. Until I get them all updated, I recommend using the...
  76. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Updated the 7 'Single-Coil' versions of my "General Multi-Purpose' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.04. Moke's Acoustic Sim V5.8 (SC) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.04) Moke's Acoustic+B3 sims V5.8 (SC) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.04) Moke's Acoustic+Shimmer/Angels V5.8 (SC) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.04) Moke's Bass Sim V2.8 (SC)...
  77. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Updated the 7 'Single-Coil' versions of my "General Multi-Purpose' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Acoustic Sim V5.8 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Acoustic+B3 sims V5.8 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Acoustic+Shimmer/Angels V5.8 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Bass Sim V2.8 (SC) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's...
  78. Moke

    Nuances of working with block channels...kind of confusing?

    Scene Manager is your friend. Suggestion.. Unless you are using the same model with small changes, try to avoid changing channels on Delays and Reverbs. The tails can have artifacts. Use a second instance (at no CPU% cost on the FM9) and switch between them via scenes. Also, Scene Controllers...
  79. Moke

    FM9 Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] FM9 Master Thread - Firmware 3.xx 'Cygnus'!

    Finally found some time to check out the latest firmware. Updated the 7 'Humbucker' versions of my "General Multi-Purpose' FM9 presets to firmware 3.00. Moke's Acoustic Sim V5.8 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Acoustic+B3 sims V5.8 (HB) 'FM9' (3.00) Moke's Acoustic+Shimmer/Angels V5.8 (HB) 'FM9'...
  80. Moke

    AFIII Presets [Moke's Custom Presets] Axe-Fx III Master Thread - Updated to Firmware 20.xx 'Cygnus'! New 'Triple-Gain' (HB) Versions

    Finally found some time to check out the latest firmware. Updated the 7 'Humbucker' versions of my "General Multi-Purpose' Axe-Fx III presets to firmware 20.04. Moke's Acoustic Sim V5.8 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.04) Moke's Acoustic+B3 sims V5.8 (HB) 'Axe-Fx 3' (20.04) Moke's Acoustic+Shimmer/Angels...
  81. Moke

    Fast way to go to a specific Preset

    As far as I know, the quickest way on the hardware is to 'Page>>' 3 times to the 'Presets' tab. then use the 'Nav' buttons to quickly go through the list. Moving your favorite presets all together is nice. And the new Song/Set list function is a nice way to group preset together without...
  82. Moke

    Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.04 Release

    I was prepping for digging into the changes from the past few firmware updates when I noticed something odd with the graphic on the 'Speaker' tab of the Amp blocks on the editor and the hardware between the Axe-Fx III and the FM9. Updated to the latest firmware versions on both units. (20.04...
  83. Moke

    FM3 Slow?

    It is true for any switch with a 'Hold' function. Which is more of a necessity on the FM3.
  84. Moke

    Reverb issue (crackling... regardless of reverb type) AXE FX III MKII - FW 20.03

    Maybe nothing, but I noticed that your clips are mono. Maybe something going on when it's collapse to mono? What are your Output settings?
  85. Moke

    Is it possible....

    You could use scene 2 for the Solo instead of a Control Switch, and have the other Control switches set to 'off' in that Solo scene? I would put the 2nd instances in series to keep it simple.
  86. Moke

    Is it possible....

    If Scenes won't fit your need, you could just use more block instances of each block that you are wanting a 'dual-control' type of action on. Drive 1, Filter 1 and Delay 1 are all attached to Control Switch 1 for solos. Drive 2, Filter 2 and Delay 2 are set up for direct individual control. etc...
  87. Moke

    can someone help me plz

    For the record, a single switch on a Fractal 'FC' controller can toggle between two scenes.
  88. Moke

    can someone help me plz

    'Scenes' are the easiest way.
  89. Moke

    How to quickly bypass newly added blocks across all 8 scenes?

    I usually do this, using the editor.. Add (or Select) the desired block Click on the 'Blocks' tab at the top of the editor to open the drop-down menu Hover the mouse over 'All Scenes' to open another drop-down menu Choose 'Bypass', Engage', or 'Set to A', or B, etc... The editor quickly goes...
  90. Moke

    Can this preset run on a FM3/FM9

    It's not even close on the FM3. But won't fit, as is, on the FM9 either.
  91. Moke

    Best ways to implement smoother scene changes while using both amp blocks simulteanously?

    If it were me, I would try to get what I need for the Dirty scene from one amp.. Or what I need for the Clean scene with a Drive block acting as the Amp. Keep both chains always running and use a Mux block. Or, crossfade/morph between them with a Mixer block and a Scene Controller. But, try...
  92. Moke

    Help please! Backup preset file won't transfer to Axe III

    You might have a corrupted preset in that bank. Use that percentage amount to calculate where, in that bank of 127, the corrupted preset may be. 18% of 127 = around #22, 23? You can use the Axe-Manage Presets tool in the editor loading one preset at a time, around that area, until you find the...
  93. Moke

    [Bug (20.02)]? Prior saved Speaker Impedance Curve missing (flat)

    If you have screenshots or pics of the old curves, you should be able to with the 'Resistive Load', and manually enter the values back in. I updated to the new (at that time) more complex curves when they were updated. The differences were very minor, and nothing sounded worse, so I went with...
  94. Moke

    Help, my AX8 has developed a sound issue...

    Is your Wah unintentionally coming on?
  95. Moke

    [Bug (20.02)]? Prior saved Speaker Impedance Curve missing (flat)

    This may have something to do with the time before the Impedance Curves where improved. That looks like an older curve. Existing presets would load with the 'Resistive Load' setting but the old curves were used/shown. If you selected a new curve, then went back to 'Resistive Load', it would go...
  96. Moke

    Something strange is going on with my sound

    Hmmm, Interesting issue.o_O What about with the USB cable disconnected? Just the FM3, headphones, and guitar.
  97. Moke

    Celestion F12-X200 speaker Cabinet Build - Where to buy?

    Hmm, about 20 minutes away from me. I might go by there sometime to check out his shop.
  98. Moke

    Something strange is going on with my sound

    Sounds like something on your circuit is running intermittently, and adding noise to your electrical system. Resetting the breaker shuts it off for a while, but when it starts back up, the problem returns.?? Can you investigate this to see if something is running, only when the noise is...
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