Help please! Backup preset file won't transfer to Axe III


Moved back to FW19.08 today and was reloading my most recent 19.08 backup, but preset bank "C" would reach 18% transferred, and then error out. Actually there was no error message, it would just quit loading. Tried it 3 times with the same result. Checked after each attempt and bank "C" did not load. The other three preset banks, cab files and syx files loaded without issue.

I'm running at 2021 MacBook Pro M1.

Any help would be appreciated!
You might have a corrupted preset in that bank. Use that percentage amount to calculate where, in that bank of 127, the corrupted preset may be. 18% of 127 = around #22, 23?

You can use the Axe-Manage Presets tool in the editor loading one preset at a time, around that area, until you find the corrupted preset. Load all of the other (good) presets in groups of 10 or 20 using the Axe-Manage Presets tool.

If you really need the corrupted preset, try loading an older version, if you have one saved. Re-convert it with FracTool if possible? Open it with FracTool to see the settings and rebuild it?
I ran into a similar problem a while back. I used the preset manager to import the presets en masse from the backup until it found the problem preset, at which point it stopped, and I could tell exactly which preset was the problem. I started over and imported up to the bad one, skipped it, then begin again with the one following it.
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