Celestion F12-X200 speaker Cabinet Build - Where to buy?


I know this has been discussed a lot. But I am looking for two empty cabinets built to the Celestian specification. I am just not handy enough to build them myself, and I was hoping to find someone or a company who builds the empty cabinets. I am fine with installing the 'F12-X200 speakers.

I have looked into vBoutique and they look good but was hoping to find some alternatives also.
I know this has been discussed a lot. But I am looking for two empty cabinets built to the Celestian specification. I am just not handy enough to build them myself, and I was hoping to find someone or a company who builds the empty cabinets. I am fine with installing the 'F12-X200 speakers.

I have looked into vBoutique and they look good but was hoping to find some alternatives also.
Zilla cabs makes them and I've seen a few unbranded cabs on ebay...other than that I'd talk to a local custom car audio or cabinet maker about maybe making something for you.
Celestion F12 X200, F12M-150 1x12 guitar speaker empty cabinet original Celestion design US made https://reverb.com/item/56762146-ce...are&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=56762146

I happen to live about an hour away from this guy, so I picked 'em up in person and saved on shipping. But even with shipping they're still considerably less than vboutique etc. They are very sturdy and well made.

I wouldn't say vboutique is a bad choice necessarily... but I believe I remember him saying his were made of thinner material (I think closer to 1/2 in). The ones from Greg here are indeed 3/4 in.
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Celestion F12 X200, F12M-150 1x12 guitar speaker empty cabinet original Celestion design US made https://reverb.com/item/56762146-ce...are&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=56762146

I happen to live about an hour away from this guy, so I picked 'em up in person and saved on shipping. But even with shipping they're still considerably less than vboutique etc. They are very sturdy and well made.

I wouldn't say vboutique is a bad choice necessarily... but I believe I remember him saying his were made of thinner material (I think closer to 1/2 in). The ones from Greg here are indeed 3/4 in.
Thanks for the recommendation. I am wondering why the Greg cabinets weight 9 lbs. less (with speakers installed) than the vBoutique speakers? Greg's are Pine and vBoutiques are Birch. Maybe that is it? Is one wood type better than the other? I did notice that vBoutique doesn't list the thickness of the wood.
I am assuming buying the empty cabinet from Greg and installing the speakers isn't difficult?
Thanks for the recommendation. I am wondering why the Greg cabinets weight 9 lbs. less (with speakers installed) than the vBoutique speakers? Greg's are Pine and vBoutiques are Birch. Maybe that is it? Is one wood type better than the other? I did notice that vBoutique doesn't list the thickness of the wood.
I am assuming buying the empty cabinet from Greg and installing the speakers isn't difficult?
Yeah, I believe, though I'm not an expert and not 100% sure, that Pine is lighter than Birch.

As far as one wood type being better than the other?

Tone wise, I have another cab of similar size (and port volume) in Birch. I had one of my F12-x200's in that originally. Side by side with this new Pine cab: I'm pretty picky about little differences and I honestly couldn't distinguish anything worth mentioning (re differences).

Strength wise, I think I remember reading something about Birch being stronger than Pine? But the way these cabinets are constructed and their size, either wood IMO is -plenty- strong for any use case.

Yes, installing the speakers into an empty cabinet is beyond simple. The hardware and wiring (soldered in) are all there and ready to go. It doesn't come with a grill of any kind but there are a few choices that can be added in for an additional charge (I got the full face metal grill for both of my cabs, they were like 20 bucks each extra).

For the price, IMO, these cabs are a far better option. I'm extremely happy with them.
I wish there was an option to add a power amp module to these.
Maybe message Greg and see if he'd be willing to do something like that. He's got a nice little shop surely capable of this and I imagine he'd be open to accommodating (obviously I can't say for sure and/or speak for him, it's just the feeling I get after being at his place and getting into communication with him).
I happen to live about an hour away from this guy, so I picked 'em up in person and saved on shipping. But even with shipping they're still considerably less than vboutique etc. They are very sturdy and well made.

Adelanto. Briefly dated a girl from there. An hour away, San Bernardino area? Lived there for a bit in the 80’s. Heading north on the 395 to go fishing, I always hated driving through there with the slow speed limits. But once you’re north of Adelanto it’s a good drive.
Adelanto. Briefly dated a girl from there. An hour away, San Bernardino area? Lived there for a bit in the 80’s. Heading north on the 395 to go fishing, I always hated driving through there with the slow speed limits. But once you’re north of Adelanto it’s a good drive.
I'm in Sunland, East of "The Valley".
It's actually closer to an hour and a half from me... I just rounded down for simplicity 😎

Yeah it's pretty barren up that way.

Haven't been to this particular spot in years, but there was some amazing dirt bike riding just west of the 395 and south of Ransburg/Red mountain. Someone said it's all been fenced off/closed, so I haven't bothered to go. But gold miners left huge mounds, gullies, dips and all kinds of terrain that we were able to make at least five complete race tracks with.
Wish I could find a knock down pre-cut kit for this... just the wood... assembly and Duratex done by me...
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