[Bug (20.02)]? Prior saved Speaker Impedance Curve missing (flat)


Fractal Fanatic
Notice that in 20.00 my presets correctly have the prior saved speaker Impedance curve, while in 20.02 they are missing (show as flat). This is with the new "update SIC parameter" set to NO.

Example below is an older Band-Commander preset loaded into 20.00 and 20.02. (Resistive Load" both in 20.00 and 20.02)
In 20.00 it correctly restores the curve with non-zero LF/HF resonance values, while in 20.02 these get set to 0 (and other parms change too).

[EDIT: I can't post a preset (yet) as many of mine appear derived from one of AB's. I can try to save a stripped down version in 20.00 (or older version) that demonstrates the issue I'm seeing in 20.02.]

Loaded into 20.00 (behavior as I would expect):


Loaded into 20.02 (LF/HF resonance values set to 0 ):

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Resistive load should be flat. There is no resonance in a resistive load. Your first screenshot has non-zero values for the LF an HF resonance values. That's why it's not flat.
This may have something to do with the time before the Impedance Curves where improved. That looks like an older curve.

Existing presets would load with the 'Resistive Load' setting but the old curves were used/shown. If you selected a new curve, then went back to 'Resistive Load', it would go flat and the old curve would be gone.

Maybe this older curve support was dropped, inadvertently, or intentionally?
Resistive load should be flat. There is no resonance in a resistive load.
No, it is resistive load for both.

Existing presets would load with the 'Resistive Load' setting but the old curves were used/shown. If you selected a new curve, then went back to 'Resistive Load', it would go flat and the old curve would be gone.
Right, this is how it worked prior to 20.02 (or at least up to 20.00).

Maybe this older curve support was dropped, inadvertently, or intentionally?
I hope not as I thought the new global parameter was for keeping them.
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If you have screenshots or pics of the old curves, you should be able to with the 'Resistive Load', and manually enter the values back in.

I updated to the new (at that time) more complex curves when they were updated. The differences were very minor, and nothing sounded worse, so I went with the default curve for each model except in a few cases where I liked something else more.

I suppose that I will go through the new ones when I have time to update everything, to see if I like something better. As well as all of the other cool new stuff.
If you have screenshots or pics of the old curves, you should be able to with the 'Resistive Load', and manually enter the values back in..

Right. It's just that there are dozens or more presets that use old curves and I also dont know which ones.

I think the "update pre-20.02" parameter was to behave like the previous parameter and keep whatever curves had been saving in all presets.
Anyone else confirm?

Probably happens with older saved presets with (possibly pre-12.x) SICs saved as "Resistive Load".
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