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  1. Lance Holland

    In ears

    Thanks for the feedback @Rumbletone. Just wondering and good to know that the hiss is normal.
  2. Lance Holland

    In ears

    @Rumbletone - curious. I've had a PM351 sitting in the drawer for ages. I tried using it and it was very hissy. Unfortunately, I couldn't return it. Is this normal?....or was I doing something wrong?
  3. Lance Holland

    PSA - Austin Buddy Update May '24

    I downloaded and it contains banks 1, 2, and 3
  4. Lance Holland

    PSA - Austin Buddy Update May '24

    Maybe I missed the email from @austinbuddy but I logged in to check and there was a May '24 update for Live Gold. I'll let the man add anything regarding the update.
  5. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    I've spent some time with the output comp. It seems to be helping. But....stand by until next Wednesday's rehearsal to see if it works with the band.
  6. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    The output compressor kinda does it the cleanup trick. Getting it off the stock zero setting helps the cleanup - but I'm concerned it might kill too much dynamics. Does anyone else use this parameter? What settings are you using?
  7. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    I'll experiment with the output compressor. But, I'm not a tweaker. Most of that reason is that I can't tweak at rehearsals. Our band leader has zero patience for gear noodling. If I need to dig into those advanced settings, I know I'm probably heading in the wrong direction. So, I'll set up a...
  8. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    Well...that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped. I tried the new cranked amp approach at rehearsal last night and struggled to get the sound to clean up without dropping out of the mix. In the end, I needed to switch back to my regular patch that uses drives. Strange how it worked so well at...
  9. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    I'm more boring than that. I'm mostly using one amp model for my electric material (with a bunch of effects) and another one for when I plug in the acoustic. There's so much going on during our gigs. We use an app called "juke" where attendees can request songs (and give a tip in doing so)...
  10. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    This is pretty cool. It cleans up a LOT with the guitar's volume control. I'll need to experiment more but this is promising.
  11. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    Interesting. Can you point me to a reference/video where I might learn about that?
  12. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    Oh - of course. I tend not to get too hung on specific tones for our covers. It certainly wouldn't be an alternative for that hard comp into a fender tone.
  13. Lance Holland

    Dimed amp vs. Clean amp & Drives

    Even with my tube amps, I’ve always used a cleanish amp with some hair and then added pedals for overdrive and leads. On my Fractal, I've taken the same approach using drive blocks (or channels with more gain). For giggles, I copied the amp and cabinet from the stock 100 watt plexi into my...
  14. Lance Holland

    FM9 + ToneX

    I’m using the Tonex One on my backup board there an HX Stomp but I can’t see the point of making it part of my Fractal rig.
  15. Lance Holland

    Amp model to complement a Deluxe Reverb in a classic rock mix?

    I'm in a 2-guitar pop cover band. Our other player uses another modeler - his tones tend to be on the heavy/thicker side. For us, what worked best is for me to use cleaner or edge of breakup tones. I've been going between a Twin and the new AC Brilliant models. I'm also using single coils...
  16. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    Did an outdoor gig yesterday with the beta. Everything worked perfectly. It’s kind of hard to tell whether the amp updates made a difference through my IEMs and listening during sound check but I thought it sounded stellar as usual.
  17. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    LOL...well....I could have always reverted.
  18. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    Against my better judgement as I have a gig tomorrow, I loaded it up. No issues with any functionality. Without cranking it's sounding good through the monitors.
  19. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 7.00 public beta (1)

    Dang - gig tomorrow. While I’d love to do the update, it’ll need to wait until afterwards for risk reasons.
  20. Lance Holland

    Best presets to buy for FM9?

    Thanks for the update @austinbuddy !
  21. Lance Holland

    Best presets to buy for FM9?

    @austinbuddy - I have the Live Gold pack. Are there plans to update the pack for the new firmware and dynamic cabs?
  22. Lance Holland

    Possible help with tinnitus?

    I’ve tried a few of these tricks and they did nothing. I’ll be test driving some new hearing aids in a few weeks that have tinnitus therapy built in. We’ll see how it goes. And by the way….$$$$. I’m still checking to see if my insurance will cover part of it.
  23. Lance Holland

    Really helpful level layout that I'm using

    Of course....but the point of this layout is that this gives you foot control while you are playing during a sound check.
  24. Lance Holland

    Really helpful level layout that I'm using

    If you notice, the settings in my picture show "AMP-1". It will affect the level for the AMP-1 block on the specific channel. If you change channels by changing scenes, you can use this layout to adjust level for each channel. If you have multiple amps, this will only affect the single amp...
  25. Lance Holland

    Really helpful level layout that I'm using

    Exactly. It increases the amp level and saves.
  26. Lance Holland

    Really helpful level layout that I'm using

    (by the way...each of the buttons in the layout saves. the middle one doesn't make any level just saves)
  27. Lance Holland

    Really helpful level layout that I'm using

    This wasn't my idea...but I've really found this layout very helpful for gigging. This layout quickly lets me quickly adjust levels for a preset/scene at sound check. I've found that regardless of what I do with the leveling tool, sound level meters, etc....once I get to the gig, I'll find that...
  28. Lance Holland

    Anyone else digging the Dirty Shirley 2?

    I have the stock 1x12 Friedman cabinet. It’s the normal size cabinet - not the mini size. I believe it has a Celestion G12H in it.
  29. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00

    I gigged beta 2 last night without a glitch. Installed 6 this morning and all seems good. I'm coming to terms with gapless preset function and probably simplifying my kitchen sink presets considerably. Regardless, last night's gig using a SV Bass for cleans, the Wrecker Express for Crunch...
  30. Lance Holland

    Anyone else digging the Dirty Shirley 2?

    FWIW, I own a Dirty Shirley Mini. I've sold off my tube amps other than that and my vintage 1965 Deluxe Reverb. While the DSM is less powerful than the DS, it's got the sound. It's an amazing pedals....all the dirt is controlled by your guitar's volume knob. When I got my Fractal, I...
  31. Lance Holland

    Anyone else digging the Dirty Shirley 2?

    Which DynaCab/cabinet are you pairing with the DS?
  32. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I've been having problems switching presets/scenes when I get over 80-81%. I've needed to simplify a few of my kitchen sink presets to make them work again.
  33. Lance Holland

    Gapless - wrangling with presets and scenes

    I’ve been using varieties of an all-in-one preset since moving to fractal a couple of years ago. But with freedom to move been presets gaplessly, I’m really trying to figure out whether to move to presets. I aligned my favorite presets so they fall in a single bank and have saved versions so I...
  34. Lance Holland

    Sound Checks & Your Pre-Gig Process

    Another thing to add is that each of our members has assignments and knows what to work on. If one of us gets done with our assignment, we shift to the next person's tasks that are still in progress. If someone is stuck in traffic or running late, each of us knows how to do all the tasks and can...
  35. Lance Holland

    Sound Checks & Your Pre-Gig Process

    What @GMGM said...everything has a backup. I have a mini board with an HX Stomp and a couple of pedals. It'll almost cover everything my FM9 will do. But, there's backups for almost everything within reason. I have two guitars that will cover each other if needed. Since we have some songs...
  36. Lance Holland

    Sound Checks & Your Pre-Gig Process

    ...get there? Usually 2 hours. We're usually set up in 45 min and ready to sound check. But, the 2 hours gives some cushion for the times when "sh*t happens". (and it does happen) 3. How do you run soundchecks? Full song, then adjust and replay it again? Just part of a song and then stop to...
  37. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Yep - that fixed it. Thanks @Deadpool_25 !!
  38. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Maybe a bug? I tried swapping presets and it doesn't seem to work Click the Presets Click Manage Drag a preset over another to swap. (I see "Exporting...." in the status) The presets are in the desired locations. Save. I see the preset names refreshing in Edit When I go back, the list is...
  39. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Interesting that some folks can run theirs at higher CPUs than others.
  40. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    @FractalAudio - this was the problem. Interesting, it seems a little less tolerant of higher CPU than before. Anything over 80% seems to be a problem. Regardless, a little trimming of the fat resolved the problem.
  41. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    82.6% - yeah...that's creeped up. I hadn't had problems at that level before. Now that it's gapless, I'll move my acoustic scene from the all-in-one into a trimmed down preset and see if that helps. Thanks!
  42. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Strike still is getting stuck. At this point, there are no legacy that's not the problem. It eventually will switch but seems to get stuck for 30 seconds or more.
  43. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I reimported my saved v5 preset, stored to convert to v6.... and then reimported the IR. That seemed to fix the problem of the scene getting stuck where I had one legacy IR cab and the rest of the scenes that used a Dyna Cab. I also experimented with changing the one scene that had a legacy...
  44. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I think I see a pattern. One of my scenes uses Legacy cabs with an IR. Once I go to that scene, it seems to get stuck. If I stay on the other scenes that all share the same Dyna-Cab, it never gets stuck.
  45. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    I'm having problems switching scenes. It's like it gets stuck in a scene. This may be because I had FM9-Edit running? I disconnecting the computer, restarting, and storing the preset again (only editing on the panel). But, it's still occasionally getting stuck.
  46. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 6.00 public beta (1)

    Just a quick test with my all-in-one preset and I can already see that it switches scenes much better.
  47. Lance Holland

    Cutting Thru The Mix

    In my cover band, I'm the only one that is on IEMs at the moment. I have physical issues with my ears and must keep my levels in control or face serious damage to them. But it works fine. If anything, I think the other members are starting to come around to getting their own IEMs as it would...
  48. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.01

    <crickets> :(
  49. Lance Holland

    Anyone else have the default input gain on their FM9 be way too high?

    This is interesting. I had put my amp block input trim on the performance page to tweak for different guitars. Looking at this tread, it makes far more sense to put the Input 1 Gain from the Input Level configuration on the performance page to adjust for different guitars as that doesn't need...
  50. Lance Holland

    Per Preset Export/Import or Copy/Paste

    In the meantime..... (we wait for the next firmware release!)
  51. Lance Holland

    Newbie question about FM9 factory presets

    I don't usually do it that way. Here's what I do. Click the Presets button next to the current preset name. Click Manage on the bottom right. (Dismiss the warning) Drag the file allbanks.syx (or any of them you wish) to the left grey panel to the list of presets. You should now see all of...
  52. Lance Holland

    Per Preset Export/Import or Copy/Paste

    No, you're not missing something Dave. That would work. I used to do it that way actually. It's ok....but wouldn't be as flexible as being able to copy groups of switches as needed. But, I do get your point.
  53. Lance Holland

    Per Preset Export/Import or Copy/Paste

    Right...which is why the Per Preset approach is the best approach.
  54. Lance Holland

    Per Preset Export/Import or Copy/Paste

    It's kind of 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Building my customized layout is essentially what I've done by making all of the effects Per Preset. The biggest frustration is wanting to try out some preset that's very different than my current rig. For example, trying a Gift of Tone preset...
  55. Lance Holland

    Per Preset Export/Import or Copy/Paste

    Why isn't there a way to export/import or copy/paste for the entire set of Per Presets? This kinda seems like a glaring omission. Background -I use a modified OMG layout for my foot switches. The 10 footswtiches of my effect layouts (4 and 5) are mapped to corresponding Per Presets. When...
  56. Lance Holland

    Stereo Vs Mono For Live Performances

    I really liked the enhancer block at home into headphones or my studio monitors but was concerned about it live. So, put the enhancer on a switch for our gig and I'm glad I sounded terrible live. As soon as I shut it off, my normal tone returned. I'm currently running stereo but I've...
  57. Lance Holland

    Stereo IEM

    One more thing to add (I run stereo as well). Many digital mixers have a way of locking together fader levels on two channels. I do this on our Behringer XR18. That allows me to change my levels with one control rather than having to move individual controls for the left and right channel AUX...
  58. Lance Holland

    Cooper C’s video on levels

    Cooper’s latest video on using the utility function to increase/decrease amp levels is great. I took this to the next level by setting up an unused layout with foot switches for -2,-1,save,+1,+2. This is so much easier to help dial in scene levels while at a rehearsal or gig.
  59. Lance Holland

    Finally got a good Mu-Tron tone

    Thanks...I had built my own MuTron but was having problems with the treble strings not triggering properly. Your settings pointed me to the mistake.
  60. Lance Holland

    In ears help

    I use IEMs with our wedding/winery/private party band. We use a Behringer XR18 mixer. I have two AUX channels that are connected to my Sennheiser wireless transmitter that goes to my stereo body pack. I have my AUX channels dialed in perfectly to give me the amount of my guitar and other...
  61. Lance Holland

    Gapless switching MAY be coming to FM9

    I don't want to take this thread off course....but how?
  62. Lance Holland

    Gapless switching MAY be coming to FM9

    Pushing that CPU limit...but maybe! ( fits!)
  63. Lance Holland

    Gapless switching MAY be coming to FM9

    Thanks. What’s weird is that it’s not a gap. It’s a thunk.
  64. Lance Holland

    Gapless switching MAY be coming to FM9

    Just wondering… I get a weird artifact switching scenes. I’m pretty certain this is because I’m changing reverb channels where it goes from London reverb to spring. Would gapless switching fix that or is this another problem?
  65. Lance Holland

    FM9 w/ IEM

    See my post above....but the short answer is that I connect my wireless stereo transmitter to two of the XR18's AUX channels.
  66. Lance Holland

    If I had to get through a gig with only one preset....

    Pretty nice dirt tone...although it wouldn't clean up enough for our material as we do a lot of funky stuff. I use different amp channels to switch to a band commander for cleans and a preamp for the acoustic. I use a multiplexor that switches on scenes for my wah and pitch (drop) but I don't...
  67. Lance Holland

    If I had to get through a gig with only one preset....

    No output. I'm sure it's fine with your particular expression pedal setup but I got nothing. Replacing the volume blocks with shunts just gives the delayed sound.
  68. Lance Holland

    Preferred Method Clean to Distorted

    @Goonie ... interesting. I'll need to try that. I put input trim on my performance as a quick way to compensate for moving between guitars (singles/hums). So, I'd be giving that up.
  69. Lance Holland

    Preferred Method Clean to Distorted

    Yeah, that's another way. I'm just not sure the juice is worth the squeeze. Not that using two amps with a M-Plex is hard, but it's a lot easier to stick a drive block in front, tune to taste....done. I try to think of my FM9 as an amp....while it'll do these other things, often the...
  70. Lance Holland

    Preferred Method Clean to Distorted

    There's a few ways: Use different amp channels (you have 4 per block) where one channel is a clean amp, and the others are variations of the same amp with different levels of gain. Same as above but where each channel could be an entirely different amp. Put one or more drive blocks in front of...
  71. Lance Holland

    Virt Capo and Whammy

    @Rex Yes. The idea I had was to be able to switch to a "Capo" scene if needed and adjust the tuning quickly with my foot. The problem with that idea is that if I'm also using the same pitch block as a whammy, the shift parameter of the capo is also the start parameter of the whammy....which...
  72. Lance Holland

    Virt Capo and Whammy

    I was trying to use one block with two channels for both virtual capo and a Whammy that ONLY goes down for when we cover Black Keys Lonely Boy. I’d like to be able to have a virtual capo the goes from -5 to +5. The problem is that the start parameter is shared by the two types of effects. Doable?
  73. Lance Holland

    Time Well Spent...

    Ahhh.... no worries. On the unit's display, if you click the page right button, you'll see parameters that can be adjusted (gain, bass, mid, treble, etc). These are the performance pages and they are totally configurable. I've set my performance pages up to have quick access to parameters...
  74. Lance Holland

    Time Well Spent...

    I'm not quite sure what you're saying The layouts shouldn't have anything to do with the performance pages.
  75. Lance Holland

    Time Well Spent...

    I would make one suggestion as you dial in any Fractal with a new guitar. I keep the amplifier block's "Input Level" on the performance page so you can tweak it to find the sweet spot. At this point, I know my single coil guitars like it at noon...and the humbuckers like it at 9 o'clock. It's a...
  76. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    I've gigged the beta firmware 5 times since the release. Other than the longer startup time (which is what it is)'s been rock solid. Not a single hiccup.
  77. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    Wow....that's almost exactly what I started with. I added a second ribbon straight on at 6cm. I haven't played with panning but started with them at -10/+10 as a start.
  78. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    Speaking of the new cabs, does anyone have a rough setup they are using? While the cabinet choice is personal, I'm guessing that the microphone placement would be more or less similar. My experience with micing real cabs is pretty basic...hang a 609 over the front or point a 58 at the edge of...
  79. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    It's not just you. I made a copy of my gigging preset and did a very quick setup with the new Dynacabs. The Dynacabs sound more clear than stock cabinets I've been using since I started using my FM3...and now FM9. I've put the two presets next to each other and plan on A/B testing the update...
  80. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    DUUUHHHH... Yep, I didn't catch that. Awesome!!!!
  81. Lance Holland

    FM9 Firmware Version 5.00 public beta (1)

    Probably against my better judgement as I have a gig this Saturday....I loaded up the beta. No issues....and my gigging preset sounds and works just like it did before the update. I briefly tested the Dynacabs on a copy of my gigging preset and quickly realized that in order to use them, I'll...
  82. Lance Holland

    FM9 w/ IEM

    We used a Behringer XR18. I send stereo to the mixer and I have stereo AUX sends for my Senheiser wireless. I control my mix through my iPad. On top of that, I also use ASI Audio 3DME IEMs that have ambient microphones built into the ear pieces. So I can also mix in as much ambient sound from...
  83. Lance Holland

    From Fm9 to Fm3....crazy?

    To be honest, at times I think I made a mistake upgrading from the FM3 to the FM9. Buying the FM9 was a GAS decision fueled by FOMO (fear of missing out). Yes, the FM9 has more buttons and power but I used to work around that on the FM3 by duplicating my preset and making the appropriate changes...
  84. Lance Holland

    I'm in this strange place with my FM9

    I bought the Martin, Gibson, and Taylor packs a while back trying to find the best acoustic sound through the PA. It took a lot of experimenting. The Martin one just works in a live situation without being boomy or too thin. Their Taylor one is too zingy (the best way to describe it) - but it...
  85. Lance Holland

    I'm in this strange place with my FM9

    Here's my all-in-one. I can't share the 3Sigma Martin acoustic IRs, however, you can plug those in on channel B of the cabinet. Note, I don't use and haven't dialed in scene 5, the "high gain" one. We don't have any material that uses that style sound but I'll eventually dial it in in case we...
  86. Lance Holland

    FM9 is on my desk, how can use looper ?

    I'd have to agree with @unix-guy....Fractal's looper is a bare minimal one-track looper. If you're into serious looping, you'd want a separate device that has multiple tracks. Keep the blows away Fractal's looper.
  87. Lance Holland

    I'm in this strange place with my FM9

    I may be kicked off the board for this... but I'm also in a weird place. Similar situation....have an FM9, and a mini-board with a Stomp, expression pedal, and a couple of dirt pedals as my backup. Because I'm in IT, I know that backups are only good if you verify them. Periodically, I'll...
  88. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    Nice sounds.... John Cordy loves those reverbs! Yes - that is an awesome tone as well with lots of mids. I hadn't tried the 6G4 yet. Thanks!
  89. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    From his other videos, he almost always plays with his fingers. I tried that to see if it was a major factor. It does contribute to the it is a factor.
  90. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    It does sound pretty darn good. I paired #211 and #212. Given what @jlynnb1 saying about the recording situation and the large room it's about the closest you could get without actually comparing it A/B. I have a kitchen sink present that I use for our cover band. I'm going to take components...
  91. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    I’m sure this is somewhere in Cliff’s backlog
  92. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    Another interesting clue about the tone. The speakers are Celestion G10s.
  93. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    Very cool. Thank you for taking the time to put that together
  94. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    That's a fun one @JoKeR III. Heading in the right direction. You're right, it's those mids that's the challenge.
  95. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    @elvis - I dialed in the settings and pulled the Gibson R4 off the wall...and backed off the tone control. It's a cool tone but doesn't sound like what I'm hearing in that video.
  96. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    Thanks @elvis - I'll dial that in and see how it works. @markwayne - definitely rolled off on the tone knob. I'm a little fuzzy on what you're getting at. Can you explain?
  97. Lance Holland

    How might you approach making this tone (Chris Buck)

    Chris gets this great thick, violin (cello?) like tone from this odd-ball Brownface Super Reverb. He uses a fuzz face, a Klon w/low gain, and another overdrive in his other videos. Shuffling the blocks and settings on my FM9 hasn't proven very useful. I get that he's playing in a huge room and...
  98. Lance Holland

    Another “lost in the mix” thread

    I understand what you're saying and in a situation where we had the luxury of having a dedicated sound guy (and not our bass player who is singing, playing bass, playing MC, coordinating the band, and making mix adjustments all at the same time), that would certainly be the case. But, I need...
  99. Lance Holland

    Another “lost in the mix” thread

    I'm assuming you do this with a parametric EQ? What Q and gain would you use? And I'm guessing that this would be post everything?
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