Axe-Fx III Firmware Version 20.00 Public Beta (Beta 4)

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May have missed this. Are most of you doing a soft reset on the amp block to initiate the new speaker setting or doing the mass update? I notice that even if I do a soft reset by changing amp types back and forth it maintains all the parameters on the ideal amp page except the high cut setting which it sets back to zero. Note: I’ve only done the softreset the amp on my AC30tb presets.

Edit: or is an amp block reset even necessary? Can I simply tinker with the speaker drive setting?
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May have missed this. Are most of you doing a soft reset on the amp block to initiate the new speaker setting or doing the mass update? I notice that even if I do a soft reset by changing amp types back and forth it maintains all the parameters on the ideal amp page except the high cut setting which it sets back to zero. Note: I’ve only done the softreset the amp on my AC30tb presets.

Edit: or is an amp block reset even necessary? Can I simply tinker with the speaker drive setting?
No need to reset.
Yet again... New firmware, and I haven't had the urge to tweak my main presets!

Love it!!!
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I was just about to say that... using Dyn Distortion after effects running in parallel does some nice things. after Delays, Phasers and other types can really add some nice analog flavor to otherwise clean sounding effects...
Exactly you can really add some cool character to them. It really is what I was looking for to polish chorus & phasers. I haven't tried with delays yet.
There's a few examples using it after the amp/cab here for studio style saturation.

I know you warned that we'd hear more "crust" with this, but TBH, when it kicks in a 4:59 or so, it just sounds like high end distortion somewhere in the chain. Not cool amp drive or anything, just recording chain distortion. I frankly doubt that's the sound you need to cut through or sound polished in a mix. You might be able to get away with it, if it gets covered by other stuff in that frequency range, but desirable? Not to me.

Later examples in that vid sound much better, so maybe it's either my taste or something. Or I'm nutz.
Holy CrapShit! Holy Crap! Holy Shit! Okay, I finally got to play my damn guitar for the first time since The Information Superhighway became The Internet. Dude, the channel switching is totally seamless in the same Amp Block! This is something I've wished for forever! I just didn't think it was possible. Nothing could be cooler. You have outdone yourself, Sir.

Of course I don't know how it would be with every combination, but I took my three different amp models, the Archon clean channel, the 800 Mod, and the Block Letter 5150, and put them on the same Amp Block, in Channels A, B, and C, respectively, and just started switching. Dude, it was like I somehow had three separate Amp Blocks on a Multiplexer! This, right here, eliminates my need to use the Multiplexer and Scene Controllers the way I've been doing all this time. I've also always wanted to have a stock version of an amp on one Channel, and deeply modded versions on other Channels, like maybe with the Negative Feedback, or other advanced parameters, gaplessly, and it looks like that should probably be possible now. Okay, I'm totally freaking out at how completely totally and unflinchingly awesome this is.
Okay, with the Dynamic Distortion, here's what I just did (caveat: I wired my dual humbucker superstrat like a Les Paul with 50s wiring and really low cap values):

Dynamic Distortion → Plexi 50W 6AC7 → Factory Bank 1 #811 Brownface Super with a 57

Dynamic Distortion at default, turned the volume down on my neck humbucker in parallel, tone knob at full, dialed in a sparkling edge of breakup tone on the Plexi.

Switched to bridge humbucker at full, then dialed in some nasty, nasty cock rock tone with the Dynamic Distortion, messing with almost every parameter.

Now, with my pickup selector, I'm going between the cleanest I get and very gainy. Dialing up the neck humbucker volume knob on the guitar, I go from edge of breakup, to saturated blues, to beautiful rock neck lead with a bullshit single coil flavor.

Marvelous. Again, tip of the hat.
I'm sorry, I can't stop posting about this goddamn update. Okay, the Speaker Drive is absolutely incredible. I already use Speaker Compression all the time, but just try pulling up one of your favorite presets, that maybe is a little drier, and just play around only with adding Speaker Drive and Speaker Compression, and mixing the two to get different effects. Doing this, I just turned another nasty cock rock preset into total metal. This is beyond badass. It's more like evenworseass, à la Wierd Al.
And as @2112 is displaying it his latest excellent video, that Speaker Drive is so incredibly powerful. For anyone who at all thinks there's any life, or responsiveness, or mojo, or soul, that modelling is missing, this is your answer right here. Especially, like I said, mix it with Speaker Compression too, balancing them by ear, and all of a sudden you're already awesome preset will sound dead as it was, and the Speaker parameter version will give you exactly the responsiveness every one of us bastards and ladies is craving when we plug in.
@Dave Merrill definitely personal taste and context dependent. It's pretty fun having a new block to experiment with.
It's not often there's a new feature that's this flexible for sure, I'm definitely a fan. So far I've experimented with the DD block before the amp, between the amp and cab blocks and directly after the cab. Each yielding very noticeable differences in tone with the same settings. I've also tried two DD blocks together, one before the amp and one in between the amp and cab block, tried a very extreme setting on one and got a really cool cocked wah tone but much beefier.
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