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Genuinely, I don't want to cause trouble - seeing this as a "coaching opportunity".
Others may not see it as a “coaching opportunity,” but rather as a “ratting-out opportunity.” If the coach wants more help taking names, I’m sure he’ll ask.
If you want @Admin M@ to know, you could PM him. I'm just making a case for discretion, that's all.
That’s what I did, and I agree with you. Just pointing out it was in the thread from the inside, and wasn’t a subject the other user was making public.

No disagreement, and it’s really not pertinent to the thread so, for whatever reason, it’s best we all just let it pass from here. Thanks for your input. It’s always welcome with me.
Hey do we have any Canadian customers in this thread? Tried to do PayPal PayLater option, but it charges me the full amount regardless, so I went with an alternative route. Anyone with similar experiences?
Yes sir. When checking out, at first I was mistakenly hitting the Paylater and it would bouce back to original screen. Probably not available option in Canada ? I remember seeing a another Paylater option near the end of the checkout process.
Shipped 2/15/23

My first modeler. Just to hedge my bets I ordered a Friedman Little Sister and cab. Should arrive around the same time as the Fractal FM9.
I've owned quite a few over the years and always went back to tube amps and pedals. This time was different. I am getting a quality and consistent sound/preset that I can present to FOH via XLR. Part of me misses the buying and selling of pedals, the rest of me loves that I feel satisfied with my tone and out of the chaos of pedals and power supplies, not to mention the cost of tubes...

Embrace it fully and have fun!!
I've owned quite a few over the years and always went back to tube amps and pedals. This time was different. I am getting a quality and consistent sound/preset that I can present to FOH via XLR. Part of me misses the buying and selling of pedals, the rest of me loves that I feel satisfied with my tone and out of the chaos of pedals and power supplies, not to mention the cost of tubes...

Embrace it fully and have fun!!
Well, I’m embracing it fully in that I’m in the process of selling my >$5,000 pedal collection (some rare birds in there). The amp collection, that’s for another day. :)
I sold many but held on to my pedal boards and enough pedals that I can use as a back up, if anything happened. (Comp, OD, Delay, Reverb & Iridium)

Thankfully, I haven't needed it, knock on wood. I never thought that I would say this but I am 100% happy and satisfied with Fractal. I started with the FM3 and the FC6. Welcome to the family.
I've owned quite a few over the years and always went back to tube amps and pedals. This time was different. I am getting a quality and consistent sound/preset that I can present to FOH via XLR. Part of me misses the buying and selling of pedals, the rest of me loves that I feel satisfied with my tone and out of the chaos of pedals and power supplies, not to mention the cost of tubes...

Embrace it fully and have fun!!
This is by far the best modeler I've had. The clarity/definition of the sound is great and I can have a lot of sustain even with clean tones. Never really had the sustain thing in Helix, maybe I did something wrong. It just keeps ringing out. Stuff just sounds better to me overall. That extra 10-15% of clarity that Helix just didn't usually have (to my ears).
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