SON OF A B@#$H!! (Picture Attached)

That totally sucks dude!!
I've learnt to keep that stuff out of the way and up on top of the PA amp rack, or on the floor behind my FRFR and watch it like a hawk. Locking cover plates work great for fixed installs, but if something happens that that causes you to reach for that knob or power cycle the Axe while fumbling for a key to open that plate - say, mid-solo - you have a challenge ahead :)
That totally sucks dude!!
I've learnt to keep that stuff out of the way and up on top of the PA amp rack, or on the floor behind my FRFR and watch it like a hawk. Locking cover plates work great for fixed installs, but if something happens that that causes you to reach for that knob or power cycle the Axe while fumbling for a key to open that plate - say, mid-solo - you have a challenge ahead :)

That's why I still have a couple preamps in the rack - backup! LOL just in case the axe decides to have a bad day. I don't really need them - the axe sounds much better and has a track record of being a brick house, but with my luck.......LOL

I use the g system still, so even if the axe goes down, I have both preamps for decent sounds, and the g system for fx. I Lso use it to switch presets and turn on blocks in the axe.
This is but one of the reasons I am so glad the places we play have security guards. If an undesirable gets on the stage, one wave from us and their ass is OUT.

Of course, that didn't prevent the keyboard player from knocking my flame top Les Paul off of its stand, putting a big gash in it. I feel your pain.
One of my singers was worse than any groupie....guy would somehow just find a way to destroy everything! :eek:

Once, the guitarist brought in a brand spankin new high end prs to the band room. Singer gets excited, somehow smashed the headstock on the wall, bye bye awesome finish! LOL guitar hadn't even been played yet!
One of my singers was worse than any groupie....guy would somehow just find a way to destroy everything! :eek:

Once, the guitarist brought in a brand spankin new high end prs to the band room. Singer gets excited, somehow smashed the headstock on the wall, bye bye awesome finish! LOL guitar hadn't even been played yet!
That's the kind of guy you need to replace!! quickly!!
That’s just plain horrible!! And if memory serves me correct didn’t you just get your AF II like within the past month or so??
As for the gluing the shaft, I had to do this on a Mesa Mark IV for one of the pots. Did not last forever but did last long enough to get the replacement pot and put it in. Point being, get a new encoder.

Bogus dude!!!

I'm a high gain djent djent meedley meedely meedely type player...

Sent from my iPod.
Drunk and Disorderly!

aww man that SUCKS! i hate when people look at the gear on stage and then get on the stage or whatever... pisses me off! sometimes i take my break sitting on stage just for that reason. maybe next time put the front rack cover on between sets?


I've spent many a "between-set" break sitting on-stage or side-stage for exactly that reason! Usually it's NOT an issue anymore (the club/bar-scene ain't what it used to be for most working/gigging bands - atleast in not in the Boston, MA/New England area anymore! There are still places to play, as I still do, but there aren't nearly as many...) but occasionally, with a large and rowdy crowd (How about St. Patrick's Day in Boston, MA! ...Been there, and done that - LOL!) you can almost sense when it could/will happen!

I was about to post what wesx suggested. I know it doesn't help now... but that is how I protected my rack rigs at shows. Wasn't exactly the same but it did the same job.
Dude!!! That movie was WILD!!! I love when that one guy is beating the other guy up and he's saying "You stupid, lousy rotten, son of a, mother..." something like that. LOL!!!

Re-visit the movie "Fargo". You will find excellent body disposal methods there. Or you can just ask Siri, "How can I dispose of a body"? The response will have you LOL for sure.
Re-visit the movie "Fargo". You will find excellent body disposal methods there. Or you can just ask Siri, "How can I dispose of a body"? The response will have you LOL for sure.

Tossing someone in the woodchipper is a phrase frequently used among my friends. :lol
It's all good..... Unless the statement is aimed at YOU.
The drunk bastard in this scenario would do well with a trip to the mulch pit.

LMAO. And once he's there he would do well to 'trip' into it as well.

Thank you for all of your suggestions everyone!!

I've decided to send it back to Fractal. Time without the Axe is going to suck @$$ but at least it will be repaired right, and i wont have to worry about the super glue wearing off. They were considering sending me the Value encoder. I would have had no issue replacing it myself except for the fact that there's soldering involved... which I'M TERRIBLE at, lol.
aww man that SUCKS! i hate when people look at the gear on stage and then get on the stage or whatever... pisses me off! sometimes i take my break sitting on stage just for that reason. maybe next time put the front rack cover on between sets?
You know this never even occured to me.... UGH. This is going to kill me now. Shoulda, woulda, coulda...
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