New Fractal product coming!!

@Don Watters - IR Loader would/could absolutely have firmware. (which is included in most of my product guesses/hopes)
I don't think I said anything about an IR Loader not needing firmware. Why am I being tagged for this comment? This statement was about software listed in the comment: "IOS/Android Software for all (Axe3, FM9, FM3) along with a small usb device to communicate to your IOS/Android via Bluetooth".
Why do you think they want to sell a lot more to a lot more of customers and compete with other products?

Sell lot more units : supply chain problems. Quality control problems.
Lot of new customers : lot of new complaints, returned products etc.
Compete with other products : they’re already considered as the alpha company of modeling.
Umm, because that’s how you grow a business, increase market share, and stay competitive in the market place.

Fractal may be considered the best modeling company today, but that could change quickly. The competition is not going to sit still.
I don't think I said anything about an IR Loader not needing firmware. Why am I being tagged for this comment? This statement was about software listed in the comment: "IOS/Android Software for all (Axe3, FM9, FM3) along with a small usb device to communicate to your IOS/Android via Bluetooth".

You responded to my guesses making note that Cliff's statement talked about required new firmware.
I tagged you to reiterate that 3 of my 4 guesses would require firmware (and software). The IR Loading devices.

My 4th guess (which was #1 on my list) would also require new firmware on our existing devices (and software for the iOS/Android) devices.

I'm not saying I'm right about my guess. Simply saying that all 4 guesses may require Firmware and Software.
New guess unlocked : new product MAY be machine learning based product.
Why? Digital Waffles refers to machine learning tools : «
Waffles is a collection of command-line tools for performing machine learning operations developed at Brigham Young University. These tools are written in C++, and are available under the GNU Lesser General Public License.

If waffles was a real clue and not just nonsense, I will eat my hat which coincidentally is made out of waffles
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