New Amp Model Preview

There's so much offered in the Axe-Fx already (> 70 amps!), that new amp additions can never disappoint me. It just means: new toys. Whatever they may be. If I don't need it, I don't use it. Quite simple.

It must be hard for Fractal to keep up with expectations and demand. We got lots of Mesa amps, but people are asking for a Stiletto. We got lots of Fenders but people want the 5E3 (to you the Jose-modded Marshall is just another Marshall, but to me another Fender would be, eh, just another Fender). People will get that Jose model soon but they'll still be asking for a Black Flag JT45 (another Marshall) too. Etc.

Me, I'm just happy with anything that's delivered as a free firmware upgrade. Because everything that's important is already there.

Yea what he says.Any free firmware upgrade is a bonus. Sounds to me it could be a go to amp hehehee
Damn!!! That sounded pretty good!!! Can't wait to load it up... Thanks for all your hard work Cliff...
I think it sounds great! I have been using the Marsha sims for VH tones, but I can't wait to give this a try!

I honestly do not want to offend anyone by saying this, but I always find it a little disappointing when people complain about updates and/or enhancements being added to an already INCREDIBLE product. Even if this upcoming amp model was not my "style" or something I was hoping for, I would still appreciate it. I am one of the thousands of former L6 Vetta owners that knows what it is like to be left with a buggy and incomplete unit that was given one last "big" (full of problems) update, then forgotten. Please do not take Cliff and his team's work/support for the Axe for granted guys! If you'd like to see something added, changed, or have an issue you like to see addressed, send Fractal an email, or post a topic here. The company actually listens and it is still not unusual to receive a response directly from Cliff. My understanding is that many of the enhancements in several of our firmware updates come as a direct result of feedback received from Axe Fx owners. Continued product support/advancements and Cliff's interest and connection with his customers makes owning the Axe Fx that much better (IMO).
I think it sounds great! I have been using the Marsha sims for VH tones, but I can't wait to give this a try!

I honestly do not want to offend anyone by saying this, but I always find it a little disappointing when people complain about updates and/or enhancements being added to an already INCREDIBLE product. Even if this upcoming amp model was not my "style" or something I was hoping for, I would still appreciate it. I am one of the thousands of former L6 Vetta owners that knows what it is like to be left with a buggy and incomplete unit that was given one last "big" (full of problems) update, then forgotten. Please do not take Cliff and his team's work/support for the Axe for granted guys! If you'd like to see something added, changed, or have an issue you like to see addressed, send Fractal an email, or post a topic here. The company actually listens and it is still not unusual to receive a response directly from Cliff. My understanding is that many of the enhancements in several of our firmware updates come as a direct result of feedback received from Axe Fx owners. Continued product support/advancements and Cliff's interest and connection with his customers makes owning the Axe Fx that much better (IMO).

I completely agree.
After the white noise bug was pointed out, it was removed in the next firmware, for exsample.
I have done beta testing for quite a few companies and pretty much all developers I was involved with took longer to react to the suggestions of their beta test team, than it took Fractal to listen & react to a mere user. This is outstanding customer support, people - be grateful! :)
I would guess that someone at Fractal has at least a rough idea of the release date. Without an actual announcement, any release date mentioned here would be pure guesswork and wishful thinking.
Am I the only one whos a little dissapointed at this?

I cant wait for firmware updates, and TBH the first thing i look for is new amp models - I LOVE them. However, Im not a Marshall fan TBH, and I already feel there a way too many Marshall based, or Modded Marshall sims in the Axe. A few originals and a couple of modded ones fine - but is not just another "slight" variation on the same theme?

We already have 6 Marshalls and teh 2 Marshas. Its also fair to say the bogners and Buddah are also heavily based around the Marshall sound.

I dont want to sound ungratefull - oh no - but I almost find myself less happy that I was before the news of a new smodel came out :( im really hoping for something different on the amp side of things along with this modded Plexi.

Heres hoping.

While I liked the clip when I listened to it yesterday, I had a similar thought. Generally I'm not a huge Marshall guy.

But then last night when I got home to my Axe, at some point in the night I decided to go through every model from start to finish (something I haven't done for a long time). Sure there are a bunch of Marshall sounds in there, but they're mostly quite different from each other. The two Marshas I wouldn't even group in with those personally, sound-wise.

I've already got (well, until I find something I like more) my main sounds, and I've also got a crapload of other amazing tones to play with. Mind you, I just went from start to finish with the amps, tweaking the pre and master each time. That took enough time to get through. Add on to that the ability to change tonestacks, tonestack location, all those other advanced parameters, user IRs, filters/EQs, drives, etc. etc., and what we've got is freakin' mindblowing. If Cliff stopped adding amps now the possibilities in the Axe are still probably greater than I'll ever have time to fully explore.

So if Cliff wants to add another (in this case, no doubt highly requested) Marshall, that's fine with me. Maybe I'll find a use for it, maybe I'll give it a try and like it but will end up just going back to my main sounds and will rarely use it. Whatever... it's yet another option Cliff's giving us to play with for free. :)
Just me then :(

Im not ungreatfull at all. I love my axe and continue to be impressed with Fractals commitment to the product and customer satisfaction. I guess what I mean is that I got that excitement when I heard of a new update with new sims - then an "oh :(" moment when I heard what the sim was - especially as the last 3 sims added were also modded Marshalls. Im sure its the holy grail for some.

TBH though - Ive always been a bit off the wall. Never really liked the stock Fender/Marshall or even Messa amps in real life. Ive always gone for the less known (in the UK at least), maybe boutique (based on the former mentioned makes) or less liked amps. Manufacturers like VHT, THD and Matamp have been my choices. TBH i have my core sounds and they havent changed much since the Orange was added, and If I wanted to emulate other amps the tools are certainly in the Axe - i copied my VHT 50ST before there was a Fryette sim in the axe - so Im maybe being unfair. Just a wish for something further away from the stock amps is all I was mentioning. If I was Cliff - Id have a hell of a job choosing what to emulate. Even with my more eclectic taskes Id struggle to choose another amp to put in the Axe. A Matamp would be up there, but so were the others I have mentioned.

Ill get back in my lonely box now. Hopefully there will be something in this update for me - and if not Im still a happy fish, and theres always next time.
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No, I can follow you in that I probably won't use another marshall, but then again, as you said yourself the box still has everything you need :)
you got a completely modular fx-box
you have plenty of modifiers (LFO's, step sequencer, envelope etc.)
The key to 'out there' fx is automation, or responsiveness to pitch, dynamics etc.
there's no such thing as a 'slicer' effect btw. it's a marketing term of Boss I believe, that does nothing more than chop up audio in musically relevant slices (16ths mostly) and process them with filters here and there. A weak Adrenalinn.

You already can do this with the tools the Axe gives you, and much more.

well i mentioned the slicer but of course there are many other types of effect and features that could be added to the axe fx, a brief look at the wish list will confirm that. as for the boss slicer being a weak adrenaline that is most probably true but a dedicated "slicer" type effect block could/would most probably better and easier to set up than what is currently available/possible. i also mentioned looper could be expanded. that would be great and i would personally like to see some kind of bit crusher effect. again there are some great ideas floating around but i myself don't get that excited about new amp models when i feel other things could be done. some of these types of things can be approximated but having dedicated blocks for some of these other out there things would be great.

as for the sequencer i'd like to see slower rates for that. for some of things i've tried to do i find that the sequencer is cycling too fast at it's slowest. i'm not just talking about new effect blocks but also features. anyway....
well i think adding the modded amps is awesome.. something most of use will never be able to have, especially the Jose Marshall. still have the fingers crossed for the Lab L5 ;)
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