New Amp Model Preview

awesome stuff! :mrgreen
I would've died a happy man after experiencing the Axe-FX but not anymore cause I'll be missing my Axe-FX too much hehe:lol
of course this is posted while I'm at work and I can't listen to the clip through this cpu....

its gonna kill me all day to stare at that link....
Am I the only one whos a little dissapointed at this?

I cant wait for firmware updates, and TBH the first thing i look for is new amp models - I LOVE them. However, Im not a Marshall fan TBH, and I already feel there a way too many Marshall based, or Modded Marshall sims in the Axe. A few originals and a couple of modded ones fine - but is not just another "slight" variation on the same theme?

We already have 6 Marshalls and teh 2 Marshas. Its also fair to say the bogners and Buddah are also heavily based around the Marshall sound.

I dont want to sound ungratefull - oh no - but I almost find myself less happy that I was before the news of a new smodel came out :( im really hoping for something different on the amp side of things along with this modded Plexi.

Heres hoping.
Am I the only one whos a little dissapointed at this?

I cant wait for firmware updates, and TBH the first thing i look for is new amp models - I LOVE them. However, Im not a Marshall fan TBH, and I already feel there a way too many Marshall based, or Modded Marshall sims in the Axe. A few originals and a couple of modded ones fine - but is not just another "slight" variation on the same theme?

We already have 6 Marshalls and teh 2 Marshas. Its also fair to say the bogners and Buddah are also heavily based around the Marshall sound.

I dont want to sound ungratefull - oh no - but I almost find myself less happy that I was before the news of a new smodel came out :( im really hoping for something different on the amp side of things along with this modded Plexi.

Heres hoping.

I know is so awful having ONLY 10 different versions of Mesa/Boogie, and 6 different AC30's, and 8 different Fenders...

How awful.... :(
the last thing i look for is new amp models. i'm pretty sure most of you are already pretty happy with your guitar tone since acquiring an axe fx as am i. i'd prefer that we get more interesting and out there effects and truly expand on the capabilities of this incredible technology rather than simply getting more distortions. are you not already happy with what you got? lets try something different shall we?
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Am I the only one whos a little dissapointed at this?

I cant wait for firmware updates, and TBH the first thing i look for is new amp models - I LOVE them. However, Im not a Marshall fan TBH, and I already feel there a way too many Marshall based, or Modded Marshall sims in the Axe. A few originals and a couple of modded ones fine - but is not just another "slight" variation on the same theme?

We already have 6 Marshalls and teh 2 Marshas. Its also fair to say the bogners and Buddah are also heavily based around the Marshall sound.

I dont want to sound ungratefull - oh no - but I almost find myself less happy that I was before the news of a new smodel came out :( im really hoping for something different on the amp side of things along with this modded Plexi.

Heres hoping.

There's so much offered in the Axe-Fx already (> 70 amps!), that new amp additions can never disappoint me. It just means: new toys. Whatever they may be. If I don't need it, I don't use it. Quite simple.

It must be hard for Fractal to keep up with expectations and demand. We got lots of Mesa amps, but people are asking for a Stiletto. We got lots of Fenders but people want the 5E3 (to you the Jose-modded Marshall is just another Marshall, but to me another Fender would be, eh, just another Fender). People will get that Jose model soon but they'll still be asking for a Black Flag JT45 (another Marshall) too. Etc.

Me, I'm just happy with anything that's delivered as a free firmware upgrade. Because everything that's important is already there.
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i'd prefer that we get more interesting and out there effects

you got a completely modular fx-box
you have plenty of modifiers (LFO's, step sequencer, envelope etc.)
The key to 'out there' fx is automation, or responsiveness to pitch, dynamics etc.
there's no such thing as a 'slicer' effect btw. it's a marketing term of Boss I believe, that does nothing more than chop up audio in musically relevant slices (16ths mostly) and process them with filters here and there. A weak Adrenalinn.

You already can do this with the tools the Axe gives you, and much more.
There's so much offered in the Axe-Fx already (> 70 amps!), that new amp additions can never disappoint me. It just means: new toys. Whatever they may be. If I don't need it, I don't use it. Quite simple.

It must be hard for Fractal to keep up with expectations and demand. We got lots of Mesa amps, but people are asking for a Stiletto. We got lots of Fenders but people want the 5E3 (to you the Jose-modded Marshall is just another Marshall, but to me another Fender would be, eh, just another Fender). People will get that Jose model soon but they'll still be asking for a Black Flag JT45 (another Marshall) too. Etc.

Me, I'm just happy with anything that's delivered as a free firmware upgrade. Because everything that's important is already there.

I guess. TBH Im completely happy with whats vailable, and Id make the same comment if it were another Fender sim too. The best amp sims recently for me were the Orange and Fryette models because they have there own thing going on. All amps have a DNA with the originals so you could say even these were modded whatevers but they are a little different in how they respond to me. Personally Id prefere a /13, or 65, or THD model - along with maybe a Diamond for the high gain fans. Im guessing these are modelled on past amps too. Maybe the THDs are a little different but the /13 are kina Marshall based I suppose and the 65s roughly Fender - but they do have their own dynamics.

Maybe Ive just been spoiled by the Axe for the last 3 years and now expect too much :)
Great to see Cliff paying, yet another tribute, to the amps that scream Rock and Roll! Love those hot rodded Plexi models. I would love to see a Whizzard model.
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hmmm... a little too chewy for my me. I'll stick with the Marsha BE. That amp model has been my main one since its introduction.

I agree with some of the earlier comments here about having so many amp models. It's a great to have so many choices, but I'd like to see some more of the wish list items knocked off the list.
I see the concern that it's another Marshall but to be honest most amps are pretty much marshals/fenders/Mesa/etc with slight deviations. I'm sure there's a lot of logistics involved with modeling amps that we don't even know about. So although Im not personally interested in this new model it doesn't bug me, I think the more the better and if I get an amp I like *cough-fireball* then awesome if not maybe next time.
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Personally Id prefere a /13, or 65, or THD model - along with maybe a Diamond for the high gain fans. Im guessing these are modelled on past amps too. Maybe the THDs are a little different but the /13 are kina Marshall based I suppose and the 65s roughly Fender - but they do have their own dynamics.

I'd love to see a Diamond-style model in there. One of my fav players is Diamond endorser (-ee?).
Another amazing amp model! Totally pumped for this!

So, how much did David Lee Roth charge you for studio time? :p (couldn't find the tongue stickout smilie)
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