Making profit selling presets with the altruistic support of this community

Lazy and unmotivated. The AVERAGE guitarist can operate the guitar well enough to write a solo. I think these are fair assumptions.
I agree with you. Being I’ve written literally hundreds of solos, I take no offense.
I’ve also written plenty of parts to covers I thought fit and would go over better for the song.
And those guys who learn solos note for note for cover bands? Come on. There are so many notes, find your own. Lazy and unmotivated.
Ah come on man, There are some of us that like to play those notes because of the way it make us feel! It's not always about making it your own but watching the reaction of others knowing you just put a smile on their face because you nailed all of those notes the way they were put down originally. It's also worth mentioning that I would not call it being lazy or unmotivated trying to learn someone else's material note for note then execute it with the same amount of finesse and flair.
I agree with you. Being I’ve written literally hundreds of solos, I take no offense.
I’ve also written plenty of parts to covers I thought fit and would go over better for the song.
I’m so glad we agree 100% of lazy and unmotivated people play other peoples music instead of writing their own. They will not put in the work to develop their own songs and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.
I’m so glad we agree 100% of lazy and unmotivated people play other peoples music instead of writing their own. They will not put in the work to develop their own songs and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.
No need to put words in my mouth. I didn’t say that but if you want to assign that POV to me, it doesn’t really matter.
I’ve seen my share of lazy and unmotivated original bands too.
Ah come on man, There are some of us that like to play those notes because of the way it make us feel! It's not always about making it your own but watching the reaction of others knowing you just put a smile on their face because you nailed all of those notes the way they were put down originally. It's also worth mentioning that I would not call it being lazy or unmotivated trying to learn someone else's material note for note then execute it with the same amount of finesse and flair.
Far be it for me to assume what’s going on in someone else’s head, but I’m guessing he was using that as a (bad) example to invalidate my point. Original vs covers is a failed circular argument with no winners. Kinda like the movie war games.
Far be it for me to assume what’s going on in someone else’s head, but I’m guessing he was using that as a (bad) example to invalidate my point. Original vs covers is a failed circular argument with no winners. Kinda like the movie war games.
I can restate everything I just said to explain why you got this wrong but it probably won’t help, so……
This is funny.
Blazing saddles was funny. History of the world was funny.
This? Maybe a 2 on the entertaining scale.
And if THIS thread is what makes me the asshole, y’all got off light. Spend a few hours taking to my wife and kids, they can write a book.

One fun fact Which I found curious is people take far more offense to being called lazy and unmotivated as opposed to flat out dumb. Another poster called preset buyers dumb and no one batted an eye.

Humans. We are quite an emotional and often illogical species.
I’m actually fine with conceding the point there are zero lazy people who will just buy presets instead of learning the unit and letting you (and anyone else) win the internet for the evening.
What else am I wrong about? I’ll agree with that too if it helps.
That, of course, is the most popular cop out.
so I'll ask the question:
HOW is it you know these things? So you know EVERYONE that has bought a preset and you know them well enough to conclude they are lazy and unmotivated?
How can you not see how ridiculous your argument is? You state YOUR opinions as FACT. Jeeezzzz.
I had thought better of you Bruce. But now I see you are incapable of admitting you may have overstated or assumed or whatever. Good to know!
One fun fact Which I found curious is people take far more offense to being called lazy and unmotivated as opposed to flat out dumb.
It wasn't because you called people lazy and unmotivated, it was because you painted everyone who buys presets that way. Damn. I can't tell if you're doing this intentionally, or just being obtuse. Not everything is black or white, as you seem to me to be portraying things.

Edit: Oh, and I thought it was funny!
That, of course, is the most popular cop out.
so I'll ask the question:
HOW is it you know these things? So you know EVERYONE that has bought a preset and you know them well enough to conclude they are lazy and unmotivated?
How can you not see how ridiculous your argument is? You state YOUR opinions as FACT. Jeeezzzz.
I had thought better of you Bruce. But now I see you are incapable of admitting you may have overstated or assumed or whatever. Good to know!
I never said that. I also already conceded the point because I don’t want to argue it anymore. I can concede it twice if it’ll help.
I didn’t overstate and I didn’t assume. I stated something that is likely and probable. For the last time, a lazy and unmotivated user is far more likely to purchase presets as opposed to taking the time to write them. That’s literally all I said. Whoever took that introspectively is way outside of my control. A lazy unmotivated user will likely not take the time to learn the fractal or write presets. It doesn’t fit the definitions.
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