Making profit selling presets with the altruistic support of this community

Years and years ago on The Fretboard, there was this guy. He used to take my knowledgeable forum posts on amps and effects and gear in general, and copy-paste them to his blog, and palm them off as his own. He was a garbage guitarist too. Proper knobhead.

It takes all sorts of folk. Be safe in the knowledge that the loser who did this to you isn't going anywhere with his music, because he has no talent.
Many will disagree, but the way I feel about it is, what you decide to make money with reflects your character. I just always am asking myself: "is this something a douchebag would do?," or, more eloquently, "is this something a complete tool would do?," and I try to go off that. That goes for the style in which one does it too.
Many will disagree, but the way I feel about it is, what you decide to make money with reflects your character. I just always am asking myself: "is this something a douchebag would do?," or, more eloquently, "is this something a complete tool would do?," and I try to go off that. That goes for the style in which one does it too.
So do you go for tool or douchebag? I'm confused.
I try to stay neutral on the selling of presets - there are good and bad examples of sellers out there. People can definitely put tons of work into them and there can be a value there. You just don't really know what you're getting unless you trust the creator. They can be a time-saver if you don't have the ability to put them together on your own. But the units come with great presets, and any preset you buy gets somewhat stale over time due to newer firmware. (I applaud those that work to keep their presets updated thru firmware updates). Presets also don't always translate to other people's guitars and monitoring very well.

Presets are just a collection of parameters - there's no magic that you couldn't dial in yourself, but that's where the ear and experience come in. Furthermore, many great-sounding and artist presets are just tweaks of the shipped presets or small tweaks to the default amp and block settings. It's unfortunate that someone would re-bundle your efforts and sell them, but there's nothing to do about that but learn from it. There's just no way to prevent someone from selling straight-up copies or minor variants of presets, and some folks have taken advantage of that. I agree you should publish it on the forum.
My 2 cents take it for what it’s worth. I think paid presets cater to the unmotivated and the lazy. The beauty of these kinds of units is learning the ins and outs of them. Folks selling presets aren’t magicians. They put in the work to learn and got the results.

As far as the guy who ran off with your work, take it as a cheap lesson learned.
Anyone can turn a good thing bad. I’ve seen purchased presets be re-sold for more with only bass mid treb adjustments (long time ago).

There are great preset creators out there who trade their time for money - something very normal and equitable. Value for value.

Someone else can do the same thing and have a sub-par product. It’s how any industry works.
You can make a preset in 20 seconds or in 3 months with researching.
Guy who just picked up guitar can make a preset or someone who has sound engineer and guitar amp effects experience of decades.
There is a difference!
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