Making profit selling presets with the altruistic support of this community

I think selling presets is totally fine. I don't go for them myself just because nothing translates well to my guitar, for whatever reason. I love looking at others' presets to get ideas for how to use gear, and I think the ultimate is really stuff like Leon Todd's videos, where he has very focused walk-throughs for what he does to create tone. Even his presets sound bad with my guitar, but it's always a good experience from which to learn and implement ideas my own way.

And I think of it overall this way: The best recorded tones are really work of the best recording engineers. We as guitarists might be able pretty easily to dial in an amp in the room to sound awesome, but you throw a mic in the mix, no pun intended, and all of a sudden you've got to be an engineer to know how to make it sound good. Some people have a knack for that, but it's really an adjustment, and to me, a completely separate skill. So I think it's awesome that people toil over crafting awesome presets and sell them, and for those who plug in and just have incredible tone right away, they can get on to the more important stuff, just playing. But working with Piing and stealing his work to sell is utter douchbaggery. Reminds me kind of what DiMarzio did to Kinman in NY patent court, if the stories are true. People have outright stolen my wife's designs and sold them as their own, and they always have these elaborate writeups about their own creativity. It's maddening.
Others' situations may vary from yours. No need to force your point of view of how life should be lived on someone else's life and, having not walked a mile in their moccasins, spew a bunch of ill-informed, judgmental claptrap....
Forced a point of view? If I forced anything at all, you’d know it. I have an opinion and prefaced it by saying “take it for what it’s worth”. I can appreciate you don’t like my opinion. I don’t think I have to underscore what that’s worth as well. It’s a discussion, nothing more.
If you didn’t like my tongue in cheek humor, I can appreciate that too. I’m not sure what you may have paid in the past for presets, but they don’t rise to the level of having to work more or less in anyones life. Not quite sure how that’s not glaringly obvious, yet here we are.
If you don’t see the difference between writing my own software and operating software as an end user, no then. I also haven’t piloted a jet to get where I’m going or built my own house with a hammer and nails, either.
Nor did the workers who built your house make their own tools & nails, go out & chop down the trees & mill them into lumber, etc. The Axe is a tool & there are many ways to use it as each individual sees fit. What I see the issue here is someone selling presets that were based (at least partially) on someone else's work. That's lame!
Nor did the workers who built your house make their own tools & nails, go out & chop down the trees & mill them into lumber, etc. The Axe is a tool & there are many ways to use it as each individual sees fit. What I see the issue here is someone selling presets that were based (at least partially) on someone else's work. That's lame!
Yes. There is a huge window of reasonability being missed in the argument. It’s reasonable to expect an end user to be able with a little time and energy to craft a great sound. Leon Todd literally has a 5 min tone series.
The other stuff, not so reasonable.

Anyway, peace out. I’m off to a gig and this thread no longer brings me joy.

Love to all.

1 - if you are dumb enough to part with good money, no matter how much, for a preset with all the tools at your fingertips and all of the resources available for free on the internet then you deserve to get took.

2 - If you voluntarily help a total stranger by teaching them to fish then expect a cut of every fish he catches and eats or sells then you're just being unrealistic.

3 - You have no right to expect that your help with something, anything that might lead to a commercial product that they might go and sell automatically implies that you have some claim to that intellectual property unless you establish that in the relationship in writing at the outset.
1 - if you are dumb enough to part with good money, no matter how much, for a preset with all the tools at your fingertips and all of the resources available for free on the internet then you deserve to get took.

Do you go out to eat at restaurants or do you cook every single meal at home?

Do you buy milk? Or do you milk your own cows?

Edit: I realized that I might have been a little too harsh.

Anyway, I’ve got a gig tonight and still need to change my strings. I have a couple of steel and nickel ingots here ready to melt. Anyone have any good resources on how to make your own guitar strings?
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I always wondered, what's stopping someone buying a preset or IR pack, renaming and selling it themselves as their own?
Forced a point of view? If I forced anything at all, you’d know it. I have an opinion and prefaced it by saying “take it for what it’s worth”. I can appreciate you don’t like my opinion. I don’t think I have to underscore what that’s worth as well. It’s a discussion, nothing more.
If you didn’t like my tongue in cheek humor, I can appreciate that too. I’m not sure what you may have paid in the past for presets, but they don’t rise to the level of having to work more or less in anyones life. Not quite sure how that’s not glaringly obvious, yet here we are.
My 2 cents take it for what it’s worth. I think paid presets cater to the unmotivated and the lazy.
I highlighted the bit that is objectively offensive. If that was your attempt at humor, you missed, by a pretty large margin. Calling people "unmotivated and lazy" is where you substituted your judgement of people you don't know for any possibility that their whole life might not line up with your expectations. Any qualifying "My 2 cents" preceding that does not excuse it....
3 - You have no right to expect that your help with something, anything that might lead to a commercial product that they might go and sell automatically implies that you have some claim to that intellectual property unless you establish that in the relationship in writing at the outset.
Ah, but that works both ways. If the person soliciting the help obfuscates their commercial intent with the resulting work product, then the person helping actually does have a cause for grievance....
I highlighted the bit that is objectively offensive. If that was your attempt at humor, you missed, by a pretty large margin. Calling people "unmotivated and lazy" is where you substituted your judgement of people you don't know for any possibility that their whole life might not line up with your expectations. Any qualifying "My 2 cents" preceding that does not excuse it....
Although that wasn’t the part that was humorous, there is a more pressing issue.

No one is entitled to an offense free world. My opinion may in fact offend you. It’s still my opinion.

If you don’t see the difference between writing my own software and operating software as an end user, no then.
To me, personally, writing dsp software is simple, but that doesn't prevent me from understanding it might be a big deal for others. The same goes for presets, or anything that anybody spends time or money on for that matter. There's no need to judge anybody as being lazy or unmotivated just because they have different objectives or skills or demands on their time.
To me, personally, writing dsp software is simple, but that doesn't prevent me from understanding it might be a big deal for others. The same goes for presets, or anything that anybody spends time or money on for that matter. There's no need to judge anybody as being lazy or unmotivated just because they have different objectives or skills or demands on their time.
Again, reasonableness. The AVERAGE computer user cannot write their own software.
The AVERAGE axefxIII user can operate the unit well enough to write a preset. I think these are fair assumptions.
Although that wasn’t the part that was humorous, there is a more pressing issue.

No one is entitled to an offense free world. My opinion may in fact offend you. It’s still my opinion.

Well, that works both ways. No one us entitled to be offensive and sling ad hominem insults without getting called out on it, either. If that bothers you, maybe you should consider not being quite so openly offensive.... 😗
It is sad when you have been enthusiastically helping someone during months through private messages to tweak Gilmour tones, and after he goes radio silence you realize that he is selling them for more than 30 euros per pack.

He said several times that he was getting very close and he was going to share the results with me. I encouraged him to share them or post them at the forum, so I could work on his actual presets instead of replying to his questions and re-sending him my presets that he asked me to revise several times. But he never shared anything. It was a one-way collaboration.

Luckily, we still have many members that share all their knowledge and tweaks without any interest. Thank you!!!
It's sad that occurred, and I think it was unfair of whoever it was not to be open and forthcoming about their intent. I'd shut the door on any further communication with them unless they provide a major percentage of any profits made, but, at the same time, I hope they get nothing for their trouble and it serves as a lesson to them somehow.

The consolation for you is knowing that without your help the other person won't be able to improve on the preset or create any others of equal value. They're stuck. As a bottom-feeder, the odds are good they'll start raiding the Exchange for presets to sell too, and having no idea how they work will quickly get a bad name because there'll be no way they'll be able to offer support when problems occur due to firmware updates.
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