Making profit selling presets with the altruistic support of this community

Again, reasonableness. The AVERAGE computer user cannot write their own software.
The AVERAGE axefxIII user can operate the unit well enough to write a preset. I think these are fair assumptions.
Again, everybody has their own reasons for how and why they spend their time and money. IMHO, insulting them because their values don't align with yours is far from reasonable.
Again, everybody has their own reasons for how and why they spend their time and money. IMHO, insulting them because their values don't align with yours is far from reasonable.
It’s also far from reasonable to assume there are literally zero lazy people who just choose to piss away money.
Lazy is clearly defined. It exists because people can actually be lazy.
Not quite sure how that’s debatable.
My thinking is this: unless a transaction has agreed in advance, I assume that I am giving freely and without reservation.

If someone hires me to play on their recording, I negotiate my fee and do the work. If someone asks for help and I agree - or I freely offer help - I am unreservedly donating my time / energy / expertise. If the recipient later capitalizes on it, so be it. I don't keep a balance sheet for things I give away. I am always happy to help other musicians with anything. If I show up at your gigs, I'll offer to help you carry gear, get set up, run cables, whatever.

Disclaimer: If you need help moving your Hammond B3 up three flights of stairs, I'm busy that day.
It’s also far from reasonable to assume there are literally zero lazy people who just choose to piss away money.
Lazy is clearly defined. It exists because people can actually be lazy.
Not quite sure how that’s debatable.
I get your point, Bruce - at least I think that I do. Speaking just for myself, I don't have any issue with you expressing your opinion. My guess is that no one else does either. It's just the manner in which you expressed it that is causing some ire. I bought an Austin Buddy preset pack. It cost me $99. For me it was money well spent. Suggesting that I'm lazy and unmotivated because I made that choice is offensive (in my opinion). If you had said something like "I think it's a waste of money to buy presets", well that is your opinion and I wouldn't find it offensive at all. But calling me lazy and unmotivated because I took a different path than you did, well, in my opinion that's not very nice. I'm definitely not lazy and I am certainly motivated. I just think that Austin Buddy has awesome ears and by buying his presets I have learned techniques from looking at what he does that are helpful to me when I design my own sounds. Bottom line is I don't think it is necessary to call people names if they see things differently than you do. Though you are certainly entitled to have your own opinion, in my opinion, the world is a nicer place when we treat each other with kindness and respect. Even when our opinions differ. Actually, especially when our opinions differ. That's where the work is. In my opinion . . .

I think paid presets cater to the unmotivated and the lazy.
I have some of AustinBuddy's packs. I didn't buy them because I needed them, I bought them to study and learn from, and to support an excellent member of the community who shares a lot of information with everyone. To read that I'm unmotivated and lazy was quite shocking and offensive.

BTW, I also have presets from Leon Todd and Burgs and others which were free so by using those I was motivated and industrious?
It’s also far from reasonable to assume there are literally zero lazy people who just choose to piss away money.
Lazy is clearly defined. It exists because people can actually be lazy.
Not quite sure how that’s debatable.
I suppose all scenarios exist but I think a much more common one is the unrealistic expectation that one can buy a preset based on a sound sample and have it work with one's own guitar / hands without having to tweak it.
I get your point, Bruce - at least I think that I do. Speaking just for myself, I don't have any issue with you expressing your opinion. My guess is that no one else does either. It's just the manner in which you expressed it that is causing some ire. I bought an Austin Buddy preset pack. It cost me $99. For me it was money well spent. Suggesting that I'm lazy and unmotivated because I made that choice is offensive (in my opinion). If you had said something like "I think it's a waste of money to buy presets", well that is your opinion and I wouldn't find it offensive at all. But calling me lazy and unmotivated because I took a different path than you did, well, in my opinion that's not very nice. I'm definitely not lazy and I am certainly motivated. I just think that Austin Buddy has awesome ears and by buying his presets I have learned techniques from looking at what he does that are helpful to me when I design my own sounds. Bottom line is I don't think it is necessary to call people names if they see things differently than you do. Though you are certainly entitled to have your own opinion, in my opinion, the world is a nicer place when we treat each other with kindness and respect. Even when our opinions differ. Actually, especially when our opinions differ. That's where the work is. In my opinion . . .

Same here. When I got into the AxeFX3, I was suddenly confronted with over 200 amp models I had never played or even seen IRL. The Naked Amps pack was a nice introduction to each, dialed in by someone with a good ear and an idea of each amp's strengths. I treat it like a manual that I can refer to. Self-educating is the exact opposite of lazy and unmotivated. I earned the money I spent on the pack. Who are you, Bruce, to judge?

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When I started out I def bought presets and in fact @fremen presets taught me a LOT. And because he was so good to work with over the years I’ve bought some others from him.

@austinbuddy also is someone I’ve purchased presets from. They are REALLY good and, like Fremen, he is a great guy to work with.

i mostly make my own at this point but @Burgs and @2112 post amazing free presets and IR’s all the time and I grab them ul as quickly as they are posted. GREAT stuff !
Standing by my original statement with further comments for clarification:
100% of the lazy and unmotivated will buy preset packs. They will not put in the work to develop their own sounds and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.

This may or may not be those who take offense. I have no way of knowing. I don’t know you.
Others sure can buy presets to check out or for other reasons defended here. Why not? there’s little to debate here. Those who take or took offense may want to ask themselves which camp they’re in. I have zero dog in this fight. I bought 1 preset in my life and only to support the guy.
Standing by my original statement with further comments for clarification:
100% of the lazy and unmotivated will buy preset packs. They will not put in the work to develop their own sounds and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.

This may or may not be those who take offense. I have no way of knowing. I don’t know you.
Others sure can buy presets to check out or for other reasons defended here. Why not? there’s little to debate here. Those who take or took offense may want to ask themselves which camp they’re in. I have zero dog in this fight. I bought 1 preset in my life and only to support the guy.
Sorry, that is total BS. Yes I know, it's your personal opinion. Doesn't make it true and I don't believe it is.
Yes, Bruce, I have bought presets before. Been here since 2009. I am not lazy or unmotivated, as you seem to believe.
But hey, you are allowed an opinion. I have no problem with that. Just seems to be a bit strong and I do not see how you can "possibly know this is true-you cannot.
Sorry, that is total BS. Yes I know, it's your personal opinion. Doesn't make it true and I don't believe it is.
Yes, Bruce, I have bought presets before. Been here since 2009. I am not lazy or unmotivated, as you seem to believe.
But hey, you are allowed an opinion. I have no problem with that. Just seems to be a bit strong and I do not see how you can "possibly know this is true-you cannot.
I can restate everything I just said to explain why you got this wrong but it probably won’t help, so……
Standing by my original statement with further comments for clarification:
100% of the lazy and unmotivated will buy preset packs. They will not put in the work to develop their own sounds and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.

This may or may not be those who take offense. I have no way of knowing. I don’t know you.
Others sure can buy presets to check out or for other reasons defended here. Why not? there’s little to debate here. Those who take or took offense may want to ask themselves which camp they’re in. I have zero dog in this fight. I bought 1 preset in my life and only to support the guy.
Yup. It’s like people who cover other peoples music. Laaaaaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyy and unmotivated. Write your own music, amiright? It’s not hard.
Standing by my original statement with further comments for clarification:
100% of the lazy and unmotivated will buy preset packs. They will not put in the work to develop their own sounds and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.

This may or may not be those who take offense. I have no way of knowing. I don’t know you.
Others sure can buy presets to check out or for other reasons defended here. Why not? there’s little to debate here. Those who take or took offense may want to ask themselves which camp they’re in. I have zero dog in this fight. I bought 1 preset in my life and only to support the guy.

Have you ever loaded free presets into your Axe-FX, or used any of the tweak-tricks that are shared at this forum?
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Save money, build your own presets, less need to work so much because you’ve stopped paying for presets. Play more guitar.

No. No, no, no. If I make $40/hour, and it'd take me 3 hours to build my own presets that cost $20..., well the math is pretty simple.
Hmmm, let's see... Work one hour, buy the presets, save $20, and have 2 extra hours to play instead of tweak.

Now if you prefer to spend your time tweaking, that's a different thing. But your example doesn't shake out like you said for everyone.

If it's not something you want to do yourself, you pay others to do the things they can do cheaper than the work-value of your own time.
No. No, no, no. If I make $40/hour, and it'd take me 3 hours to build my own presets that cost $20..., well the math is pretty simple.
Hmmm, let's see... Work one hour, buy the presets, save $20, and have 2 extra hours to play instead of tweak.

Now if you prefer to spend your time tweaking, that's a different thing. But your example doesn't shake out like you said for everyone.

If it's not something you want to do yourself, you pay others to do the things they can do cheaper than the work-value of your own time.

That's right. And it is not only about time; sometimes at other's presets (free or paid) you find tweaking tricks that maybe you would never be able to figure out by yourself, no matter how non-lazy you are.
I for one choose not to buy guitar presets because I’ve been able to pick up enough from paying attention to others and years of playing with guitar rigs to figure it out. And I love tweaking presets.

However, I would absolutely buy bass presets since I don’t have the years of background, nor do I want to spend the time commitment to learn the ins-and-outs of bass tone on this platform.

And that’s just my personal situation, everyone has their version of their reality, we choose how we want to interact with this tool and it’s all valid.

And to OP, legal doesn’t equal ethical, big thumbs down to that guy.
That's right. And it is not only about time; sometimes at other's presets (free or paid) you find tweaking tricks that maybe you would never be able to figure out by yourself, no matter how non-lazy you are.
Yep. Absolutely! I hadn't thought of that reason, but then several others mentioned it, and I realized that's another very good reason to buy presets, and is pretty much opposite of "lazy & unmotivated."

Standing by my original statement with further comments for clarification:
100% of the lazy and unmotivated will buy preset packs. They will not put in the work to develop their own sounds and look for quick and easy. These people most definitely exist and they exist in good numbers.

This may or may not be those who take offense. I have no way of knowing. I don’t know you.
Others sure can buy presets to check out or for other reasons defended here. Why not? there’s little to debate here. Those who take or took offense may want to ask themselves which camp they’re in. I have zero dog in this fight. I bought 1 preset in my life and only to support the guy.
Now you're just back-peddling. And the bold statement-- You have no way of knowing this. There's other reasons to buy presets. Hell, maybe I don't give a shit about learning how to make my own, and I'd rather spend my time playing. You're seeing things very narrow-minded.
Yep. Absolutely! I hadn't thought of that reason, but then several others mentioned it, and I realized that's another very good reason to buy presets, and is pretty much opposite of "lazy & unmotivated."

Now you're just back-peddling. And the bold statement-- You have no way of knowing this. There's other reasons to buy presets. Hell, maybe I don't give a shit about learning how to make my own, and I'd rather spend my time playing. You're seeing things very narrow-minded.
I’m actually fine with conceding the point there are zero lazy people who will just buy presets instead of learning the unit and letting you (and anyone else) win the internet for the evening.
What else am I wrong about? I’ll agree with that too if it helps.
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