Introduction thread

Hey guys I'm Dave,

Just picked up an AXE II XL and should have it by next week (Thanks Cliff for the $100 off black friday sale!). For now I've been borrowing my friends Mark II while he's been abroad. I'm a pretty active member on and some what on and talkbass. I guess this makes me a forum junkie now haha.

I'm really excited to be able to purge my gear and clear room for this amazing all in one device. In the 3 months I've had it I haven't use my other rig for more than a few minutes before switching back. I've been playing since I was 12 (I'm 25 now) and have had gear of all shapes and sizes, tube, ss, digital and have never really found "that tone" until plugging into one of these bad boys.


Edit: Oh and I want to thank my girlfriend (future fiance ;) ) for not only letting me buy this but for actually convincing me to go with the XL and helping me buy it.
Another newbie here. Just took the plunge last night and ordered my XL (and a tshirt) :)
Just reading through the forums, wiki and manual has firmly confirmed that i'm not an audio engineer, and don't know nearly enough to take full advantage of the XL.
I apologize in advance for all the future stupid questions i will undoubtedly ask.
Welcome, Morgan! Don't worry that you're not an audio engineer. Most people here aren't.

Likewise, don't be concerned that you don't know enough to take full advantage of the XL. Again, most of the people here don't. But that doesn't mean that you can't make it sing, soar and scream beautifully. You can get there with just the basics.

Welcome, Morgan. Echoing Rex's statement, you don't need to be an audio engineer to enjoy the AxeFX.

Start by looking
It seems that most users begin by exploring the presets and finding sounds that inspire them. So, start by listening to the amazing sounds that are already inside the box, and while you're at it, do some looking... it helps to have Axe-Edit running on your computer, as you will begin to see what is in the signal chain for the sounds. Being able to see which specific amp models, cabinets, effects, and routing are involved is very informative.

Then experiment
Use the factory presets as templates for experimentation. Mess with the effects. Switch out the amp models and cabs. Just play with the controls in Axe-Edit to see how that changes your sound. If you find something you like, save it in a blank location for future experimentation.

And then go for it

After you've gotten some familiarity with the system, try building a preset from scratch. Pull in a favorite amp or two, along with some cabinets. Build your effect chain and tweak it. Add modulation controllers.

I've said it many times, but I'll say it again: Cooper Carter's videos are very helpful for learning your way around the system. Start with "Using the AxeFX", and when you're ready for more, try the "Master Class". They are worth every penny for the classes!

Using the AxeFX
Master Class
thanks for the welcome!

some really good advice there that i hadn't thought about
- run axe-edit to look at the composition of presets. Great visual learning aid to understand the presets vs just hearing them. I don't think my ear is nearly tuned enough to be able to disect on tone alone
- mess with the presents to see cause/effect of specific signal chain elements.

I'll spend some time playing/discovering before looking into buying the using the axe fx video. I already have a set of questions i want to ask but they're likely basic/dumb.
Hey gang,

Fell in love with the Axe FX II, but can't afford one so I thought I'd join up, cruise around these forums and be jealous all day. So far so good.

A little about me: I'm an idiot and don't really know anything about audio besides "Yup, sounds good", so the Axe with all it's presets and tone-matching is pretty much my dream come true.

Looking forward to frustrating you all with my ignorance and stupid questions.

Hey gang,

Fell in love with the Axe FX II, but can't afford one so I thought I'd join up, cruise around these forums and be jealous all day. So far so good.

A little about me: I'm an idiot and don't really know anything about audio besides "Yup, sounds good", so the Axe with all it's presets and tone-matching is pretty much my dream come true.

Looking forward to frustrating you all with my ignorance and stupid questions.


I sold all my random amps and effects... Jumped in and have never regretted it.. Good set of monitors and boom.... I get tried of sounds pretty quick.. So all the amps keep it fresh... Good luck....

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I sold all my random amps and effects... Jumped in and have never regretted it.. Good set of monitors and boom.... I get tried of sounds pretty quick.. So all the amps keep it fresh... Good luck....

Glad to hear, thanks for the encouragement. Let me make you the first person I annoy here and inquire as to what power amp you use with your setup.

I'm in the market, and know nothing, and got laughed out of the last shop I went to when I asked for information since apparently modular rack setups went out of style 30 years ago.

Hey Brandon....welcome to the machine...:shock

Thanks! I will be a useful cog one day.
Hello... I use an Atomic CLR FRFR monitor... Self powered.. I use Yamaha HS8 ref monitors most of the time for recording and playback...

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Another convert here...
I'm Steve, I'd been lurking for a while before I decided to take the plunge with a "trial" (at least that's what my brain said it was). Before the Axe arrived I wasn't sure if it was going to work out and figured I'd mess with a Kemper and Axe for a short while before deciding which one, if any, I was going to keep. Long story short, my Axe arrived first and I plugged it in and decided very quickly that it sounded as close to perfect as I could expect from a modeler. The Kemper arrived and I sent it back without even opening the box. I'm usually very rational but I just didn't want to deal with trying to do an A/B comparison thing when I had already found something that sounded great to me. So, here I am eyeing an MFC-101 without really having a need for one (I just do studio stuff). Now its time to unload some of my analog stuff... first to go are my Wampler pedals and Corso amp... oh and that line 6 stuff in the closet... sigh... I should just bought this thing a couple of years ago!
Welcome to the world of Fractal Steve
Just letting guys know that I changed my name from randolfo to my real name; Randy4Guitars.

Much better coming out of that closet.

Thanks Scott.

Hey guys! I just got my Axe-FX 2 XL and consequently have started looking around the forums, so I thought I contribute to this thread staying alive by a ultra-short introduction.

Name is Adrian Gougov, I'm 26 and I hail from Bulgaria. I used to play and sing in a band called Viperfish. We used to do a sort of a heavier take on Muse, kinda System of a Down-ish thing I guess, with a lot of influences from theatrical music. A very weird type of prog if you can call it. We've been on an indefinite hiatus because I got some sort of throat infection that keeps my vocal cords uber-swollen and I can't sing with my pharyngeal voice anymore. That's been going on for like 3 years now, and I've since moved on to the engineering aspect of doing music. So currently very lost in what i really wanna do, I kinda used to write songs for other people and made a living out of that, but it's really not an option anymore cause writing vocal melodies has become a total nightmare without the freedom of improvising with my voice (my whole voice is covered in extreme grogginess). So I'm in the process of learning how to mix and hoping to start mixing professionally for some peeps in my country. Dunno. We'll see. Anyways. I love having an Axe-Fx, i'm still really noob-ish with it though, I kinda wanna learn to get some mix-ready tones, so you might see me around the forums asking a ton of stupid amateurish questions..Anyways, pleasure to be part of this community!

If any of you guys wanna check out my old band, here's some recordings we did back in the day (this is around 2009), we had no ABSOLUTELY no idea what we were doing in terms of recording, and neither did the people that recorded us apparently (back then i obviously had no sound criteria, it was all about making music for me) hah. But here's some tracks, cheers guys!:
I just got my Axe FX a couple of days ago.
I got a Matrix 1000FX and a couple of the Matrix NL12s to get started.
I need a few cables now to get hooked up. I have always just plugged
in and played, so to speak.

This is a little mind boggling. Ha ha ha ha.
Lots to learn.

Seeya around.

PS.... My MFCIII should be arriving on Tuesday.
I wish I would have waited another week to order
as I woulda saved about $400. :(
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Hi-My name is Frank. I was an early axe owner and forumite...And I let a new member piss me off enough to where I left for a while.

Decided this forum is too important for some other person to keep me away. I was afraid I would get vindictive etc, but I haven't and will not do that.

I have much help to offer as I have in the past and that's more important than the bullsh** that gets thrown around.

***************This nothing at all to do with the prescription I got from the VA for Tranquilizers, nothing at all :)

So I am officially welcoming myself back............yay.......Even joined Facebook for the first time and the Fractal facebook page was my first page................................
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