Introduction thread

I guess since I sent the wait list email in mid January, I should introduce my band.

Brainal Leakage
Brainal Leakage - YouTube

We've been playing the North Houston area for almost 2 years now. We play all original pop-to-hard rock. I did all of tracks on Soundcloud in my "dollar store" home studio in Garageband with all sorts of cobbled together equipment I have acquired over the years. We're actually getting an Axe-FX so we can begin recording our first real album. When we (finally) get started I'll be randomly posting some of our progress to the SoundCloud, and Youtube above (Forgive me, I have ADD, so I can't promise any real frequency, lol.) We are also currently looking for a new drummer, if anyone in the North Houston area is interested, or knows anyone in that area. Just send them to our Facebook, and have them PM us. Our former drummer just couldn't keep up with the late night schedule anymore, and decided to move on to day time things.

By the way, I am the guitarist/vocalist.

Now to go repetitively check my email...
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Hi everyone, I'm Richard... 39, live in Portland, OR area. I've just been playing as a hobby/creative outlet since 1988, but often went months on end without playing at all. Being young, anti-establishment (before I even knew what that really meant!) & living in the south in the 80's for me = get a guitar & play death metal!! (ala Slayer, Kreator, etc). Eventually the inner hippie in me prevailed, & my dream tone is Garcia's late 70's or early 90's. I went to Full Sail Center for Recording Arts 95-97 & got two degree's (audio/digi media) then moved up here to Portland area. Before 93 I had a few diff amps, but went digi in 93 & bought an Ibanez 540s, gsp21 legend, a H&K CF200 ss amp (very underrated), & H&K GL1x12. That's all I had until 2001... then bought a PRS Singlecut goldtop & put a Weber Cali in the cab, & got into bluegrass too, which is now my first love over electric (play banjo too), BUT I always since day one with GSP21 turned off emulation since I had a cab, & now since tech is as good as the axeFX2 I'm about to get one. I bought a GSP1101 a few years ago to upgrade & I tried my 1101 through mixer into krk rokit 5 with cab sims on & was impressed... but now that I see the AxeFX2 I must have one! - Richard
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Welcome, Richard! The GSPs were some great gear, but your Axe will blow you away. (IMO, the 540 is killer, too. I wish I could find the ideal pickups for it, though.)
Welcome! Fractal is one rabbit hole I've never regretted jumping into.. I am 4 months in and every day I seem to turn some kind of corner with this unit and it's possibilities! Killer investment and by far, the most amazing guitar addition I have ever owned.. good Luck!
Welcome, Richard! The GSPs were some great gear, but your Axe will blow you away. (IMO, the 540 is killer, too. I wish I could find the ideal pickups for it, though.)

I am thinking about waiting for the XL even though it's already WAY above my abilities. And yep... I loved that 540... had the "custom made" on the 22nd fret... played easy. I actually liked the USA DiMarzio's it came with except the sc, so I put in a Duncan hot for strat. Now it's just the PRS but I'm selling it to (gulp) get a Carvin MIDI guitar (sh65) AND a GR55, plus sewlling the 1101 & of course getting an axefx2
Welcome! Fractal is one rabbit hole I've never regretted jumping into.. I am 4 months in and every day I seem to turn some kind of corner with this unit and it's possibilities! Killer investment and by far, the most amazing guitar addition I have ever owned.. good Luck!

Thanks! & yeah, there's no doubt this thing just kills. Unreal. & I've never even touched one!
And yep... I loved that 540... had the "custom made" on the 22nd fret... played easy. I actually liked the USA DiMarzio's it came with except the sc, so I put in a Duncan hot for strat. Now it's just the PRS but I'm selling it to (gulp) get a Carvin MIDI guitar (sh65) AND a GR55, plus sewlling the 1101 & of course getting an axefx2
Mine came with the Quantum Series DiMarzios. I liked them, but changed them out for the USAs, which I like better. They sound better on my Roadstar, though. Still looking for something to tame the midrange a bit.
My axe should be here on Thursday. As soon as it gets here, and I figure out how to post a picture, I'll throw one up.

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Another new guy here. I'm on the wait list for an FXII MkII.

My name is Jim Bordner, I've been a professional composer and producer for 18 years d/b/a Gravity Music. I'm an Egnater artist, the father of two remarkable young men, and while I'm currently in Indiana I am moving the business to a Santa Rosa, CA April 10th. I've used early modelers, modeling plug-ins, real amps good and bad, but the Axe FXII looks like the (finally!) drop-dead Cool Guy solution to my recording problems. Hello. I will try not to step on any toes here.
I'm going to post pics here soon... My axe-fx is here, though, and I've been getting to know it really well. There's so much this thing can do, it's wonderfully over whelming.
Hey Dudes !
I think it is time I introduced myself :D
I have been playing guitar for about 6 years and bought the Axe Fx 2 in 2012 I think, and it is absolutely amazing !
Hoping to record an album with my band(prog) soon, check out my soundcloud

Hey, everyone! I've been subscribed to the forum since getting my AFXII in October, but haven't had the time to sit down and post yet! I'm a nineteen year old college student and musician from Kenosha, WI/Chicago, IL and play guitar in a band called Gravemind. We have an EP titled "Reflect // Resolve" coming out tomorrow for free and it'll be up on youtube/bandcamp/pretty much every other social media outlet!

I'm really really happy to finally be a part of the Fractal community and to have the one piece of gear I've been wanting since I was a freshman in high school!
Welcome to the forum Josh
Hello! I just joined the forum. I got my XL two days ago and couldn't be more excited about the endless sonic possibilities it offers. I hope to learn from and contribute to this great site and to become part of the Fractal Audio Systems family for the foreseeable future.
Hi, I've been lurking for a while but considering giving the Axe FX a try for a couple of years.

I'm a guitarist in the UK playing with Dirty Lions. We have an album out called RAW. I play mostly Les Pauls with the band but also use a Suhr Modern and a stock Tele. Amp wise I've been using Cornford for a while but have always been a Marshall guy at heart and occasionally still drag out a full stack for the larger gigs.

I took the plunge recently and my Axe-FXII XL arrived on Friday. Initially I was a little intimidated as I'm a novice when it comes to the computer side of music but I had nothing to fear. This has been the easiest and most exciting learning curve I've ever experienced in 35 years of playing.

Within a few hours I was using Axe-Edit to tweak presets and write my own patches. I then found Axe Exchange and have been downloading other peoples ideas.

I have a small home studio so the Axe FX is currently linked to my MacBook Pro and a pair of KRK Rokit monitors. I've also tried direct into a Cornford Roadhouse 50 via the effects loop.

As guitarists we are always searching for "that tone" and with the Axe-FX I've found it again and again. My creative enthusiasm has trebled overnight and I'm already recording new material to send out to the band.

Initially I envisaged keeping the Axe-FX for largely studio use but much to my wife's horror I have made a shopping list of gear so I can take this thing out live and replace my old rig completely.

One very happy customer.
Hey All,

I am picking up an Axe FX II XL tomorrow and am excited to play with it.

I am by no means the best guitarist, however I have for the longest time been massively frustrated with trying to achieve the tones I hear on records, particularly getting a nice clean sound that actually sounds good, particularly when sitting in a room with electronics in it.

From all I hear, the axe fx is the answer to my prayers :) I have been off playing guitar for quite a while (for one I am not living somewhere where I can play loud), but feel this can be quite an inspiration for me.

Additionally I feel that my Gibson Les Paul Traditional deserves an amazing friend to let it shine :)

I'm excited by the possibilities and the endless flexibility given it's all now in software, not to mention not having to spend tens (or hundreds) of thousands to get such a massive number of top-end amplifiers.

The fact fractal actually simulate down to the electronics/valve level blows my mind. Amazing!

Another note - for a long time I've watched amateur guitars cover songs on youtube. Invariably they tend to sound either mediocre or bad compared to the record, unless they happen to use an axe fx. I literally cannot believe how close (basically dead on) these guys get a sound with the axe fx. It's quite astonishing. Here's an amazing example -
Hi guys.
Im Mark, from Derby UK.

I play guitar in a groove metal band From Her Ashes

Im not an axe fx owner YET. But seriously looking into it so thought here would be a good place to start!

Currently using a Diezel Herbert and a Mesa 4x12 slant cab. The axe is making more sense the more we play shows.

Lets see what this place has to offer me :)

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