Introduction thread

Hi I'm Ron. Been around. Born in Israel, grew up in Canada, lived all over the USA and now am living in Cherry Hill, NJ. No I'm not a military rat lol.

Have had all kinds of gear over my 21 years of playing guitar and have been in bands aplenty, but now mostly just play for my 3 awesome kids. Really got the recording bug lately, and always wanted a pro rig, so I'm saving for an Axe FX II, MFC-101, Matrix gt1000fx through a Blackstar 2x12 Stereo Cab. Record into Garageband and have EZDrummer for drum tracks, but record everything else live. I now play mostly my prized Fender Am Std Strat, a new EBMM JP6 (greatest guitar I've ever played) and also a Taylor Electric Acoustic. My main rig is a Blackstar HT-40 with a bunch of analog pedals (anyone wanna buy some gear??? lol), but record through a Zoom G3 and a Yamaha THR10 (anyone wanna buy some more gear?? lol). I have a pair of M-Audio BX5a to listen back and mix. If things work out, I will probably sell all that stuff and stick with me "dream" rig above. Just started saving.

This is me screwing around in my garage: Kind of a little rough, but was a one shot record testing out my new camera.
Funky ToeJam - YouTube

Nice to meet everyone!
I`m J-P, 43, happily married, been here a couple of weeks in semi-lurking mode. From the south west of the Netherlands, close to the Belgian border. Currently only playing in an Alice In Chains tribute band. Had a lot of stuff but been selling almost all in the last couple of weeks. Coming from a big rig and some heads (Bogner Shiva, Elmwood M90) I had to change; we had a gigantic rehearsal room at our vocalists farm but he and his wife split up and we lost our rehearsal room.. and everything had to move to my living room at home.... Then I was able to trade my M90 for someones ULTRA 4 weeks ago and I liked the sounds a lot, in such a way I decided to sell my rack stuff, get rid of the pedal collection which worked out quite nicely. Then I was able to buy a 2nd hand MFC with 3 Boss FV500 pedals.
But when trying to restore factory presets (previous owner deleted all but 40 presets, which were alright) I had so many hassles with getting it done, eventually not succeeding and getting annoyed and impatient I sold my ULTRA last friday and ordered me AxeFX II at G66.... so there you go. I hope the fact that I can start from 0 with a brand new and preset loaded unit with USB I can go back to playing again.
Dang, I never saw this thread. Have been on there about 3 weeks now, have owned an Axe-Fx II for about two weeks (I started lurking here before it arrived to beef-up on things I'd need to know). Prior to finally getting an Axe-Fx II (a piece of gear I'd wanted for years), I used a POD HD Pro. It was okay, but now that I've got the Axe... oh man... I'm just totally blown away.

My days of playing live are behind me, but I still love to play and record, so I'm strictly a bedroom player these days. It's my therapy. My setup is simple: guitar, Axe-Fx II, headphones. Everything's hooked into my computer via USB, and I use Reaper for recording and whatnot.

Anyway, nice to meet everyone.
Hi all! I'm Marty...from Milwaukee, WI. I grew up in Northern Michigan, served four years in the Navy, and am now (after many other jobs) the Service Manager for Johnson Level & Tool. I have been playing guitar for over 20 + years, and give lessons locally for beginners to intermediate students. My favorite bands are Dream Theater, Spock's Beard, and Eric Johnson. I JUST sold a Petrucci style rig (you can search for 'guitartripper' on youtube for a video of it) so that I could buy the Axe FX II after hearing/reading so many awesome reviews/videos, etc. I also sold 3 EBMM Petrucci's to get the new JP13 that's coming out.

I am the guitarist for a Prog Rock band called Infinite End. Check us out at or Infinite End

Hope to speak with all of you guys at some point to learn some tips/tricks to this AWESOME device!
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Manning and I hail from historic Charleston, SC. I am 43 years young. I have been playing guitar non professionally since I was around age 11. I just purchased an Axe FX II on Friday evening and I am anxious for it's arrival. I plan on buying today a pair of Adam Ax7 monitors. The gear I play on are a Splawn Street Rod Head coupled to a Splawn 2 x 12 Cabinet. My guitars are two USA Jackson Soloists. Glad to be here.

EDIT: My new screen name is Alien Ore. I hope its OK that I made a new one. I will not be using this screen name, Axe Slinger, again.
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Welcome to the forum guys and it's a great time to be getting into the AFX with v10're all going to have a blast.
It's here!!!!!! It's out of the box and here's a picture. Unfortunately, the monitors have not arrived nor the cables so can't set it up yet. But at least I can take a picture of this beauty. I'll go read the manual for a while.


  • Axe Arrival April 10 2013.jpg
    Axe Arrival April 10 2013.jpg
    81 KB · Views: 44
<-- stands up, walks to front of room and faces gawking crowd

Hello, my name is Sam from Lansing, NC. I am a hobby addict!! Any/all hobbies actually. From guitars to cars I always have my hands into something that costs way too much :hororr: . I picked up my first (bass) guitar approx. 1990. First 6 string (Ibanez RG120) while in the USAF in late '92. After getting out of the service I did the band thing and traveled all over New England (USA) covering Slayer, Pantera, Death, Morbid Angel, 6 Feet Under, Sepultura, etc etc etc. That lasted a couple/phew years when one morning I woke up and realized how broke I was :eek:. Time for a real job ...

I've been a over the road truck driver since. just jamming with myself and a Digitech 2101 ( SAY WHAT!! Someone still plays those old things? ) and a BK Butler RT-922 through a Marshall 80/80 valve state power amp. After about 15+ years of ownership I believe it is time to upgrade (?). Playing a '91 Charvel (by Jackson) that I bought used in '95 and my newest guitar, a BC Rich KK Warlock (I hate signature guitars but, the specs and price were right). Through all the guitars I've bought, sold & traded over the years the Charvel is by far the best (now loaded with a X2N)!

Here I am contemplating my AFX II purchase but, keep talking myself out of it. Current excuse: waiting on a stable working version of Axe-edit
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*Checking to make sure my name tag is on correctly before also heading to the front of the room*

Hello everyone! Well, my name is Jeff... a guitar player, of course, currently living on Long Island, NY. I'm a pretty new user/owner of an AFX2 and have found the forum here invaluable in my search for info and direction before I pulled the trigger and purchased the unit a short while back. Finally I decided to register and make things "official". I guess I can now say I'm truly a member of the club, eh? :)

I look forward to contributing to the posts where I can and also interacting with everyone here. I'm sure you'll see many of my posts in the future being that I am not shy about asking questions when it comes to needing answers... and with all the experience between everyone here on the forum, there's no better place to begin.

Thanks for offering such a great resource of players and AFX users and for any help in advance. :)
Newbie w/my first Axe Fx II on its way to me from Fractal. It's totally inspiring to see/hear what's folks are getting out of this unit. - Seems like a good time to start my journey!!
Hey Buddy! Welcome to the forum. You've just become a member of an awesome "family" that will be a huge resource for all your questions.

I'm sure you're going to love your new AFX once you receive it. Have fun!
Thank you Jeff! My A2 just came in last night and I got all my drivers loaded,etc successfully. I'm definitely keeping an eye on this forum researching and learning more, great threads and tons of invaluable info. Looks like I'll have an interesting weekend digging in! :eagerness:
Hey everyone! I'm a long-time lurker of the forums, and thought I'd finally make an account since I love the fractal community. I used to own an Axe FX Standard and I've been an owner of an Axe FX II since the waiting list.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I LOVE my Axe II and the dedication from Cliff and the rest of the Fractal Audio team. I'm also into DSP development and the Axe FX has always impressed me!
Hi, I'm Fabio, 29 and from the UK.

I like Rock/Metal/Classical and French House.
I don't like people who abuse English on Facebook, or even Facebook for that matter.

I like to make people laugh as a defense mechanism, because I'm actually very insecure as a person and automatically believe that everyone dislikes me for breathing, and being a proud Atheist.

I have twin sons, Hugo and Nico who are 21 months now and they are and always will be, my greatest creation in life.
Hello guys! I'm John. Long-time lurker. Finally decided to make an account last week(?) or so since I noticed there's a For Sale section! Still saving up for an Axe Fx 2 unit and MFC! I can't wait :) I want to make a huge upgrade from the Pod Hd500 that I'm currently using. I think its about time :eagerness:
Hello everybody,

My name is Eddi and I live in New Mexico. I'll be receiving my axe fx 2 in 4 days after being a long time line 6 user. This was an early Christmas/graduation present from my wife.

No kids, a wife, and a Boston terror i mean terrier. I have different hobbies so feel free to ask if you're interested.

I am very excited to play with it. Been lurking the forums intensively the last couple of day. I'll be using my axe fx for recording playing in my band.

I have so many musical influences. Anything from progressive metal to Mexican pop. Which leads to many different guilty pleasures.

Oh yeah, I'm a lefty :)

Mine is finally here!!!! Oh boy it's been a long journey but I'm finally proud to say that I'm an axe fx 2 owner. Don't usually scare people with my mug but here I am, excited as I can be.

View attachment 18485
Outstanding!! Welcome. I'm a month in myself and have yet to even scratch the surface. I've tried the axe gigging acoustically so far w mixed results and electric rehearsals are garnering smiles from band mates.

Welcome to the journey!!
( I sound like a religious zealot!)

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