Introduction thread

My Ultra should arrive here in a few hours, so I figured I'd introduce myself.

My name is Mark Briody and I play guitar for a traditional metal band called 'Jag Panzer'. We're in the Priest / Maiden vein and we've been releasing albums for many years (since we were kids). I pretty much just play rhythm and write some songs. My lead playing skills are about the level of a 13 year old. :lol: Well maybe just an average 13 year old, there are some really good 13 year olds with excellent chops.

I'm always looking for new sounds and ways to improve my tone. I have an Engl Powerball head that I love. I'm tracking for a new album using this head. I'm looking forward to doing some tracking with the Axe FX to see what it can do. The Axe FX may totally replace the Engl or maybe just supplement it. I don't know, I'll need to use my own ears to decide.
Hello everyone....

My names Rob.. 43 yr old PC and embedded software and hardware designer.

And its time I introduced myself to the board having owned an ultra for nearly a month now.

I've played guitar for 30 odd years now in local bands, started with Hendrix and the usual suspects and now much more eclectic as happens with age..

I've been fortunate enough to be able to own good equipment and keep the decent..

I've had most of the modellers out there ... really enjoyed the GT8 when it came out.

I'm the MrSleepy who wrote the GT8 editor...which was popular for a while..

BUT...the ultra is the best by far... I'm very impressed by it .. a twiddlers delight.

Hiya everyone,

Im Mart from the Uk, big guitar holic(like most of us here i imagine haha) who's hobbie's include hording musical equipment it seem's :oops: .
I currently have a Peavey JSX amp head, Engl Ritchie Blackmore sig amp head, my own self built 1x12 cab and a ton of useless pedal's which look the business lol, but i very recently ordered the Axe-fx Ultra from a friend's recommendation and ofcourse seeing John Petrucci,Steve Vai praising the unit up also helped in my decision of buying one :mrgreen: .
Im waiting for the Axe to come in stock atm (getting on for four week's atm, im gagging to get my hand's on this little beast ), but im sure it will be worth the wait, i just hope it dosen't render my amp's completely useless :lol:
oops i guess i didn't introduce myself properly :eek: even though i've been on the board for about a week now.

i'm josh, in san jose, ca (usa). looking forward to jamming with the ultra & mfc, chatting it up here, making a commotion, etc. just got my ultra 9/16, on the wait-list for the mfc.

recently decided to sell off the rack gear i had just finished purchasing to achieve more flexibility (and mobility). right now i run the axe as a preamp/fx unit through my mark v, but maybe after all is said and done i will go with "just" a power amp and use the axe for everything. (i've already looked into vht/fryette options :mrgreen:).

so that's all for now, i suppose. will post rig pics and pedal board when things settle down w/ the axe rig.
Hey peeeps!

My name is kd and I learnt a great deal about the AXE FX here and finally made the plunge and purchased the Ultra and boy o boy do I LOVE this thing!! :D :D :D

Thank you so much for all the help and I hope to return the same :)

GOd bless!

I'm Braiden. I've been playing guitar since I was eleven or so. Picked up the violin and mandolin as party favours, :lol:. I slappa'da'bass, as well. I went to university as a Math/CompSci major, but now I work in a Pulp & Paper Mill and am building a small recording studio with my friend, Mike - he sings for a local band and knows more about gear than the guitarists without even owning a rig or even a guitar. He values knowledge. That, and he's a tone-Nazi.

My name is Tom. Some people call me Fro. I'm 39 and work at a music publishing company. I've had my Standard for about 8 months now. I feel like I've been spying on everyone since I've been reading the Forum from day one, so I thought it was about time I join the fun and add a comment or two here and there.

I've had a love/hate relationship with my Standard from day one, but in all fairness, I feel that way with all of my gear. I've tried using it as effects only before the amp, FRFR, power amp and 1x12, power amp and 2x12, and everything in between. I have settled on the 4 cable method with my 50 watt Marshall Jubilee head and 2x12 Jubilee bottom and couldn't be happier. The bonus is, since I've tried every possible use for this thing, is that I have patches to cover every situation. My main 2 guitars are a 70's Tele Custom and a 70's Strat, both with Dimarzio pickups. I'm into classic rock, and I prefer British Blues over Texas Blues. I've been playing since I was 10. I started in a cover band, then I did the original thing, and now I'm back in a cover band.

A big thanks to everyone for all of their help the past 8 months. I couldn't have done any of this on my own. I hope to get the chance to get off the sideline now and pipe in every now and then.

Hello everyone. My name is Andrew.
Long time GASer for the fractal, finally got one, a custom one at that.
I play guitar in a 6 piece prog/djent/ish band. Finally finished my rig too. Too long enough ahha
Hoping to meet some new friends here and eventually share the stuff i do once i get some recordings done!
Hi everyone,

I got my Ultra a couple of months ago - I play a Jem through it. The worst part about it is Guitar Center ... I used to go there a lot to play with everything, but there's just no need any more.

I used to play through processors a lot - started with an AX30G, then a GT-6 - then I ditched everything and ran straight into a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe only. I sold that, and bought the Axe-Fx, and run it FRFR. The GT-6 was a good pedal, but this is something else.

Also - massive thanks to everyone who uploaded patches here and on AxeExchange. You guys doubled the enjoyment I get out of this unit.
Hey Guys!

I'm Dave from germany and i just joined your nice, little community here. Mostly because i'm interested in getting an Axe quite soon in order to record my Band's Album with it.
Speaking of which: i play guitar in "Effloresce", a female fronted Prog-Metal-Outfit. If you want to know more, feel free to check out our website: Effloresceonline We have our Debut-EP streaming there for free so you get quite a good taste of what we sound like.

If you want to know more, just drop me a line!
Hey guys

I'm Dave AKA ZeeW and I've just joined the forum.

I've been a long time 'tone' chaser that has found the Axe Fx. I hope to learn lots from the forum.
My name is Edwards.I hope that I got much data and knowledge of many things and also the information and other kind of the threads mentioned at the forum.
Hi everyone,

I'm Andrew, currently working as a freelance writer. Having worked with high school and college students on improving their chances of obtaining their first job by putting my best tips and tricks here. I provide job seekers with tips and guidelines in making resume and cover letter. I've also included job interview tips and career advancement advice.
Hi everyone - I've been an Ultra player (and a forum Lurker) since 2008 - just upgraded to the Axe-Fx II and thought I'd finally stop in and introduce myself. My name is Gregg and I play lots of different stuff ranging from Jazz to Metal to World Music. Thanks to all of the regular contributors to the forum - I've learned so much about the Axe and amps/signal processing in general by sifting through all of the posts.

I'm not going to post this in the recordings section because this tune is in the process of being taken apart and put back together with the Axe II (hope to post a review on that soon), but this is a little sample of the odd stuff knocking around in my head:

BurningDevils by TheThirdG on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Hi, I'm Torje (23) from Norway. Ordered the axe-fx II 30/6-11 and I'm trying to be patient about it (hard, but Sussi from g66 is a saviour).

I have an old epiphone sg special 81/85 (my first guitar), Ibanez rg1527 evo7/air norton7, Ibanez rg2228

a Vox ad120vt: V30's and a handful of pedals including the nady td-1 (it's awesome! :geek)

Very impressed with the forum and if you want to give my music a listen I just made:

Torje Amundsen's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
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Greetings and Salutations -

Darren here. I got an Ultra back in early 2010 and the equipment sell off began shortly after. I got my coupon and AxeII last month and I'm still barely scratching the surface of potential on this amazing device. I play equal parts acoustic/fingerstyle and hard rock/prog/metal, and I use the Axe for both. One of these years I may actually make the Axe break a sweat.
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